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ASCC Hosts Site Visit By ACCJC Vice President


Press Release – American Samoa Community College

Over the course of three days, Ms. Schiel had the opportunity to become acquainted with the many ongoing programs offered by ASCC, and to meet firsthand with its leaders.

Following a presentation on Accreditation Standards by Ms. Melynie Schiel of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) for the ASCC administration, faculty and staff, everyone present took the opportunity to join Ms. Schiel for a commemorative photo. (Photo: Tanya Lesa-Atonio)

An accredited status enables an institution to qualify for federal grants and contracts, to distribute federal financial aid to its students, and for students’ credits to be more easily transferred to other accredited institutions. In the case of the American Samoa Community College (ASCC), the institution falls under the purview of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), which has set Accreditation Standards that focus on an institution’s continuous quality improvement efforts around the critical elements of student learning, student achievement, and the closure of institutional equity gaps.

The ACCJC’s accreditation processes and reporting cycles for its member institutions are supported by a dedicated team of professionals, including assigned staff liaisons, who work closely with and support institutions in all their accreditation efforts. This year, recognized higher education leader Ms. Melynie Schiel, an ACCJC Vice President, accepted the assignment of staff liaison to ASCC, and in early November she traveled to American Samoa to conduct a three-day site visit to the College.

Over the course of three days, Ms. Schiel had the opportunity to become acquainted with the many ongoing programs offered by ASCC, and to meet firsthand with its leaders. Her first day at the College consisted of a welcoming meeting with the ASCC Executive Leadership as well as a comprehensive tour of the campus facilities. During her visit Ms. Schiel also met with the ASCC Accreditation Steering Committee, the Board of Higher Education, and the personnel at the Pacific Center in Human Security.

Ms. Schiele’s visit culminated with an extended workshop-style presentation on Accreditation Standards for the ASCC faculty and staff. Ms. Schiele gave a detailed explanation of several new Standards adopted by the ACCJC, and then led the ASCC personnel through interactive examples of how these Standards can be applied. The presentation provided the College’s staff with a better understanding of ACCJC policies, as well as familiarity with Ms. Schiel herself in her role as the ACCJC liaison with ASCC.

Ms. Schiel, one of four ACCJC Vice Presidents, joined the Commission this past February. She is a seasoned leader in higher education, with over 17 years of community college operational experience marked by a commitment to teaching, faculty leadership, management, and executive service. She has served as Faculty Division Chair, Researcher, Academic Senate President, Curriculum Committee Chair and Dean of Instruction, and most recently as Vice President of Academic Services and Accreditation Liaison Officer at Copper Mountain Community College District where she led and engaged in multiple local accreditation activities.

Following Ms. Schiel’s visit, ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Pato thanked the College staff for their cooperation and hospitality. “I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for a very successful week with ACCJC Vice President/Liaison Melynie Schiel,” wrote the President in an email to her faculty staff. “The time with her in meetings, discussions, tours, and ‘talk story’ time demonstrated the Core Values that we hold so clearly in all that we do here at the College.”

Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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