Wealthy clients are asking for conversation pieces and sustainable materials in their homes.
Getty Images; Chelsea Jia Feng/BI
I'm an interior designer who's worked with wealthy clients with large budgets.
Lately, more clients have been asking me to include expensive conversation pieces in their homes.
My wealthy clients also gravitate toward eco-friendly materials and statement stones, like onyx.
As an interior designer, I always love working with clients to create spaces that showcase their personalities and values, no matter their budget. But recently, I've had the opportunity to peel back the curtain and see what the wealthy are asking for in their homes.
Over the past year, I've been working with high-profile clients — from influencers to a CEO — with large budgets. So, I feel like I have a front-row seat to the latest trends in luxury home decor.
Here's what the wealthy are currently loving in their homes.
Clients are constantly asking for conversation pieces.One client asked me to incorporate a 17th-century fireplace (not pictured) into their home.
Andreas von Einsiedel/Getty Images
This might sound odd, but some clients insist on incorporating seemingly random, vintage (and, in my opinion, extremely overpriced) items into their homes.
These pieces have ranged from a salvaged fireplace from a 17th-century home in France to a weathered wooden door from an abandoned Italian villa. But honestly, I'm all for it.
Having something interesting to talk about when people walk in never hurts. Imagine someone complimenting your fireplace and casually replying, "Thanks, I shipped it from France." Talk about a conversation starter.
Custom art is becoming more popular among my clients.I love decorating spaces with custom art pieces.
Sammi Smith
I recently worked with clients who wanted art pieces that reflected their personalities.
Instead of picking something off the shelf, I made custom art that fit my clients' visions. Many of these pieces, which required large paintings or paper canvases, were very expensive to make.
Still, my clients loved being part of the creative journey, tweaking and perfecting their masterpieces until they felt just right. As a designer, seeing someone light up when they look at a one-of-a-kind piece hanging on their wall is fulfilling.
Sustainability is definitely in.My wealthy clients have asked for eco-friendly items, like LED light bulbs, in their homes.
Ton Photographer 4289/Shutterstock
Many of my affluent clients search for materials that look stunning and are made with sustainability in mind — think energy-efficient lighting, reclaimed wood, and renewable-energy sources.
For example, I've recently sourced sustainably made mattresses for a bedroom and salvaged boards from a barn for a kitchen backsplash.
I believe the future of interior design, especially in luxury homes, will revolve around sustainability. Over the next few years, I expect more designers to ask questions like, "How can we reuse marble to give it a second life?"
Statement stones like onyx and exotic marbles are popular among clients.My clients love stone tiles and counters with bold colors and veins.
asbe/Getty Images
Gone are the days of plain countertops and all-white rooms that lack personality. Many of my high-end clients embrace bold statement stones like onyx and exotic marbles that showcase rich lines in the stone and make a striking impact.
Picture a kitchen with a stunning onyx backsplash or a bathroom countertop that elicits a "wow." Statement stones can elevate an ordinary space into something truly unique.
Custom-made furniture is definitely a favorite.I love perfectly sizing pieces of furniture to fit a space.
Sammi Smith
Custom-made furniture can be a game changer. I love the satisfaction of perfectly sizing a sofa to fit into a tricky corner or coordinating the trim on dining-room chairs with the fabric on a living-room couch.
Though custom pieces aren't essential — many of my favorite couches come from Ikea and other big-box stores — customizing furniture provides a chance to create unique items that reflect personal style and needs.
Clients who choose the custom-furniture route can select their preferred styles, source unique fabrics, and find ideal cushion fillings.
I've recently been incorporating ambient lighting into my clients' homes.Ambient lighting can come from hidden LED strips or lamps that emit a soft glow.
Sammi Smith
Have you ever walked into a nice restaurant and noticed a cozy vibe from the lighting? Ambient lighting — soft, glowing light that usually serves as a room's primary source of illumination — instantly makes everything feel more inviting.
Lately, my clients with big budgets are asking for custom ambient lighting in every corner of their homes. These fixtures, which range from LED strips tucked away in architectural details to beautifully designed lamps that cast a warm glow, create a luxurious, relaxing atmosphere.
Organic mattresses seem to be all the rage.Lately, I've been furnishing my clients' homes with organic mattresses.
Sammi Smith
Some mattresses contain polyurethane foam, which can emit chemicals known as volatile organic compounds. Some of these chemicals can be harmful, so lately, I've been furnishing my client's bedrooms with organic mattresses instead.
I recently stumbled upon Avocado Green Mattress, a company specializing in organic mattresses and luxury bedding. So far, I've used the brand's mattresses and furniture in two of my projects, and they've been a hit.
Linen materials are everywhere.I love linen because it feels luxurious and is versatile.
Sammi Smith
Luxurious linens are popping up everywhere, and honestly, I couldn't be more excited about it.
Linen has proved to be so much more than just a bedding essential. The fabric has an effortlessly luxurious aesthetic, has great breathability, and is versatile enough for furniture, bedding, and window treatments.
Imagine draping your windows with stunning linen curtains that filter light and add a chic touch to your living space. Or how about reupholstering an old chair with some high-quality linen? This fabric can easily give your space a fresh new personality.
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