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Royals Rumblings - News for November 26, 2024

Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images

What’s next for the Royals?

Ben Clemens at Fangraphs reviews the Jonathan India-Brady Singer trade.

Kansas City’s side isn’t quite so clear, because India makes the team’s DH and second base rotations tricky, but I still think it was worth it for a club that has great pitching but struggles to score runs. Like Cincinnati, the Royals are always going to be dealing with a few weak points given their budget constraints. India feels like a bigger incremental gain over his potential replacement than Singer for the Royals, and they saved a bit of money in the bargain while adding an intriguing young player. I think the various fringe benefits offset the potential roster headache.

More broadly speaking, this trade says a lot about how teams value established players under short-term team control. From a raw surplus value standpoint, these two players are good deals. They’re going to make less money than they’d cost to acquire on the free agent market, and they’ll do so for two years. But they’re not making that much less, and they aren’t that much better than average.

David Lesky writes about how the roster shapes up after the trade.

So what are the answers? It really feels like they need at least one more bat offensively, but where sort of depends on how likely it is they think it is that Massey or India or both can play the outfield. I suppose I’m completely dismissing third base for either, and maybe that’s not fair, but I haven’t talked to a single person who believes either can play third base well enough to take that over. Again, that doesn’t mean they can’t; it just means nobody believes they can. But if they do believe that one of them can play the outfield, this offense can work with a third baseman added rather than an outfielder.

If, however, they don’t believe that, then they likely need to look at moving Massey, which pains me to say because I really like him.

Joe Trezza at MLB.com writes about prospects playing well in winter ball.

Hyungchan Um, C, Brisbane Bandits (Australia) KC No. 25

The 20-year-old South Korean is looking to become the first Major League backstop from his country. He found success after a successful run in Australia last winter, earning a promotion this June to Single-A Columbia, so he’s back down under this offseason looking to replicate those results. He’s been one of the hottest hitters down under, batting .423/.483/.731 with two homers, six RBIs and 11 hits in his first seven games.

Pete Grathoff writes about the farewell message Brady Singer shared with Royals fans on social media.

“From draft day to my debut, my son being born, and the playoffs, I’m so happy it was in Kansas City. I’m forever thankful for the love and support you showed us. I will love and remember my time there for the rest of my career. “I will forever cherish the teammates I played with who are now more like family. KC would not have been the same without all of you.”

Matt Chabot at Farm to Fountains writes about non-tendered free agent targets for the Royals.

The Phillies have discussed dealing Alec Bohm to the White Sox for Garrett Crochet.

The Angels sign Yusei Kikuchi to a three-year, $63 million deal.

Which MLB free agent hitters have the best tools?

The Phillies are interested in Alex Bregman and Willy Adames.

Boston may move Rafael Devers to first base.

The White Sox are asking a lot for Luis Robert Jr.

What can the Angels expect from Mike Trout?

Seattle hires Kevin Seitzer as hitting coach.

MLB rearranges the Rays’ schedule to work around potential rainouts.

Portland’s mayor-elect is confident about the city landing an expansion team.

The NFL anticipates having boundary cameras in all stadiums by the end of the year.

UConn coach Dan Hurley rips the referees after a late foul call.

Why do we overthink situations after a party?

Macy’s says an employee hid as much as $154 million in expenses.

Celebrity look-a-like contests are becoming a thing.

Your song of the day is Pixies with Bam Thwok.

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