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From sheer maxi dress to silver blazer – expect Kate Moss hysteria this weekend as supermodel’s collection hits Zara

EXPECT Moss hysteria at Zara this weekend as the world’s coolest supermodel launches a collection with the high street chain.

Kate Moss announced the range yesterday, which seems to have borrowed from her own famous looks down the years as well as her Noughties collaboration with Topshop.

Mert and Marcus
Kate Moss launched her Zara range yesterday, pictured in a floral maxi dress, a Mossy trademark[/caption]
The iconic supermodel at the launch of her wellness brand Cosmoss in 2022[/caption]

The Croydon-born 50-year-old said: “I wanted to create the perfect party capsule ­— effortlessly chic but with an edge.”

The day-to-night designs have been put together by Kate and celebrity stylist pal Katy England — and when it comes to party outfits, Mossy knows.

Her collection mixes “classic cuts with just the right glam to take you through party season”.

Despite it not hitting shops or online until Saturday, the buzz is already like when her Topshop debut line landed in 2007.

As well as the LBDs, tailoring and boho prints synonymous with Kate, there are shoes and accessories from £17.99.

As style bible Vogue shared a peek on Instagram, fans posted flame and heart emojis.

One raved, “Topshop 2.0” and many pieces are reminiscent.

Kate is known for sheer maxi dresses, like the floral one she wore to launch her wellness brand Cosmoss in 2022, and she has created another for Zara in an oriental style.

But fashion designer and stylist Kelsey Randall branded Kate’s Zara range “poorly made designer knock-offs”.

Style symbol

Kate does look to styles from her old high-street deals as well as, for example, that Lurex mini-dress she wore to Glastonbury 2005.

But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it — and Kate aims not to rip off designers but give fans some of her style.

She is a style symbol.

We refer to trends as “very Kate Moss” if discussing perennials like the little black dress.

Her looks are classic, so while her collection might not excite women who live for the latest trend, it will work for those who want clothes to last more than one party season.

You are more likely to see Kate with a battered Chanel bag from 20 years ago than the latest must-have.

Women who have style wear what they think best — and Kate is such a woman.

And it is what will drive other women to Zara.

Her Topshop debut saw first-week sales of £3.5million and her 14 ranges there made her millions.

Pieces have since sold for up to £1,157 on eBay.

Now, her new gig may be bigger.

Will women be queuing on London’s Oxford Street come Saturday? Yes. Will I? No.

There are some great buys but I do not need another black dress.

The gold T-bar shoes are too Strictly and the leopard-print pumps remind me of a Topshop pair through which I felt each lump on the pavement.

But if you don’t already own a trench or wide-leg trousers, her range is for you.

She is not reinventing the wheel but that is precisely why it works.

Here, we compare vintage Kate looks with her Zara range.

SHEER maxi dresses are another Mossy trademark.

And just as impressive as the floral one she wore to the launch of her wellness brand Cosmoss in 2022 is this oriental-style design for Zara.

Kate is known for rocking leopard-print
Zara’s collection features a £699 leopard-print coat[/caption]

LEOPARD-print coats are to Kate what a bob is to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour – and she wore a favourite while leaving a London restaurant in 2012.

Her Zara collection has similar, shown off here by a model, although for £699 you could choose from many other options.

Supermodel Kate dazzled in a classy silk gown as she hit the town in 2007 with designer pal John Galliano[/caption]
Mert and Marcus
Kate’s Zara collection has a silk blouse, £59.99 and skirt, £69.99[/caption]

KATE dazzled in a classy silk gown as she hit the town in 2007 with designer pal John Galliano after a fashion gala at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum.

Her blouse, £59.99, and skirt, £69.99, for Zara create a similar vibe.

Moss has always loved a good leather jacket
Mert and Marcus
Get your own wet-look coat for £199[/caption]

FROM the Nineties until now, Kate has always loved her leather coats and jackets, including this vinyl trench from her Topshop line in 2008.

Hoping to recreate the same magic for Zara, she has added a new spin on the wet-look coat.

Yours for £199.

Stunner Kate is famous for her festival chic, pictured in a Lurex mini-dress at Glastonbury in 2005
Rex Features
Mert & Marcus
That same timeless look is now brought to us for the eyewatering price of £119[/caption]

FAMED for her festival chic, one of Kate’s most memorable outfits had to be the Lurex mini-dress she wore wading through the mud at Glastonbury in 2005.

That same timeless look is now brought to us mere mortals by Zara, but for the hefty price of £119.

Getty - Contributor
Kate suited up at London auction house Christie’s in 2013[/caption]
The model has created a similar blazer, £119, for Zara, teamed here with sophisticated trousers, £79.99, bralette, £59.99 and shoes, £169

SUITING up is one of Kate’s go-to styles, as showed off here for a visit to London auction house Christie’s in 2013.

So she has created a similar blazer, £119, for Zara, teamed here with sophisticated trousers, £79.99, bralette, £59.99, and shoes, £169.

Kate donned this striking winged gown to a fashion awards bash in London’s Albert Hall last year[/caption]
Mert and Marcus
Kate has channeled this style in her Zara project[/caption]

KATE swept up in this striking winged gown to a fashion awards bash in London’s Royal Albert Hall last year.

It went down a storm and she has channelled it in her Zara project.

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