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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Too many Democrats need to hear this truth bomb

In the wake of this terrible election, I will NOT be a part of this self-loathing and whining by too many in Democratic “leadership” in this country right now as they try to convince people like me — a high school dropout — that I am some college-educated elite who doesn't understand what the majority of the “hardworking” white voters want in this country.

They can save it.

Look, if these complete morons on the Right want to vote against their self-interests and America, they are beyond help, and all I will do is keep working my a-- off to make sure people understand this.

What we have is a failure to communicate on the Left, but much more on that in a minute ... (And a warning: I am typing like the sailor I was right now, so if four-letter words offend you, you can skip all this. And happy Veterans Day to my fellow vets.)

I will not take even a scintilla of blame for supporting the smart, qualified, career public servant who understands the dangers of unchecked racism and fascism and was part of an administration that inherited a dumpster fire from the son of a b---- who attacked us and provided 16 million jobs to the American public.

So listen to me, you haughty, Democratic know-nothings, I have seen what the majority of white voters want because of WHAT THEY TAKE:

-They TAKE Social Security and Medicare.

-They TAKE the recent cuts in the obscenely high drug prices.

-They TAKE the higher wages and better-paying jobs.

-They TAKE the high-paying union jobs.

-They TAKE the money from the America Rescue Plan.

-They TAKE the money for disaster relief.

-They TAKE the millions of jobs from the once-in-a-century Infrastructure Law.

-The TAKE the good-paying jobs and starter money from the CHIPS and Science Act.

-They TAKE the healthcare that doesn’t penalize people for pre-existing conditions.

-They TAKE the childcare tax credits.

-They TAKE the free lunches for their children, so they don’t go hungry.

-They TAKE the new broadband Internet access.

-They TAKE all of these things and much, much more than good-hearted Democrats have worked hard to provide them during this administration and the decades before.

Me? I support the party that is providing these whining babies all this because it is the right thing to do, even if they refuse to grow up and get the f--- out of their own way to see it.

I am not remotely wealthy, but I gladly pay a s----ton more taxes living in the suburbs here in Wisconsin than these brainwashed babies do in the country so that THEY can benefit.


I’ll wait …

You know, I see their giant f------ Trump signs stuck hard in the farm fields in my state and wonder just what it in the hell it is they could possibly be thinking about. If the fascist, orange goon they supported follows through and runs undocumented and “lesser-thans” out of this country those farms they own will most certainly die.

Worse. They know it. They know full well those farms can only exist because of the labor our new immigrants provide and the government subsidies they have been receiving from me (us) forever. That on one hand they need these folks (and funds) to operate, and the other, still support the man who campaigned on running them out of this country, is some of the most hardcore bigotry I have ever heard of.

And our Democratic leadership wants us to try to wrap our heads around THAT?

The truth is these people support the America-attacking blowhard because he stirs their cold blood. He makes them feel good about looking backward instead of at all the possibilities ahead. He makes them feel good about thinking they are the only thing that matters and that they have somehow been cheated out of their dark, empty lives.

They aren’t garbage. They are actually worse than that: They are selfish.


I’m still waiting …

These whiny white people are angry because they’ve decided to plant their a-----in place and expect everybody to meet them where they are and see things their way. They want to be coddled and held, just like the babies they are.

They don’t want to make America better. They want to make everybody else’s lives worse.

All they are is angry, and have finally found a lewd, racist conman who can put a megaphone to their tantrums, and deal the rest of America plenty of pain. He has no goddamn answers for them or us.


He gives tax breaks to billionaires and multi-millionaires who supported his crooked run for office and writes love letters to the dictators who have infiltrated our political system and completely jammed its gears to help him get elected.

That is ALL HE DID. I mean, besides assembling a Supreme Court that believes he should have unchecked power so that he is free to do whatever the f--- he wants to — like strip women of control over their own bodies.

So go ahead, and keep reading this wrong, you Inside-the-Beltway morons, but don’t expect me to listen to it.

What we have right now is a MASSIVE messaging problem.

From the minute the Biden Administration took power it worked like hell to tackle a global crisis that was exacerbated by the previous administration. I mean, holy s--- even infrastructure got done, and do you know who has benefited most from that? White people.

If that didn't resonate, it’s not because it didn’t happen. It’s because too many people didn’t know about it.

Do you think these Trump bottom-feeders are listening to NPR or reading the both-sides bullshit the corporate media slops out at us every hour — the very media which completely missed the biggest story in American history: The threat and the looming fall of our democratic republic?

Now THERE are some elitist, overly educated folks right there, if you are into pointing fingers right now.

Seriously …

These selfish Conservative babies exited the road to progress years ago to search for a dead end where they could be coddled and burped by right-wing phonies who are happy to make house calls in exchange for their undivided time and money. They aren’t interested in real news; they are interested in propaganda that makes them feel good about themselves and America, which never existed. It’s all over their radio stations and in their churches … It’s on the Internet, their TVs, and even in their newspapers that Conservative billionaires have bought up in increasing numbers.

There is nothing comparable to this information machine on the Left, and as I wrote this weekend, it needs to be addressed, but quick.

Until and unless this gets fixed, we are done.

And we don’t have long, because fascism is here and spreading through the countryside like wildfire, and taking root in places like those damn farms.

These white people have proven without a shadow of a doubt that they will literally eat their own if it means holding onto the power they have had in this country for 248 years.

Because THAT is what this is all about, you Democratic dummies. And what really confuses me is that while you might not know much about the electorate, you do know that. Power is everything in politics, and your mealy-mouthed approach to getting it back is doomed.

What you most certainly need to hear is this: We will end you, if you don’t have the self-decency and the fight to scream long and hard for all the good things Democrats and the Left have done for America, and what little the people you want to appease right now have done for us.

D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. You can find all his work here.

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