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Top cities to make it on Santa’s nice list this Christmas – and his naughty ones

THE top cities that have made it to Santa’s nice list this Christmas have been revealed – as well as his naughty ones.

People in Cardiff are most likely to top Santa’s ‘nice’ list this Christmas – but Brummies are most at risk of receiving a lump of coal, according to research.

Dimitris Legakis/PinPep
Cardiff topped the NOMO Nice List[/caption]
Dimitris Legakis/PinPep
Blue Santa arrived to mark the occasion[/caption]
Dimitris Legakis/PinPep
A donation of 8,000 NOMO chocolates was made to the Cardiff Food Bank[/caption]

The poll of 2,000 adults found those in the Welsh capital carry out most good deeds during the year and show the most Christmas spirit.

They average more than six good deeds per week, followed by those in Bristol and Southampton.

But those in Birmingham, Sheffield and Edinburgh are most likely to receive a lump of coal.

Interestingly, those in the Scottish capital, around 29 per cent, reckoned they deserve to be at the bottom of the list.

This is followed by respondents in Manchester – who are most likely to dodge a good deed if they can help it.

The research was conducted by free from chocolate brand NOMO as part of its ‘NOMO’s nice list’ campaign, where the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff accepted a donation of 8,000 bars of its chocolate on behalf of Cardiff Foodbank.

This timely donation comes as it will be preparing Christmas emergency food parcels.

Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Helen Lloyd Jones said: “It’s wonderful to be recognised as the top city on NOMO’s ‘nice list’ – we pride ourselves on being a friendly city.

“This highlights the incredible community spirit that makes our city so special.

“This generous donation to Cardiff Foodbank will bring joy to so many families this Christmas, and we’re deeply grateful for their support.

“This partnership shows how acts of kindness—big and small—can make a real difference.”

Rachel Biggs, CEO of Cardiff Foodbank, added: “Finding treats that are safe for everyone can be a challenge for many, so it’s wonderful to be able to offer something that everyone can enjoy, no matter their dietary needs.

“Chocolate is one our most needed items, especially at Christmas.”

When all respondents were asked which cities were home to the nicest people in the UK, Newcastle came out in top spot, followed by Liverpool and London


1.    Cardiff               6.44
2.    Bristol                6.33
3.    Southampton   6.21
4.    Manchester      6.16
5.    London              5.99  

It also emerged an average of five acts of kindness were undertaken each week with saying hello to a next-door neighbour, smiling at a stranger and opening a door for someone the top deeds done. 

While 32 per cent will give way to another driver when they didn’t need to and 29 per cent donate something to charity.

The research suggests kindness is much more common across the UK than cynics might think.

Everyday acts, like helping a neighbour, are widespread and having a bigger impact than perhaps thought – with roughly a third going out of their way multiple times a week to ensure they’re kind to others. 

And 38 per cent said they’re motivated by a desire to help society, while others do it to strengthen community ties or simply spread joy, with the festive season being another strong motivation.

While 36 per cent are more likely to be kind and nice to others around the festive period according to the data.

For the cities leading the way in spreading Christmas cheer, the positive impact is clear – 66 per cent of people feel happy after performing kind acts.

And one in six experience that positive feeling for over an hour.

The research even found 30 per cent have even formed new connections or friendships through a simple act of kindness. 

Tara Stevens from NOMO added: “Clearly, Cardiff is set to have a wonderful Christmas with the most people on Santa’s nice list.

“But for those who might find themselves on the naughty list, it’s not too late to do a few good deeds and turn the tables.

“The research shows that acts of kindness not only boost others, but also make us feel better too – the festive season is the perfect time to reach out and help, and if more people followed Cardiff’s lead, we could all enjoy a more wholesome and welcoming festive season.

“We’re all about kindness, inclusivity, and togetherness—values that are reflected in our commitment to making chocolate accessible to everyone.”


1.    Birmingham      4.96
2.    Sheffield             4.99
3.    Edinburgh         5.16
4.    Cambridge       5.2
5.    Norwich           5.24

Dimitris Legakis/PinPep
Everyday acts, like helping a neighbour, are widespread and having a bigger impact than perhaps thought[/caption]

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