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The Dunelm hack that keeps ‘draughty old houses’ warm this winter, without turning the heating on

AS the temperature drops in the UK but the energy bills rise, Brits are looking for ways to keep warm without breaking the bank.

From investing in electric blankets to purchasing dehumidifiers or only switching on the heating at specific times, there seems to be a hack for everything.

There is a Dunelm winter hack which many homeowners are praising for saving money

But there is a Dunelm hack which uses no electricity whatsoever, and will keep the home warm – especially though ‘draughty old houses.’

Sharing on the Dunelm TikTok page, one homeowner revealed how she managed to do the heating trick in a video. 

She explained that homeowners will need to invest in a tension rod, which costs £4 from the homeware store. 

The woman explained that it was a “viral tension rod hack.” 

Demonstrating how to do it in a video, she says: “If you have a drafty door like me, go and get that tension rod out the loft, add a thermal door curtain and you will thank me later.”

She then explained that she is now doing it to every door in her home. 

The trick is done by getting the tension rod and weaving a thermal door curtain onto it. 

These can cost between £20 to £35 from Dunelm. 

Then she puts the tension rod up by her front door, and makes sure it is completely covered by the curtain. 

This technique works by trapping air between the fabric and the door to create a thermal barrier that insulates your home.

The curtains are made from multiple layers of fabric which include insulting materials. 

These also help with noise insulation as well. 

This “wallet-friendly” heating hack has been praised by many homeowners who rushed to the comments section of the video to share their thoughts. 

One wrote: “My mum did this when I was a kid.”Another commented: “I need to do this, I lose so much heat.”

The Sun's Winter Fuel S.O.S Campaign

THE Sun's Winter Fuel SOS Campaign is here to support households during these challenging times.

Due to government cutbacks, ten million pensioners are set to lose the £300 Winter Fuel Payment.

Since opening our phone lines to thousands of pensioners in October, we remain dedicated to providing tips and advice on how to stretch your finances further.

That’s why we have partnered with the poverty charity Turn2Us to launch a free benefits checker, helping you ensure that you are claiming all the benefits to which you are entitled.

Don’t miss our latest Sun Money coverage, which includes essential information on key deadlines, applying for support, and everything you need to know about Pension Credit.

If you have a story to share or wish to get in touch with our team, please email us at money-sm@news.co.uk.

Thermal door curtains need to be weaved across the rod
The tension rod is then place just above the door
The Dunelm hack keeps a draughty old houses warm without turning the heating on

Whilst a third said: “Did this a few years ago. It makes a huge difference.”

We previously revealed another heating hack to help keep warm this winter.

According to many users it is a lot cheaper than switching the heating on. 

It is called the GoHeater LED and it can be bought from sites including Amazon and EasyLife.co.uk for £19.99. 

The portable device provides instant heat and plugs directly into your wall socket, so there are no trailing cables to trip over. 

5 Money-saving tips for autumn/winter

1. Draught-proof your home

It takes time and money to heat up your home, so it’s important that you do as much as you can to keep in the warmth. Close your doors and windows, and fill any gaps with a draught excluder.

2. Dial down your thermostat

According to Energy UK, turning down your thermostat by just one degree Celsius could cut your heating bill by up to 10%, and save you around £85 per year. Plus, if you don’t have a thermostat, installing one could save up to £70 per year!

3. Move furniture around

Make sure not big, bulky furniture like sofas are blocking radiators.

4. Wash clothes on a lower temp and add an extra spin

Unless it’s bedding, towels or really dirty items, dial down the temperature to 20 or 30 degrees, and do a double spin to remove excess water.

5. Heat the person not the home

There’s not point heating up a room that no one is sitting in, so be mindful about which radiators are on.

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