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I've gone on over 30 safaris in South Africa. Here are 6 things I wish I knew before my first one.

I've been on over 30 safaris, and there are a few things I wish I had known before my first one.
  • There are several things I wish I'd known before I went on my first safari in South Africa.
  • I didn't expect to experience a wide range of weather conditions in the winter months.
  • If possible, I'd recommend booking a guided drive to get the most out of the safari.

When I went on my first safari, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect — lots of animals, plenty of sun, and maybe a little dust.

But now that I've been on over 30 safaris in South Africa, I've realized just how little I knew back then.

Here are six things I wish someone had told me before I embarked on a safari for the first time.

The weather in Africa isn't always hot and dry.
I recommend packing for a range of weather conditions.

When envisioning a safari, the image of a hot, sunny African day probably comes to mind. Although that's often the case, weather on safari can be unpredictable and have a huge impact on the overall experience.

South African winters — which last from around June through September — can be surprisingly cold, especially on early morning game drives. That's why I recommend bringing a warm jacket, hat, and gloves during these months.

The good news is that the best wildlife-viewing opportunities often occur in cooler weather. The lack of rain usually makes the animals easier to spot since scarce water forces them to gather around watering holes.

Don't self-drive on your first safari.
Game rangers can point out animals that might otherwise be overlooked.

Self-driving in places like South Africa's Kruger National Park is a fantastic experience — if you know what you're doing.

For a first-timer, hiring a game ranger or opting for guided drives can be an invaluable experience. This is because these guides are wildlife experts trained to spot animals the average viewer may not notice by themselves.

Countless times, I've had rangers spot big cats and even elephants that I would've driven right past because they were camouflaged with the trees. I've learned plenty about the terrain, animal behavior, and history of the park from these guides.

Private reserves offer a different — and often better — experience for first-timers.
Private reserves are worth the splurge, in my opinion.

Private reserves are protected wildlife areas owned by individuals or organizations. They usually offer the same wildlife-viewing options as national parks, but a few key differences can make going private a better option.

In some reserves, rangers are allowed to drive off-road to get you closer to the action, whether that's a pride of lions or a herd of elephants.

You're also less likely to encounter large crowds at a private reserve. For example, in some popular national parks, it's not unusual to find 10 or more vehicles jostling for a view of an animal sighting. However, in private reserves, the number of vehicles is limited.

The catch is, of course, that private reserves are more expensive. But in my opinion, the intimate and exclusive experience is well worth the extra cost, especially for a first-time safari-goer.

The smaller animals are just as exciting to watch as the Big Five.
Some of the less-famous animals are just as exciting to see on safari.

Before my first safari, I didn't give much thought to the smaller animals. I was focused on the Big Five — lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalo.

But one of the unexpected joys of safari is witnessing the incredible variety of smaller creatures that call Africa home.

For example, Africa is a birder's paradise, and even if you don't consider yourself a bird enthusiast, it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement.

Some of the less-famous animals — like wild dogs, cheetahs, servals, and hyenas — are stunning to see, too.

Don't forget to pack binoculars.
I've found binoculars can significantly enhance the safari experience.

People often underestimate the importance of a pair of binoculars.

The guide will typically have a pair and offer to let you have a look, but that typically means sharing with five other people who are all trying to check out the same thing.

Make sure to tell the ranger it’s your first safari.
Rangers usually want to give first-timers the best experience possible.

When you board the safari vehicle, you'll usually have a chance to chat with your ranger beforehand. If it's your first time, let them know.

If your guide thinks you've seen the "everyday" stuff, they might whizz past zebras or skip talking about some basic animal behaviors and fun facts.

However, for a first-timer, these are magical and exciting experiences. If you let them know you're new to this, game rangers will usually want to make your first time as memorable as possible.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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