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Men’s basketball suffers first loss of the season

After battling to maintain its unbeaten record in its first game away from Maples Pavilion last week, Stanford men’s basketball could not replicate the feat at the Acrisure Holiday Classic in Palm Springs. In its first loss of the young season, the Cardinal fell 78-71 to Grand Canyon University (GCU), a team that advanced to the Round of 32 in last year’s NCAA Tournament. 

The location, though ostensibly neutral, heavily favored GCU, whose fans made the four-hour journey from Phoenix, Arizona, in large numbers. Despite a close contest throughout, Stanford’s lackluster shooting and GCU’s second-half resurgence proved decisive, leaving the Cardinal with dampened spirits ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Head coach Kyle Smith made noteworthy lineup changes prior to the game. After sticking with the same starting five for four consecutive games, Smith inserted redshirt freshman forward Aidan Cammann and redshirt sophomore guard Ryan Agarwal into Tuesday’s starting lineup. It was Cammann’s first start since Nov. 8, while Agarwal earned his first start of the season. Junior guard Benny Gealer and junior forward Chisom Okpara sat out of the starting five, with Gealer logging fewer than six minutes — his lowest total of the year — though he briefly returned to his playmaking role at point guard.

GCU, which had scored 14 three-pointers in its previous matchup, saw Stanford strike first from deep with graduate guard Jaylen Blakes sinking an early triple. Senior forward Maxime Raynaud, described by his coach as Stanford’s “version of Nikola Jokic,” showcased his versatility with an early dunk, crisp passing and three rebounds in the first five minutes, extending his Division I lead in rebounds.

Stanford gained momentum with a six-shot scoring streak after a slow 2-for-6 start from the field. However, the Cardinal failed to capitalize on GCU’s errors. Missed opportunities following turnovers, including a sloppy pass by Blakes and a miscommunication between Cammann and Raynaud, kept Stanford from building a sizable lead.

The Cardinal’s offense faltered late in the first half, scoring just one point in more than four minutes aside from a lone Cammann free throw. Still, Stanford stayed efficient at the line, converting 9-of-12 free throws, and was buoyed by the defensive effort of freshman guard Anthony Batson Jr., who forced a turnover during rare first-half minutes. At halftime, Stanford clung to a narrow 33-32 lead.

“We had opportunities to extend the lead,” Smith said. “We just gotta play better.”

The second half was a back-and-forth battle, with neither team able to create a definitive margin. GCU briefly reclaimed the lead with a spin move and score, but Agarwal tied the game with a layup after missing a three. Raynaud blocked an Antelopes’ shot and nailed a three-pointer, then pushed past the 20-point mark with a putback after a Sellers miss, earning him praise from the national TV broadcast, which dubbed him “inevitable.”

Despite Raynaud’s dominance, GCU’s balanced attack — featuring five players in double figures — ultimately carried the day. Forward Duke Brennan, returning from a lower-body injury, contributed 14 points and eight rebounds.

The game’s turning point came just before the eight-minute mark. After GCU missed two free throws, they secured the offensive rebound and scored a layup. On the next possession, Stanford missed an ambitious long-range shot, and GCU countered with a three-pointer, extending its lead to seven — the largest of the night.

Though Stanford increased its offensive tempo, it failed to replicate its late-game heroics from Saturday’s win over Santa Clara. An open corner three by Agarwal missed, leaving the Cardinal with an insurmountable deficit. The final minute saw GCU pad its lead with free throws, sealing a 78-71 victory and the Acrisure Holiday Classic trophy.

Despite the loss, there were bright spots. Blakes improved his playmaking significantly in the second half, recording five assists after none in the first. Raynaud had another stellar performance, recording 29 points and 11 rebounds.

“As [Maxime Raynaud and Jaylen Blakes] get better, I think other guys will follow, and we’ll be in good shape,” Smith said.

Stanford will look to regroup after the Thanksgiving holiday as the Cardinal returns to Maples Pavilion on Saturday to face Cal Poly SLO at 7 p.m.

The post Men’s basketball suffers first loss of the season appeared first on The Stanford Daily.

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