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Sallaum Lines Opens Doors to Chinese OEMs Amid Major Investments

[By: Sallaum Lines]

Imbalanced trades, capacity constraints at sea and in port, and lack of labor have put Europe’s best-performing finished vehicle handling ports and shipping companies to the test, as has a new wave of vehicle imports from China and its OEMs.

To align with the evolving market trends and capitalize on the growing importance of Chinese OEMs, Sallaum Lines has already taken significant measures to tackle the issue of uneven volumes and strained transport capacity. Over the coming years, the company has ordered six additional Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) vessels, each built to the highest industry standards. The order was placed with the reputable Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding Co Ltd. (2 x 7.500 RT SDARI design) and China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (Nanjing) Co. Ltd. (4 x 7.400 RT Deltamarin design). Each vessel has a capacity ranging from 7,400 to 7,500 Car Equivalent Unit (CEU) Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) design. This expansion will strengthen the infrastructure to accommodate fluctuating volumes efficiently and flexibly. These PCTC vessels incorporate forward-thinking and eco-friendly design elements that drastically reduce the environmental impact. By utilizing dual-fuel LNG technology, the new buildings guarantee a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 25%, if not more, with additional retrofits further contributing to the company’s global commitment to combat climate change.

To further strengthen its ties with Chinese OEMs and facilitate smoother operations, Sallaum Lines has established an office in China. This local presence enables the company to foster strong partnerships and expand its business operations within the Chinese market. By being on the ground in China, Sallaum Lines can offer more personalized and responsive services, closely collaborate with Chinese OEMs, and better understand their unique needs and challenges. The establishment of the office also facilitates more efficient communication and coordination with Chinese partners, ensuring that Sallaum Lines can quickly adapt to market demands and provide tailored logistics solutions.

In parallel, Sallaum Terminal, the central hub of Sallaum Lines’ shipping activities in Europe, has outlined a substantial investment initiative to sustainably enhance and expand its operations at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, specifically at Haven 332. A key component of this plan is the construction of a multi-story Parkhouse covering 47,000 sqm. With the completion of phase one of its multi-story Parkhouse project, the terminal’s capacity is set to expand to 15,000 units, making a significant enhancement in operational space.

Upon the conclusion of phase two of the project, the terminal’s capacity will undergo further augmentation, reaching a total of 17,000 units, thereby significantly amplifying its capability to handle vehicle shipments efficiently and effectively. Given the current space constraints faced by many European terminals, Sallaum Terminal’s expanded capacity is considered a timely and strategic move.

Sallaum Terminal offers a comprehensive range of services designed to meet diverse logistics needs. These services include Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI), breakbulk and project cargo handling, and the management of heavy lifts. The terminal is equipped to handle truck and rail operations, providing seamless integration with various transportation modes. Additionally, the terminal offers extensive storage and warehousing solutions, ensuring that vehicles and cargo are securely stored until they are ready for distribution.

As Sallaum Lines undergoes significant investment and expansion, the company is well-positioned to receive increased cargo volumes from Chinese OEMs. These strategic initiatives address current capacity challenges, pave the way for strengthened partnerships, and open new market opportunities. With enhanced infrastructure, an eco-friendly fleet, and comprehensive terminal service offerings, Sallaum Lines is prompt to support the evolving needs of the automotive logistics industry and facilitate efficient vehicle imports from China.

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