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Big savings already with these Black Friday Kayak deals

Black Friday is fast approaching and some of the biggest stores have already started discounting their kit, with some impressive Black Friday Kayak Deals already!

Growing in popularity over the past 10 years, inflatable kayaks provide a real opportunity for those with limited storage or transportation to get out on the water easily and there are already some Black Friday inflatable kayak deals to make getting on the water cheaper.

Many of the best kayak deals that are around at this time of year cater to beginner kayakers, making already cheap kayaks even cheaper. There’s nothing wrong with a really cheap inflatible per se,  but you do want to make sure it’s from a reputable manufacturer – and that the deal is not just the result of a discount on an artificially inflated price. As such I’ve checked all the deals here thorough against historical price data to bring you the best kayak deals going.

One further point, if you are new to inflatable kayaks, be warned you do need to be careful of putting to sea in them in windy conditions, particularly if the wind is carrying you away from the shore. Also, do yourself a favour and buy a good quality kayak pump too!

For Black Friday 2024 there are plenty of big discounts available on kayaks, here’s our pick of the best kayak deals available right now. If you want to see more kayaks choices then have a look at our buyers’ guide to the best kayaks and canoes.

Note: We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site, at no extra cost to you. This doesn’t affect our editorial independence.


Best early Black Friday kayak deals – US

Advanced Elements StraitEdge2 PRO Inflatable Kayak, was $1,199.99, now $799.00
Most of the Black Friday Kayak deals you will find on the market are for very basic or beginner kayaks. But this is a proper bit of adventure kit.
It features aluminum frames for strength in the bow and self bailer drains in case of water coming over the sides, plus a small skeg for directional stability. This all comes at the cost of size and weight compared to a simpler kayak, but if you want something fit for a proper adventure as a truly impressive price this is for you.

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Oru Kayak Lake Foldable Kayak, was $499.00, now $398.98
Our technical editor, Fox Morgan tested this folding Oru kayak this summer and was impressed with how it performed. As such I’m more than happy to recommend this kayak deal. Of course $100 is not the biggest Black Friday deal you’ll find (and both the Oru Beach and Oru Bay have bigger discounts in Bass Pro’s Black Friday sales, but this is the one most likely to be used by those new to kayaking.

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Intex Explorer K2 2-person inflatable kayak set with oars and pump was $179.89, n0w $125.75
Our yachting journalist Drew Maglio tested a similar kayak by Intex, saying, ‘Both streamlined and stable, I have kayaked the Challenger K2 with another paddler up to 2.5 miles to two offshore islands in the Florida Keys on one occasion.
‘While these are far from turbid waters, it does demonstrate how capable the Challenger K2 is, as the inflatable kayak kept pace with multiple two-occupant plastic rental kayaks while also being much more stable and forgiving than its rigid counterpart.’
At the time of writing, this 2-person kayak has an average 4.4 star rating across 405 reviews.

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Best early Black Friday kayak deals – UK

Decathlon Itiwit inflatible touring kayak, was £299.99, now £199.99
I’ve not tested this specific Kayak from French sporting giant Decathlon. However, I have tested other kayaks and paddleboards in the Itiwit range and they have all been excellent for the money.

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Isle Switch 2-in-1 paddleboard, was £788, n0w £591 from Isle
This Switch paddleboard from Isle has a unique seat attachment system that turns it into a passable kayak. To be completely honest it’s a better paddleboard than it is a kayak, but it’s not terrible at the later once you get used to being on top of – rather than in – your kayak.

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Read our guide to the best kayaks and check out our guide to the best Black Friday boating deals


The post Big savings already with these Black Friday Kayak deals appeared first on Yachting World.

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