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NYC ice skating rinks open for the season: Where to go

NEW YORK (PIX11) -- Ready to hit the ice? Lace up your skates or rent a pair, and get ready to glide across the ice and immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding landscapes.

Whether you're twirling or taking in the scenery, here are several picturesque ice rinks you don't want to miss.

LeFrak Center Prospect Park

The ice rinks glisten in the sunshine with fall foliage in the background (Photo credit: LeFrak Center at Lakeside)

Featuring lovely views of Prospect Park Lake just a short distance away, the LeFrak Center offers not just one, but two ice skating rinks! Take in the natural beauty of Prospect Park during your 90-minute skate session.

Skate rentals are available for an additional cost. The center also offers ice skating trainers or Skate Aids, to assist children with their balance and help make them feel safe while learning how to skate. Skate Aids are available to rent on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The Rink at Brookfield Place

Skaters enjoy a sunny afternoon with views of the Hudson River and New Jersey (Photo courtesy of BerlinRosen)

On one side, marvel at the architecture of the Brookfield Place. Turn around, and you’ll be rewarded with stunning views of the Hudson River and the New Jersey skyline. Tucked away in Battery City Park, The Rink at Brookfield Place offers skaters hour-long sessions, with prices ranging from just $15 to $17. Rentals are available for $5 to $7.

The Rink at Rockefeller Center

Skaters swirl around the skating rink at Rockefeller Center on December 22, 2000, in New York (Photo by Chris Hondros/Newsmakers)

After taking in the sights of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree head down to The Rink for a quintessential New York City holiday experience. General admission includes a 60-minute skate session while premium skate offers a 90-minute session with complimentary skate rental.

The rink will be open until March 31, 2025. Tickets can be purchased here.

Roebling Rink

Families gathered at Roebling Rink on opening day (Photo credit: PIX11 News)

Located in Brooklyn Bridge Park, Roebling Rink offers gorgeous views of the surrounding bridges and the East River. The rink is open Monday through Sunday until Feb. 2, 2025, and offers admission priced at $10. There is a 10% discount on purchases of 10 tickets or more.

Skate rentals are available for $7. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.

Winter Village at Bryant Park

Skaters glide around the ice rink immediately after a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Winter Village at Bryant Park, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014, in New York. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

From holiday shops and cozy igloos to a curling cafe and rinkside dining, Winter Village at Bryant Park is a must-visit destination this holiday season. The 17,000-square-foot rink offers free admission for 50-minute sessions.

Visit the Bryant Park website and reserve the time slot you want. You can also find skate rentals and exclusive packages.

Winter Whirl Roller Rink at the Oculus

The Winter Whirl Roller Rink is open from Nov. 22 through Jan. 5, 2025. (Photo courtesy of BerlinRosen)

Can't decide whether you would rather go ice skating or shopping? How about both? The Winter Whirl Roller Rink at the iconic Oculus is open five days a week until January 5.

For the first time, the Oculus and One World Observatory are teaming up to offer a special holiday bundle! Visitors who purchase tickets for both together will get more than 15% off! Book your tickets in advance online and enjoy gliding around in this unique holiday experience.

Wollman Rink

People including children spend time ice skating at Wollman Rink on February 21, 2024. (Photo by Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Experience the magic of winter at Wollman Rink, nestled in the heart of New York City. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a first-time skater, there's nothing more iconic than taking in the breathtaking views of Central Park and New York City.

The rink is open until March 2025. Tickets can be purchased here. Skates are available to rent for $12.

Ben Mitchell is a digital content producer from Vermont who has covered both local and international news since 2021. He joined PIX11 in 2024. See more of his work here.

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