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На энергоблоке №3 Смоленской АЭС с опережением графика завершился плановый ремонт с модернизацией оборудования

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‘How does that even happen?’: Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin customer demands answers after opening can

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. That means that, soon enough, kitchens across the country will be filled with the smell of turkey, stuffing, and, of course, pumpkin pie.

While some opt to create pumpkin pie using freshly pureed pumpkin, many people settle on the easier option: canned pumpkin puree.

TikTok user @iamamotherlesschild was one of those people. However, as her video with over 673,000 views shows, it didn’t go quite as expected.

What’s wrong with this can of Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin?

In her video, the TikToker shows a can of Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin that has been opened. Inside the can is, unbelievably, another can.

After shaking the larger can a bit, the TikToker is able to dislodge the smaller can. She shows that it, too, simply has pumpkin puree in it. A later video on the account confirmed that the interior can only had pumpkin puree.

Commenters were in disbelief about the can inside of a can, with some offering their theories as to how it could have happened.

“How does that even happen? I'm gonna need a factory tour,” declared a user.

“I worked in a cannery during college, we sometimes let those double cans go through, imaging the person who opened it,” added another. “You did not disappoint.”

“That was probably left from the previous production and someone didn’t thoroughly clean/switch out the line completely(would be my guess),” suggested a third.

One of the confused parties was Libby’s itself. Libby's commented to receive more information about the TikToker’s cans in order to figure out what happened. According to the TikToker, she got in contact with the company and was told that she would be receiving a replacement as well as some recipes.

What's the Kraft incident?

Other viewers referenced the Kraft Gluten Free Original Macaroni Cheese Dinner incident.

"First, there’s no cheese packet in the mac & cheese now Libbys is double canning their pumpkin. What what is happening in the world?" one questioned.

"If Libby's comments we're not having any quality issues with our pumpkin, They win the internet," another said.

A TikToker named Abby said she bought four boxes of the gluten-free mac and cheese at different locations, and each box contained no sauce packet. Each time she contacted the company, she says it sent her a coupon.

“They give me the right coupon,” Abby said at the time. “But the thing is, then I go and I use that coupon and I get another box of mac and cheese, and I open it up, and there’s no sauce packet inside. So giving me a coupon to get another box of mac and cheese isn’t solving the problem because Kraft Mac and Cheese is not addressing the problem in their line of production.”

While the issue Abby experienced is bizzare enough, it's Kraft's response that is garnering all the attention. “We apologize for this issue. We’re not having any quality issues with our gluten-free Kraft Mac and Cheese," the official account’s response said.

Many TikTokers have accused Kraft of trying to gaslight Abby, along with the public.

It seems the response from Libby's is going over better. "@Kraft Sauces this is how you do it," one viewer replied to it.

"LOVE the fast response to this! That's how it's done!!" another exclaimed.

@iamamotherlesschild @Libby’s Pumpkin wheres my prize? #crazy #nestingdoll #pumpkin #libbyspumpkin #pumpkin #thanksgiving #pumpkinpie #viral #fyp #fypシ #healing #peaceandlove #♥️???????? #soul #takenoshit #beyourself #beweird #bekindtoyourself #kindness #youdeservetheworld #integrity #belight #✌️ #beanicehuman #fyp #genx #xennial #40s #✌️♥️ ♬ original sound - oopsimessedup

Other Thanksgiving stories taking over the internet

This TikToker isn’t the only one to have their Thanksgiving experience go viral.

For example, one user showed off how someone can have Thanksgiving on a budget by buying a $42 Thanksgiving dinner kit from Costco. Another issued a warning about Jiffy Corn Muffin mix. A further TIkTok user showed the ideal way to grate cheese ahead of the big holiday.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Nestle via email and to @iamamotherlesschild via TikTok comment.

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The post ‘How does that even happen?’: Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin customer demands answers after opening can appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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