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Match Preview: Hartlepool United (A)

It’s the first of two back to back away games for the Coasters who face a trip to the North East on Tuesday night with Hartlepool United playing hosts.

Fylde were out of action on Saturday afternoon after a spell of torrential rain meant the match officials deemed the Mill Farm playing surface as unplayable.

But with an extra few days preparation, the Coasters make the journey up to the North East to face a resolute Hartlepool side.

The pools have only lost once in league action since the end of September and will be a tough opponent as Kevin Phillips visits his old stomping ground.

Opposition Dugout: Lennie Lawrence

Lennie Lawrence was appointed Hartlepool Manager until the end of the season following the Pool’s suffering four straight defeats in September.

Lawrence took over from his caretaker role after Darren Sarll left the club.

The veteran has managed over 1000 games but hadn’t held a Manager position since his stint at Cardiff City in 2005.

Lawrence was joined in the dugout by former Woking boss Anthony Limbrick, who has joined as head coach, and Gavin Skelton, who has been appointed first-team coach.

One to watch: Emmanuel Dieseruvwe

Born in Yorkshire, Dieseruvwe came through the academy at Sheffield Wednesday before being loaned out to the likes of Hyde, Fleetwood Town and Chesterfield before joining the Spireites permanently in 2015.

Further spells at Kidderminster and Boston United followed before signing for Salford City where he spent four years.

In 2022, Dieseruvwe joined Halifax where he had a successful spell before joining Hartlepool in the summer of 2023.

He won the August player of the month for scoring five goals in the opening month of the campaign, and later in the season he became the first Hartlepool player to score 20 plus goals since 2008/09.

In March, Dieseruvwe was called up to the England C squad for a friendly against Wales C in which he was a used substitute.

Tickets and travel:

Away supporters are situated in the Hartlepool Cable Services Stand (also known as the Rink End). This is an unallocated, all-seated stand that has a maximum capacity 800. There is no terraced area available for away supporters. There is space for 7 wheelchair users (plus carers) within the stand. Wheelchair entry for away fans is on the West Stand through the car park (Acland Homes Stand side)

The stand is located on Clarence Road and the turnstiles are adjacent to the main office building, ticket office and shop.

Tickets can be purchased online here and are priced at:

  • Adult                         £22
  • Concessions            £16 (Over 65s, Students, Armed Forces, 18-21s)
  • Under 18                   £12
  • Under 14                   £6
  • Under 5                     FOC when purchased with a full paying adult

*Ambulant Disabled/Wheelchair tickets are sold at the relevant category as above and a free companion ticket will be issued for those in receipt of Higher Rate Disability Allowance or Enhanced PIP (must be shown).

*Under 14s will not be allowed entry to The Prestige Group Stadium without an adult.

*Tickets are issued electronically as standard. There will be a £1 additional charge for paper tickets (including postage) and this should be chosen as your delivery method at checkout.

Travel details:

The coach will leave Mill Farm at 3pm.

Adult (member) – £30

Adult (non-member) – £40

Under – 16 (member, accompanied by an adult) – Free

Under – 16 (non-member, accompanied by an adult) – £5

To book your place on any of the above, please email travel@afcfyldesupporters.co.uk

Payment can be made in cash on the coach or by bank transfer.

Supporters Group Note

A list of coach bookings will be shown on the Coasters Information Facebook page. If you are on the list but then find you are unable to travel, please let the Supporters Group know so that there is availability for others to travel.

The Supporters Group reserves the right to cancel away travel if numbers mean it is not feasible and will provide as much notice of this as is reasonably possible.

Travel on a coach is subject to the Supporters Group Terms and Conditions.

All supporters travelling on a coach to away games must park on the North Stand Car Park.


The Coasters will be wearing their black and yellow away kit ahead of the trip to Hartlepool.

Match coverage:

If you are not attending the game on Tuesday evening, then Coasters Live has you covered!

Coasters Live will be on air from 7:30pm for the 7:45pm kick-off. It is the only place where you can listen to full-match commentary of every AFC Fylde fixture with Kevin Bannon taking you through every kick of the evening!

To listen to Coasters Live commentaries on Mixlr, please CLICK HERE

You can also follow the game through our social media channels below, with full text coverage during the fixture, followed by a match report.

X: @AFCFylde

Facebook: @AFCFyldeOfficial

Instagram: @afc_fylde

The post Match Preview: Hartlepool United (A) appeared first on AFC Fylde.

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