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Hole in our roof was fixed with a PLASTIC BAG and we had no hot water for a year – we might as well sleep on the streets

A MUM is furious after her and her three kids have reportedly been without gas, heating and hot water for an entire year.

Paige Summers, 22 seethed that her family “might as well sleep on the streets” amid her Nottinghamshire home’s alleged dreary situation.

A mum and her three children have reportedly been left without gas, heating and hot water for a year[/caption]
Paige Summers says she and her three children ‘might as well sleep on the streets’[/caption]

Paige, from East Leake, has lived at the home for two-and-a-half years with her children, who are five, three and one respectively,” Nottinghamshire Live reported.

Despite numerous alleged complaints, she fears she can no longer keep her young kids safe.

She said: “It’s bringing me down, I’m just trying to keep my children safe and happy but it’s impossible to do so in these circumstances.”

And those are not the only issues, as Paige claims her roof also has a gaping hole after multiple tiles came loose.

She added that a contractor from Metropolitan Thames Valley, who own the home, “temporarily” fixed the issue a few weeks ago using a black binbag.

However, the quick fix reportedly hasn’t been able to stop a leak dripping onto the upper floor of the gaff, which include the bedrooms of Paige and her children.

Paige was told her home was rotten following a subsequent inspection.

“No one is helping me and my children. I feel like they’re taking me for a joke and communicating with them is impossible,” Paige said.

“I have no hope this will all be solved in time for Christmas.

“No one should be left to live with no heating and hot water and with missing parts to a roof, waking up freezing cold to wet drops dropping on them from the ceiling.

“My children should be allowed to play in their garden but are unable to with the fear of bricks falling on top of them.

“They should be looking forward to the lead up towards Christmas but they’re not.

“All they’re getting is illness. This should be their safe space but we might as well be sleeping on the streets.

“I feel a failure to my children and all I want is to keep them happy, warm and safe and it’s near enough impossible to do so giving the living conditions we are in.”

Paige also claimed that her one-year-old son, Rueben, has at times been unable to sleep during the night because his hands and feet “feel like ice cubes”, while three-year-old Ayla-May has reportedly experienced pain in both ears.

The latter, who is deaf, has allegedly also been ill for the past month due to a chest infection triggered by the cold and mould in Paige’s home.

Paige continued: “I don’t wish on anyone to live how we’re living. My five-year-old, Cruze, pretty much lives with his dad, he doesn’t want to be here.

“When he comes here, he just sits next to an electric fire that we have and doesn’t move. He never sleeps here overnight.

“All I want is for other families to not go through this.”

A spokesperson for Metropolitan said: “This is an extremely concerning situation especially given the presence of young children in the home.


Your tenancy agreement and tenant handbook explain the rights you have as a tenant. But there are some rights that apply to all social tenants, including the right to:

  • Have certain repairs done 
  • Apply for a transfer to another property 
  • Pass on your tenancy in specific cases 
  • Take in a lodger or sublet part of your home  
  • Swap your home with another secure tenant 

Source: Housing Rights

“Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our residents, and we are working hard to resolve these issues as a matter of urgency.

“First and foremost, we will be installing a new boiler at the home in the coming days.

“We visited the home in May this year and found the heating and hot water to be working well, however it is now clear that a replacement boiler is required.

“In the meantime, we have provided the family with temporary heaters for each of the main rooms, including the bedrooms, and are covering the electricity costs of running them.

“We have attended this home several times over the last year. We have made repairs to the roof, and we are continuing to investigate issues related to it.

“While damp and mould has not previously been a concern, we will now be looking into these new reports as a matter of urgency.

“We are a charitable housing association that exists to support people in housing need.

“This is not how we want our residents to be living, and we are exploring all possible options to keep this family safe, warm, and dry over the winter.”

The Sun Online has reached out to Metropolitan Thames Valley for comment.

A hole in the family’s roof at their Nottinghamshire home[/caption]
Rampant mould has allegedly triggered a chest infection in her daughter[/caption]

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