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I’m an unbeaten boxer and Olympic gold medallist – but I’d have more money & girls if I was 6ft 6in like Anthony Joshua

POCKET ROCKET Galal Yafai knows he’d have more money and girls if he was a giant star like fellow golden boy Anthony Joshua – but more problems too.

AJ’s iconic 2012 London triumph made him a national treasure, an instant millionaire and a heartthrob fast-tracked to heavyweight world titles.

Galal Yafai believes he would have more attention if he was more like Anthony Joshua
Richard Pelham / The Sun
Yafai claimed he would have more money if he was as tall as AJ[/caption]
He won gold at the Tokyo Olympics[/caption]
His next opponent is Sunny Edwards[/caption]

A decade later, 5ft 4in Birmingham ace Yafai landed the same medal in Tokyo but his flyweight status means the cash, clout and hunk-rating are on a much smaller scale.

Ahead of his excellent Saturday bout with amateur rival and former sparring Sunny Edwards, the 31-year-old told SunSport: “Our weights don’t get much limelight, even though I am Olympic champion.

“Back in the day little fighters got zero attention in the UK, it was always in Asia and Mexico.

“There aren’t many people boxing at this weight in our country, it’s just the luck of the draw, we’re small people.

“If I was 6ft 6in and 17st like AJ I would be more marketable, have more money, I would have more girls chasing me – I would probably have a few more problems, come to think of it.

“But these are the cards I have been dealt with, I am happy to achieve what I have, it could be a lot worse.”

Yafai, like fellow fighting brothers Kal and Gamal and most other Brummie boxers, is perfectly modest.

In a sport built on trash talk and empty threats, the Midlanders prefer to let their fists do the talking.


Showtime Sunny, the 28-year-old former IBF champ, is a very different character who uses his vicious tongue and quick wit to make up for his lack of power.

“I think Brummies are all just pretty down to earth,” he laughed.

Instagram / matchroomboxing
Yafai’s brothers Gamal (left) and JKal (right) are also fighters[/caption]

Edwards vs Yafai full fight card

Here is a look at the full fight card for Edwards vs Yafai...

  • Sunny Edwards vs. Galal Yafai; for vacant WBC Interim world flyweight crown
  • Conah Walker vs. Lewis Ritson; Welterweight
  • Kieron Conway vs. Ryan Kelly; for vacant Commonwealth middleweight title
  • Cameron Vuong vs. Gavin Gwynne, Lightweight
  • Hamza Uddin vs. Benn Norman; Flyweight
  • Troy Jones vs. Michael Stephenson, for Jones’s English light heavyweight title
  • Aaron Bowen vs. James Todd; Middleweight
  • Ibraheem Sulaimaan vs. Marvin Solano; Super featherweight
  • Taylor Bevan vs. Greg O’Neil; Super middleweight
  • Callum Smith Vs. TBD; Light heavyweight

“Even when I won the gold, I just wanted to move on, without too much razzamataz. I probably didn’t really know how to act.

“Some fighters do like to talk s***, but that’s not really my style. If they want to do it, I am game, bring it on but I would never start it off.”

Classy Yafai is more worried about a big ring than a big mouth, as he hopes a tight squared circle will help him avenge his 2015 amateur loss to super-slick Edwards.

“It’s a good question,” he said about the Resorts World ring dimensions. “Hopefully it’s a small one!

“The promoters decide that and they won’t want a massive one because it will encourage running around and they will want an exciting fight.

“I will want a smaller ring to suit my style but I’ll take anything.”

Claiming the interim WBC world title will leave Yafai one step away from the bonafide green and gold 8st bout.

But he’s unlikely to wrap it around his narrow waist and parade it, just like the necklace he keeps tucked away at home and only brakes out for private inspiration.

The 8-0 ace explained: “I probably should walk around with the medal around my neck but it’s just stuck at home in a box.

“It’s nice to have a heavy physical thing to have and hold and look at every once in a while.

“Sometimes I do get it out of the box, to remind myself of what I achieved and how nice it is.

“But that medal could get lost or stolen or melted down somehow, so knowing that my name is in history forever, that is more important.”

How AJ punched his way to the top

ANTHONY JOSHUA punched his way to the top of the world before being knocked off his perch.

From humble origins in Watford to Olympic hero, the boxer has made a heavyweight impact in and out of the ring.

Eddie Hearn claims a collision with rival Tyson Fury could be worth a whopping £200million.

The pair’s bitter feud saw them refuse to say a word to each other as they met Cristiano Ronaldo in Saudi Arabia.

Joshua has already hinted at when he will hang up his gloves.

And he revealed why his son will NEVER be allowed to box. despite amassing a £215m empire thanks to the sweet science.

AJ enjoys a lavish lifestyle including private jets and a £350k watch.

His career and sponsorship deals have seen him swap his council estate upbringing for a luxury car collection.

London hairdresser Kika Osunde is believed to have swept the KO king off his feet.

But Joshua still lives with his mum Yeta when he is not on the road.

Check out all our latest Anthony Joshua articles.

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