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Great British Bake Off winner revealed as baker makes history with epic win

THE Great British Bake Off crowned its first ever Welsh winner in paediatric nurse Georgie Grasso.

She rose above competitors Christiaan De Vries, 33, and Dylan Bachelet, 20, in the final of the hit Channel 4 show.

Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon
Georgie Grasso was crowned the winner of The Great British Bake Off 2024[/caption]
The Paediatric nurse is the first ever Welsh finalist and winner of the long-running show
Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon
She beat out the likes of Christiaan De Vries (centre) and Dylan Bachelet (right)[/caption]

It was a tense finale for the bakers who faced off in a garden party themed showstopper challenge.

Georgie, 34, wowed judges Paul Hollywood, 58, and Prue Leith, 84, with her three tier lemon and elderflower hanging cake.

Alison Hammond and Noel Fielding announced the result to a thunderous applause from the rest of the eliminated competitors.

Reacting to her win, Georgie admitted: “Being the first Welsh baker in the final was a massive achievement in itself, so to have won it is just the best feeling in the world. 

“The fact that I did it for Wales was amazing, it felt so surreal and my legs went to jelly.”

The competitor couldn’t help but get emotional after she was handed the coveted glass cake stand by the judges.

“I have always been so self doubtful,” she remarked. “I have got this and that wrong with me and think I can’t do it, and you make excuses.

“For once I thought I am just going to go for it and put my everything into it. Working all hours and I sacrificed time with the kids and the family.”

The series 15 winner star praised her fellow competitors as she labelled The Great British Bake Off as the “best thing” she has ever done.

“I am already feeling sad that I am not coming back here and not seeing everyone.

“The people I have met are going to be best friends for life.   This is the best thing I have ever done.”

Georgie has kept her trophy hidden under a dress since filming wrapped this Easter.

She added: “It will get centre stage in the kitchen now so everyone can see it.”

Commenting on her victory, Paul said: “The Welsh Wonder, Georgie smashed it out of the park.”

Great British Bake off cast 2024

The Great British Bake Off is back for another series of the heartwarming Channel 4 show.

Legendary judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith are back to give their expert opinion, while hosts Noel Fielding and Alison Hammond are on hand to lift the bakers spirits.

Here are the amateur bakers all taking part in 2024.

  • Andy, 44, car mechanic.
  • Christiaan, 33, menswear designer.
  • Dylan, 20, retail assistant.
  • Georgie, 34, paediatric nurse.
  • Gill, 53, senior category manager.
  • Hazel, 71, former nail technician.
  • Illiyin, 31, birth trauma specialist midwife.
  • Jeff, 67, former university lecturer.
  • John, 37, NHS directorate support manager.
  • Mike, 29, farmer.
  • Nelly, 44, palliative care assistant.
  • Sumayah, 19, student.

This is as his fellow co-judge Prue admitted: “Georgie did what she does best  –  classic British baking beautifully done, and won it and quite right too.”

The nurse was magnanimous in victory after she helped her fellow finalist Dylan finish his creation in the final round.

“My fellow finalists were so great and we all wanted each other to win,” she noted.

“At the end of the Showstopper I helped Dylan finish his, that is what it was like the whole way through.” 

Being the first Welsh baker in the final was a massive achievement in itself.

Georgie Grasso

She was awarded the title of star baker twice by the judges for her work in Caramel week and for her 70s inspired dishes.

Georgie added: “The support we all gave each other took away from the competitive side.”

She also wants her win to serve as an example for people with mental health issues.

“I hope that anyone with mental health issues will see this show, and see you can conquer your fears, keep positive – set a goal and your dreams can come true,” Georgie explained.

Adding: “I definitely want to continue talking about mental health, I would love to bring out a cookbook to show that you can bake through your problems.”

Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon
Georgie couldn’t help but get emotional after the result was announced[/caption]
Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon
The star has kept the glass bake stand trophy hidden since her victory[/caption]
She was ecstatic to be the first ever Welsh competitor to win the show
Channel 4 Mark Bourdillon
Georgie was awarded the coveted title of star baker twice throughout the competition[/caption]
Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon / Love Productions
The star impressed the judges on week four with her caramel creations[/caption]
Georgie praised her fellow competitors and hailed the show as the ‘best thing’ she has ever done[/caption]
Channel 4 / Mark Bourdillon
She previously won over Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith for her work on 70s week[/caption]

All episodes of The Great British Bake Off are available to watch back on Channel 4 on demand.

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