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These Are the Best Coffeemakers and Accessories to Buy As Gifts During Black Friday

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Coffee supplies are some of my favorite wintertime gifts (to buy and receive). Coffee loving folk often want a nicer coffeemaker or some flashy accessories, but they probably won’t splurge on for themselves—and with good reason: The best equipment tends to be a bit pricey.

But not quite so pricey during post-Thanksgiving Day sales: If you're shopping for a gift for your caffeinated friends and family (or even for yourself), here’s a guide to some of the most important coffee-related gifts you'll find on sale this Black Friday.

A burr coffee grinder 

When it comes to getting the best flavor out of your coffee beans, you must start with a good grind. A blade grinder will bash up your beans in a rather uncontrolled manner, but a burr grinder will give you grounds of the most consistent size and shape, which can improve your coffee's flavor. This electric burr grinder from Cuisinart has 18 grind settings so you can prepare beans for everything from espresso to French press. Right now it’s on sale for $46.99, 22% off its retail price of $59.95—an entry-level burr grinder to be sure, but a decent value.

A sexy coffee maker 

Settling on the right drip coffee machine is no easy task, as there are countless versions vying for your attention. If you’ve been looking for an appliance that has a sleek look and doesn’t sacrifice quality, you should check out the Braun Multiserve Plus. This drip coffee machine does single servings and half-carafes, all the way up to a full 10-cup brew. It also makes cold brew. As if that wasn’t enough, this machine has a 50-ounce water reservoir and timer so you can have plenty of coffee ready to go as soon as you wake up. Normally $149.99, the Braun Multiserve Plus is 33% off for $99.95.

A reasonably sized espresso machine 

There are those of us who live a more European lifestyle—sipping on single shots of espresso in the morning, writing poetry or something until mid-day—or maybe you just need a way to manufacture your own double shot caramel macchiato. Whatever the reason, an espresso machine is a must. For a rather understated, home kitchen-sized solution, consider the KitchenAid Semi-automatic Espresso Machine. I like that its simple design doesn’t require 50% of your free counter space. This machine comes with a flat-bottomed portafilter for easy tamping and a steam wand for foaming your milk. It's normally a steep gift at $349.99, but right now it’s 38% off, or $218.49.

An elevated foam experience 

Many espresso machines have steam wands, but most home latte lovers aren’t trained baristas, and it’s really easy to scorch your milk using a standard wand, especially if you’re using non-dairy milk. The Dreo BaristaMaker takes all the guesswork and burnt fingertips out of the equation: This clever appliance can make cold or hot foam, and create that silky, fine microfoam you love from your favorite cafe. It has presets for almond, coconut, and oat milk too, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your beverage. Get it right now for $84.99, 15% off of its regular retail price.

A gooseneck kettle 

For stalwart pour-over fans, there is simply no other brewing method. But to pull off a perfect pour-over, the grounds must be moistened just so, and for that, you’ll need a gooseneck kettle. Try the OXO Brew Gooseneck Electric Kettle which has precision temperature control and a comfortably angled handle so your shoulder doesn’t get worn out from all that perfect pouring. It’s $79.00 right now, 25% off its original retail price of $104.95.

Some good beans 

All the fancy accessories shouldn't elide the importance of quality coffee beans. While you should really just get your giftee whatever beans they already enjoy, if you’re unsure (or if they’re still discovering what kinds of coffee they like), try a batch of illy. It’s an Italian produced coffee, and a great place to land if you’re not sure what kind of beans to buy. A canister of illy whole bean coffee is on sale for $9.57 for Black Friday, 35% off of its usual $14.99.

A mug warmer

You bet a mug warmer can heat up much more than coffee, but let’s not forget that it does indeed keep your coffee warm, and that’s a big deal as the temperatures drop. After all the grinding, brewing, and foaming is done, it’s time to sip and enjoy. Get a simple electric mug warmer to rest your cup as you go about your business, and take your time to enjoy it. This one is $19.89 right now, a 23% discount from its usual $25.99. It may be a simple gift, but it can make a big difference to a morning ritual.

The Best Black Friday Deals Right Now
Deals are selected by our commerce team

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