COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) - It's the season of giving and many local agencies across central Ohio are holding toy drive events and drop off locations to help families in need for the holiday season. Below is a list of organizations where you can donate toys and more.
- The Salvation Army Angel Tree program provides new clothing and toys to more than 1 million children in need each year. Donors can shop for a child from their Christmas wish list. You can pick the tag off an Angel Tree located inside your local Walmart. The Salvation Army will distribute the gifts to families on Christmas morning.
Drop off dates: Dec. 7, 10, 12 and 14
- There are many ways to help out Nationwide Children's Hospital by supporting patients and families with clothing and toy donations. The hospital is also holding several toy drop offs as well at the dates listed above.
Dec. 14 at CAS from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- NBC4 with the Columbus Division of Fire, CME Federal Credit Union, Servpro, CAS, 97.9 WNCI and 93.3 The Bus to hold the 46th annual event. Donate new, unwrapped toys, gift cards and monetary donations to help make the holiday season special for local children.
Several locations to drop off toys held across central Ohio
- Toys for Tots is accepting donations for families in need. Anyone can donate toys now by finding a location near you, just follow the link above. In 2023, the organization distributed 101,349 toys and supported 83,822 children locally.
- Donors can provide gifts to families in need who are served by the agency. You can donate a toy, sponsor a child, hold a toy drive or donate to the agency's Children's Fund. If you are interested in donating a toy, you can choose an item off a child's wish list or can help by donating any new toy.