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What to Know About Megan Fox's Kids Now That She's Pregnant Again

While most people know Megan Fox as a famous sex symbol from her role as Mikaela Banes in the 2007 live-action Transformers movie, there's more to the Hollywood star than meets the eye. Not only was she named one of the most beautiful women in the world for the better part of two decades, but she's also an advocate for environmental conservation and wildlife protection, speaks multiple languages fluently, and is a mother to three children with her ex-husband Brian Austin Green. And her crew is about to get one person larger: She recently announced that she's pregnant with baby No. 4 with her fiancé, the rapper Machine Gun Kelly (real name: Colson Baker). 

The Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen actress announced her pregnancy in an Instagram post with the caption, "Nothing is ever really lost. Welcome back," alongside a pregnancy picture and photo of a positive pregnancy test.

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While Fox waits for the birth of her fourth child, she definitely has her hands full with her three boys: Noah, 11, Bodhi, 10, and Journey, 7. Below, we detail what we know about Megan Fox's kids. 

Noah Green

Noah Shannon Green, Fox's oldest son, was born on September 27, 2012. Noah was Fox's first child, but the second for her then-husband Green, who shares another son with his ex Vanessa Marcil. Fox released the news of her son's birth herself via a post on Facebook. 

"I gave birth to our son Noah Shannon Green on September 27th. He is healthy, happy, and perfect," Fox wrote on her Facebook page at the time. "We are humbled to have the opportunity to call ourselves the parents of this beautiful soul and I am forever grateful to God for allowing me to know this kind of boundless, immaculate love."

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In several interviews, Fox has credited Noah as being the most artistic and imaginative out of her three boys. 

“Everything for him is about beauty, color, texture,” she said in an interview with Today in 2018, adding that Noah "has the potential to be an incredible artist. He could be a Pablo Picasso—I’m not going to squash his vibrant, beautiful mind!” 

Related: Megan Fox Brings the Heat With 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit' Cover

Bodhi Green

Bodhi Ransom Green, Fox's second child, was born on February 12, 2014. While all of her children's names seem to have a special meaning, Bodhi's is arguably the most significant. 

"Bodhi is, in Buddhism, it's the point when Buddha became enlightened and he reached nirvana, he was sitting beneath the Bodhi tree," Fox shared on Conan in 2014, adding that Patrick Swayze’s character in “the greatest movie of all time, Point Break,” might have had some influence on the naming of her second kid, too. 

As a 10-year-old, Bodhi is what Fox describes as the ultimate middle child. 

In 2023, she opened up to Sports Illustrated about Bodhi stating that he's more of a “little bro,” adding that he’s never done one thing wrong or told a single lie. “The classic middle child where there’s no room to be bad," she said.

Megan Fox is seen at "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on May 31, 2016 in Los Angeles.

Getty Images/TSM

Journey Green

Fox and Green's youngest child, Journey River Green, was born on August 4, 2016. The news of Journey's birth came about a year after Fox originally filed for divorce from Green. 

“Megan is young and hot and sought after for work, and she is eager to move ahead in her career,” a source told People at the time. “Brian wants more of her time than she can allow. She was overwhelmed with the children and her husband’s expectations, which got in the way of work responsibilities. They had many disagreements and arguments about her time at home, which led to problems.”

While the couple hit a rough patch in 2015, the two stayed together for six more years until they officially divorced in October of 2021. 

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Regardless of the difficulties while Fox was pregnant, she says that she felt a real connection with her third kid. 

“You don’t hear an audible voice, but I feel like you receive messages from the child if you’re open to it,” Fox told Jimmy Kimmel in a 2016 interview. “For instance, this baby wanted me to live somewhere else, so we’re moving to a whole different place in Los Angeles because I feel like that’s where this baby wants to be raised.”

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Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly

Since they met on the set of Midnight in the Switchgrass in 2020, Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have been nearly inseparable. 

In 2021, a source told E! News, "They've been hanging out a lot since their movie was shut down. The downtime has been good for them... They are intrigued by each other and having a lot of fun."

A few months after meeting, Machine Gun Kelly released "Bloody Valentine," a single off of his 2020 album Tickets to My Downfall. Fox starred in the video as MGK's girlfriend and nearly shared a kiss, which only furthered the rumors about the duo's romance. While Fox and Green weren't yet divorced, the romance between the costars only continued to grow stronger, and in August became Instagram official. 

"I knew right away that he was what I call a twin flame," Fox recalled in an interview with Lala Kent and Randall Emmett on the podcast Give Them Lala ... With Randall. "Instead of a soulmate, a twin flame is actually where a soul has ascended into a high enough level that it can be split into two different bodies at the same time. So we're actually two halves of the same soul, I think. And I said that to him almost immediately, because I felt it right away."

Since their first meeting, the two have been very public about their intense love, and in 2022 Machine Gun Kelly proposed to Fox under the tree where he claims they fell in love.

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While the couple's dramatic love has undoubtedly had its ups and downs (which have been very publicly recognized by the media), the two are undoubtedly excited to welcome their first child into the world together. 

On November 25, MGK addressed the news that he's about to be a second-time dad on X: “Isolating myself in the desert next week to restart this album from scratch. When inspiration flows through me unblocked, we will reach the destination in no time. Don’t worry. After all, I’m about to be a dad again!”

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