Weather, and especially temperatures, will be up-and-down through the next few days. This is due to multiple fronts, which will move through the region.
Firstly, a front has moved through the area this morning and temperatures are dropping behind it. After being warm, in the lower 80s, yesterday--temperatures today will be cooler, only reaching the lower 70s. Temperatures slip into the mid-50s by tomorrow morning.
A warm front will lift northward into the area tomorrow, leading to warmer temperatures once again. Highs will be in the lower 80s tomorrow under a sky with increasing clouds. A few showers could be possible tomorrow along with breezy southwesterly winds.
The second strong cold front will move through early in the day on Thanksgiving. The high temperature, in the mid-70s, could actually occur very early in the morning, with temperatures falling through the 60s and 50s during the afternoon and evening hours. Northwesterly winds will likely be strong behind the front, making things feel even colder.
A cold start expected for Friday morning with readings in the lower 40s. Highs only rebound into the upper 50s Friday afternoon, even under mostly sunny skies. Mid-upper 30s possible Saturday morning, while high temperatures stay in upper 50s to lower 60s through Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
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