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Smart, Selected Shopping – Meet TheDesignerBox

Co-director Daniel Guishard-Gratton explains how sensational suppliers, a regular rotation of stock, and a sustainable edge have made the luxe e-commerce brand stand out.

Pop into your nearest upmarket high street, shopping centre or department store to get your designer fashion fix and you’ll notice two major things; a lack of stock and regular deals.

As customers increasingly head online, the in-person retail experience is giving way to the supremacy of e-commerce platforms, and one business which has stepped into this brave new reality in full force is TheDesignerBox, a Cardiff-based luxury menswear platform offering a curated selection of clothing, trainers and accessories at competitive prices.

“The inspiration behind TheDesignerBox came from a desire to bridge the gap between luxury brands and fashion enthusiasts,” explains co-director Daniel Guishard-Gratton. “After years of working in fashion retail and seeing the demand for high-quality designer goods, we recognised a need for a trustworthy platform where customers could access luxury items without the intimidating price tags. Our mission is to create a more inclusive luxury shopping experience.”

Not only does TheDesignerBox promise a more inclusive designer offering thanks to its competitive pricing – the platform lists some items up to “65% off retail,” explains Guishard-Gratton – but it also offers something else, namely “authenticity and quality.” By working closely with designer brands and “authorised suppliers,” the platform ensures customers enjoy a “rotating selection” of designer goods, keeping things “fresh and exciting” and “accessible without compromising on quality.”

So forget the ‘made for outlet’ style items you see hanging around in several discount designer adjacent retailers. TheDesignerBox doesn’t do sub-par designer clothing, nor does it allow things to hang on the digital peg for long. In a society increasingly concerned about environmental issues, TheDesignerBox also prioritises sustainability by “choosing items that are timeless rather than trend-based, so our customers can shop consciously and confidently.”

Naturally, sourcing prime quality and authentic designer clothing at the right prices was a core business challenge for Guishard-Gratton and his team when they started. Still, they pulled it off thanks to forging the right relationships. “It took time to establish trusted relationships with suppliers and build an inventory that met our high standards,” he says. Going forward, growing the business “while maintaining our unique, curated experience,” is another challenge, but he believes that maintaining lean operations, personalised customer service, a highly selective product line, and in short “balancing growth with our commitment to quality and personalised service,” will keep them growing, namely into “international markets,” within five years.

Establishing trust, not only with its suppliers but its customers too, has ensured the platform’s success to date. “As a new brand in the luxury market, building customer trust was a top priority; this meant investing in secure payment systems, customer service, and transparency to build credibility.”

At only four years old, the platform is in the midst of its scale-up stage. According to Guishard-Gratton, the next twelve months will see significant production expansion and the introduction of “new, in-demand designer brands.” Encouraging repeat custom is also a big goal, and the team is currently “working on developing a loyalty programme” to make returning customers even more engaged with the platform. Improving customer experience is also important, and a “more intuitive website and mobile app to make shopping for luxury items even more seamless,” is in the works.

As a leader, Guishard-Gratton credits “adaptability” as one of his core lessons. Running a business in an industry which is “constantly evolving,” has meant being open to change, to “innovate and stay competitive.” Furthermore, “putting our customers first,” including “listening to their feedback and adapting to their needs,” has gone hand-in-hand with growth so far.

Ultimately, customer interest and satisfaction are what matters most. “Our repeat customer rate has been steadily increasing which is a positive sign that we’re building a brand that customers trust and return to,” he explains. “Consistent month-over-month growth in sales,” is another source of pride for the team, and with the retail mega-event Black Friday on the horizon, there’s an expectation to “achieve a record number of new customers and sales.” Well, TheDesignerBox, here’s to a spectacular pre-Christmas trade!

The post Smart, Selected Shopping – Meet TheDesignerBox appeared first on Real Business.

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