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Who is Kaleb Cooper from Clarkson’s Farm and does he actually own Diddly Squat?

KALEB Cooper is quickly becoming a household name after bursting onto the scene in Clarkson’s Farm.

The farmer and TV star has now got his own Prime Video show called The World According to Kaleb. Here we take a look at his story so far.

Kaleb Cooper is a farmer known for Clarkson’s Farm[/caption]

Born and bred in Chipping Norton on July 2, 1998, Kaleb Cooper is a local farmer.

He shot to fame by appearing in the Prime Video series Clarkson’s Farm.

The hit show follows Jeremy Clarkson in his journey managing Diddly Squat Farm.

Over the years Kaleb has become the former Top Gear star’s right-hand man on the farm.

At the time of his first appearance on Clarkson’s Farm, Jeremy said: “We needed a tractor driver for the series and we looked everywhere. I said: ‘I tell you what, you could look at the guy who’s actually doing the tractoring here now anyway’.

“So we got Kaleb and I think you’ll all agree he’s good on television.”

Three series have aired so far, with a fourth coming in 2025.

Due to his popularity, Kaleb has also written successful three books.

Diddly Squat farm

Despite being heavily involved in the running of the farm, Kaleb does not own Diddly Squat farm.

Jeremy bought the property back in 2008, but only started running it in 2020.

The 1000-acre farm is located between Chipping Norton and Chadlington in Oxfordshire, in the northern tip of the Cotswolds.

He named it Diddly Squat Farm, after realising it wasn’t generating a huge amount of produce.

However, thanks to Kaleb and co, the farm has become much more profitable.

The Diddly Squat Farm Shop is actually open to the public and is located at 5-12 Chipping Norton Road, Chipping Norton

Kaleb embarked on a theatre tour[/caption]

Going solo

In January 2024, Kaleb embarked on a successful solo theatre tour called The World According to Kaleb, which is named after his first book.

It was then revealed that it had been filmed and was being turned into a Amazon Prime Video show.

The show will be available to stream from November 29, 2024.

Kaleb has a cosy home life – seen here with his son[/caption]

Cosy home life

Away from the screen, the farmer is engaged to to fiancee Kaya.

The pair have been together in 2016, and on Christmas Day 2022 Kaleb announced that he had popped the question.

Posting a picture of himself with Kaya holding up her ring, he wrote: “She said yes! 2022 has been an amazing year. This definitely tops it off.

“I honestly can’t wait for 2023 and all the following years after that. @tayaaaxx your my best friend as well as the love of my life. Was a long wait for this (6 and a half years).”

The couple share two young children together, Oscar and Willa Grace.

Clarkson's Farm series guide

By Conor O'Brien, TV Reporter

Clarkson’s Farm airs on Prime Video and follows TV personality Jeremy Clarkson as he manages his Diddly Squat Farm in the Cotswolds.

Three series have been released to date and here is an overview of what has happened so far.

Series 1

  • Jeremy takes over the day-to-day running of the newly renamed Diddly Squat Farm.
  • Lisa Hogan, Kaleb Cooper, “Cheerful Charlie” Ireland and Gerald Cooper are also introduced.
  • Jeremy starts to assemble what he needs for his farm – as well as laying the groundwork for things to come later.
  • He buys key equipment including a tractor and cultivator, as well as taking on sheep and opening a farm shop.
  • Jeremy takes over the day-to-day running of the newly renamed Diddly Squat Farm.

Series 2

  • This series sees Jeremy look for ways to increase the farm’s revenue.
  • One such example is bringing in a herd of cows although this isn’t without its issues.
  • Jeremy also had the idea to convert the abandoned lambing barn into a restaurant where he could sell his meat from the farm.
  • For this plan to move forward, he had to get planning permission from the local council.
  • Viewers also meet Pepper, a heifer among the herd who ultimately becomes the star’s favourite.

Series 3

  • The third series contained some of the show’s most emotional moments to date.
  • In heartbreaking scenes, dozens of newborn piglets died as a result of overlaying – their mother rolling on to them.
  • Jeremy said goodbye to his favourite pig – the Baroness – after she developed cancer and needed to be put down. 
  • Dry stonewall expert and “head of security” Gerald Cooper was diagnosed with cancer.
  • Jeremy and Kaleb began a competition between themselves – with Kaleb looking after the arable side and Jeremy taking the non-arable elements.
  • Fellow farmers – and famous faces – Andy Cato and George Lamb appear in this series

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