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Constellation-Class Frigate Program: Running Late and Costing More

The United States Navy's Constellation-class frigates are set to replace the aging Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates now in service, but the warships are now estimated to be three years behind schedule and could cost more than originally expected.

As previously reported by Brandon J. Weichert for The National Interest, "It's been a slow-rolling disaster from the moment after the contracts were signed all the way to the point at which the steel for the ship's hulls were cut."

Weichert is far from alone in offering such a harsh assessment of the program.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) warned earlier this year that the problems began as the U.S. Navy opted to move forward with the construction of FFG-62, the lead vessel of the new class of frigates, even as the designs weren't finalized. It was akin to starting construction on a house without final blueprints! As a result, the U.S. Navy has already acknowledged that its April 2026 delivery date for the first Constellation-class frigate is unachievable. At best, the first warship of the class could be delivered 36 months late.

More Issues with FFG-62

Another government watchdog, the Congressional Research Service, which released its latest report: " Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress," called for lawmakers to ask hard several questions.

These include what "impact will the delay have on the delivery schedules for follow-on ships in the program," and what actions can Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, Wisconsin, do to address worker shortages that could further delay the program?

The entire U.S. shipbuilding industry is facing a worker shortage, and while increased pay and other benefits are being offered to recruit new talent, the CRS warned that lawmakers need to know if this could impact the cost of the frigates as well as other U.S. Navy warships that could be built at the yard.

"To what degree do worker shortages at the shipyard reflect circumstances unique to the shipyard? To what degree do they reflect circumstances affecting shipyards across the country? What lessons for future Navy shipbuilding efforts, if any, can the shipbuilding industry and the Navy learn from the delay in the delivery of the first ship," the CRS further listed as key issues for Congress.

The lack of talent at America's shipyards is arguably the greatest "Achilles Heel" that the U.S. Navy faces. The sea service needs more ships, it needs more sailors and it needs more aircraft. Those other problems can't be solved without addressing this shipyard issue first.

A Second Shipyard to the Rescue? Maybe

Earlier this year, Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA) and the FFG 62 Constellation Class Frigate Program Office (PSM 515) issued a request for information (RFI), which officially called for a second shipyard to build the next-generation frigates.

"PMS 515 seeks to identify qualified U.S. surface combatant Shipbuilders as sources for future design and/or follow-on construction of the Constellation Class Frigate," the RFI noted, and added, "Qualified Shipbuilders must demonstrate that they possess the requisite facilities, workforce, and capabilities to perform the work."

This may sound like an ideal solution, but according to the U.S. Maritime Administration there are currently only 154 private shipyards in 29 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands that are classified as "active shipbuilders." While there are more than 300 additional private shipyards that are engaged in ship repairs, most are not actively engaged in shipbuilding.

Moreover, it is unclear how many of the 154 active shipbuilders could handle a Department of Defense contract of this size, including the required SECRET security clearance that comes with it.

Critics of the FFG 62 program have called for it to be paused to ensure the designs are finalized and to determine how the industry can build the warships. This could allow the shipyards to focus on the other vessels that are also running late, and get at least one program back on schedule and within budget.

Author Experience and Expertise: Peter Suciu

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer. He has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers, and websites with over 3,200 published pieces over a twenty-year career in journalism. He regularly writes about military hardware, firearms history, cybersecurity, politics, and international affairs. Peter is also a Contributing Writer for Forbes and Clearance Jobs. You can follow him on Twitter: @PeterSuciu. You can email the author: Editor@nationalinterest.org.

Image Credit: Creative Commons and/or Shutterstock.

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