Pie is a holiday staple, but it's not always worth making it from scratch.
Rachel Askinasi/Insider
Culinary pros shared tips for how to make store-bought pies look homemade and taste even better.
Melting butter or cheese on top of a pie can help balance out its sweetness.
Decorate your dessert with a dusting of powdered sugar, frosted lettering, or caramel sauce.
Make an herbed caramel sauce to add a gourmet flair to a store-bought pie.A caramel drizzle can elevate a dessert.
Lynne Mitchell/Getty Images
Professional baker and winner of TLC's "Cake Boss: Next Great Baker" Dana Herbert told Business Insider that he recommends adding an herbed caramel sauce to ready-made pies.
"Add some cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, ginger, or cardamom to warm caramel sauce and serve it with the pie," Herbert said. "Even traditionally savory herbs can complement sweet desserts."
If you're not sure whether a particular herb would pair well with your pie, Herbert recommended closing your eyes and smelling the herb or spice — if you can detect something sweet in the scent, it's probably OK to use.
Pop your store-bought pie out of its packaging to make it look homemade.Take your pie out of the store's packaging so it doesn't look premade.
Animas Photography/Shutterstock
Alexandra Lourdes, co-owner of Saint Honoré Doughnuts and Beignets, told BI that the easiest way to elevate a store-bought pie is to simply remove it from its original packaging.
"Make sure you take it out of the box it came in," Lourdes said. "If you place it in a new box, add a ribbon, or arrange it on a beautiful cake stand, no one will ever know it's not homemade."
Top blueberry or cherry pie with a dollop of lemon curd.You can make your lemon curd or buy it from the store.
Romix Image/Shuttershock
Introducing some lemon flavor can add complexity to and elevate the taste of a premade berry pie.
"Make a super tangy lemon curd with lemon juice and plenty of zest," Herbert said. "The sourness will cut through some of the excessive sweetness found in store-bought blueberry and cherry pies."
If you don't have time to make your own lemon curd, you can buy some from the grocery store and stir in a bit of fresh lemon juice and rind.
Melt butter on top for extra richness.Only add a little bit of butter at a time.
haha21/Getty Images
Kevin Cabrera, corporate executive chef at The Save Mart Companies, told BI that melting a bit of butter on top of a ready-made pie can help give it a homemade richness.
"Halfway through warming your pie, directly insert thin slices of butter into the venting slits of the pie," Cabrera said. "This will give it a nice, moist flavor."
Adding too much butter might oversaturate the pie and lead to a soggy crust, so start with a tablespoon or two, and add more if necessary.
Sprinkle on some salt to balance overly sweet pies.Adding salt can save your pie from tasting too sweet.
Carlo Lamagna, chef and owner of Magna PDX, told BI that a dose of salt can help tone down the sweetness in syrupy pies.
"Salt helps accentuate flavors and balances out often overly sweet items," Lamagna said.
If you don't want to sprinkle pure salt on your dessert, you can opt for crushed salted nuts, like peanuts or cashews, which will still do the trick and add extra texture.
Melt cheese onto the crust of your apple pie.Cheddar can pair nicely with apple pie.
Rebeca Mello/Getty Images
If you feel like taking some culinary risks, Lamagna suggested mixing up a classic store-bought apple pie by adding some sliced or shredded cheese.
"I grew up in the Midwest, so we would always melt a slice of cheddar on the top of apple pies," Lamagna said. "Don't be afraid to experiment with unconventional pairings."
Moderation is key to pulling off cheesy apple pie — don't layer on too much cheese, or you'll end up with an oily, salty crust.
Serve your pie with homemade whipped cream.All you need to make whipped cream is heavy cream and powdered sugar.
Chef and sommelier Melissa Smith told BI that serving a premade pie with fresh whipped cream is a great way to make the dessert taste and look gourmet.
All you need is a whisk, heavy cream, and powdered sugar. Consider using a piping bag to add the whipped cream to your pie for an elevated look.
Smith said doing so will make your pie look "modern and classy, like something straight out of a magazine."
For bonus points, she recommended garnishing the piped cream with a few flakes of edible gold or a smattering of citrus zest.
A light dusting of powdered sugar is a fast way to dress up your pie.Powdered sugar can make a pie look extra sweet.
Instead of making your own fresh whipped cream, you could also just grab a spoonful of powdered sugar.
"A simple dusting of powdered sugar can really make your pie look more appetizing than if you simply served it bare and straight out of the container," Smith said.
For flawless presentation, use a sieve to ensure an even coating of sugar and a stencil if you want to use the sugar to create clean and clear designs.
Add homemade lettering on top for a personal touch.Piped frosting can be a nice touch on a store-bought pie.
Staniela R. Nikolova/Shuttershock
Just because your pie came straight from the grocery store doesn't mean it needs to look generic.
"I'd add homemade lettering to the pie to make it your own," Lourdes said. "You can also add gold flakes or edible food glitter to make a statement."
You can simply add your chosen phrase using frosting or make chocolate letters at home with silicone molds.
Top slices with ice cream for a pleasing temperature mix.Ice cream goes well with pies that are traditionally served warm.
If you're serving a pie that's meant to be enjoyed warm, adding a scoop of high-quality ice cream can enhance the taste.
"Hot and cold foods are a dynamic pair," Cabrera said. "After warming it up, serve the pie with a generous scoop of slow-churned ice cream for a delectable dessert."
Cabrera noted that you can't go wrong with vanilla ice cream, but you can also pick a rich chocolate or a fruity sorbet.
Sprinkle some bacon bits on top of your pie for a savory kick.Adding bacon to your pies can result in a delicious sweet-and-savory combination.
If you love marrying salty and sweet, adding a light dusting of bacon pieces to your pie might be a mouthwatering move.
"The perfect way to improve an apple or peach pie is to grab your favorite bacon, cook it up, and toss it on the pie," Herbert said.
Add fresh fruit to cream pies.Different fruits go well with specific flavors of pie.
AS Food studio/Shuttershock
Liven up drab cream pies by topping them with chopped fresh fruit for added texture and color.
"Find a fruit that would complement the type of cream pie you purchased," Lamagna said. "Cherries tend to go well with chocolate cream, and coconut works with banana cream."
Other tasty combos include peaches with vanilla cream, raspberries with lime cream, and banana with peanut-butter cream.
This story was originally published on November 3, 2020, and most recently updated on November 25, 2024.
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