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Incoming Congress will have record number of Black lawmakers

The 119th Congress that will be sworn in next year will have a record number of Black lawmakers, including Angela Alsobrooks, the first Black woman to be elected a U.S. Senator from Maryland.

Much of the attention on the incoming Congress has focused on the fact that Republicans will control the House and Senate.

But there will also be an unprecedented number of Democrats in the Congressional Black Caucus — 62 in total. In addition, there will also be five Black Republican lawmakers.

The total of 67 Black lawmakers will be the most ever in Congress and builds on the growth of recent years. Fifty years ago, in 1974, there were only 17 Black members in Congress.

The Congressional Black Caucus was established in 1971 by 13 members who wanted to create a forum to discuss common political challenges and interests.

While the caucus is not formally connected to a political party, all of its members are Democrats.

The Congressional Black Caucus recently sent out a memo, touting its historic membership and also vowing to fight against parts of President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda.

“Democrats will seek common ground, expose extreme Republicans’ dangerous agenda, and fight to rebuild America’s social compact that means the dignity of work is respected, opportunities for wealth are created, and American freedoms are protected,” the caucus said.

Republican Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, who is Black, has been reelected as the House Minority leader.

In Maryland, Alsobrooks defeated former Gov. Larry Hogan. While she rarely referred to the historic nature of her candidacy during the campaign, members of the state’s congressional delegation have pointed with pride to her election.

“Angela Alsobrooks will bring to the Senate not only a representation from the state of Maryland, but also a representation of people who have not been represented very often in the United States Senate — and that’s women of color,” said Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer, of Maryland.

The veteran lawmaker was among the first to endorse her.

“She’s going to be an extraordinary asset,” he said.

Alsobrooks, a Democrat who has served as Prince George’s county executive, is a friend of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Another new Black member elected to Congress who has ties to Harris is Lateefah Simon, a Democrat who will represent the Oakland, California area.

Simon met Harris more than 20 years ago when she was running a nonprofit organization involving young women in the criminal justice system and Harris was a California prosecutor.

Simon said she is ready to go to work on behalf of her constituents in California’s 12th District.

“The good people of my district sent me here to Washington, D.C., to fight for the mother who is sleeping in her car, for the young person who is fighting cancer and does not have ample health insurance,” she said recently. “The people of the 12th brought me here to Washington, D.C., to fight deep bigotry and racism.”

Simon said she is committed to working on issues including education and health care.

Alsobrooks has said she is committed to serving all Marylanders, including those who supported her Republican opponent.

“I may not have won your vote, but I want you to know that I hear your voice, and I will be your senator too,” she said after getting elected.

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware, who is Black, was also elected to the Senate.

When Rochester and Alsobrooks are sworn in next year, it will mark the first time in U.S. history that two Black women have served together in the Senate.


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