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Five great UK theme parks you’ve probably never heard of

WE love a theme park here at the Sun – but what we don’t love is huge crowds.

Thankfully, the UK has more than 500 amusements parks to choose from, so we’ve found some of the lesser known ones you can visit.

From digger rides to 20p attractions – here are the top theme parks you may not have heard of[/caption]

Diggerland, across the UK

Dubbed the “ultimate adventure theme park,” Diggerland lets you drive real JCBs and diggers.

Both adults and kids can take part – with smaller experiences for younger guests as well such as spinning carts, mini Landrover driving.

There are even rides including the Skyshuttle which takes you 50ft in the air, as well Spindizzy, where guesrts are spun in digger bucket.

It even has a ‘Dig-a-round’ – an adapted JCB 8060 turned into a carousel.

Not only is there an indoor soft play too in case the weather turns, but there are four locations across the UK to choose from too.

The Sun’s Head of Travel Caroline McGuire, who visited, raved about the lack of queues and affordable prices, adding: “My boy had such a good time that I’ll eat my gift shop-purchased yellow hard hat if I don’t find myself back there digging for gravel next summer.”

Diggerland is found in Kent, Devon, Durham and Yorkshire. Tickets for the 2025 season start from £12.97 for kids and £25.95 for adults.

Wicksteed Park, Northamptonshire

Having reopened back in 2020 after falling into administration, Wicksteed Park is a rare theme park that is free to enter.

Instead, guests pay to go on one of the 25 rides inside, set across three zones – Adventure, Thill and Splash.

Splash Zone has a water chute ride as well as lake boats, while the biggest ride is at Thrill Zone, the Dinosaur Valley rollercoaster.

Hope on the Wicksteed Park Railways to go all around the park, before trying out the other rides including crazy golf, farmyard and theatre.

You can even camp there, if you want to stay more than just a day.

Mum Catherine Lofthouse said its been a favourite of hers since childhood: “I’ve been visiting this Midlands must-do for four decades and it’s just as much fun as when I was a child, with lots of the old family favourites still on site and plenty of new attractions to boot.”

Wicksteed Park, Kettering. Entry is free but tickets start from £3, with each ride costing one ticket.

Wicksteed Park is free to enter[/caption]

Blackgang Chine, Isle of Wight

The UK’s oldest theme park, Blackgang Chine, has been open for 181 years.

Also dubbed the Land of Imagination, many of the areas have very little technology.

Every kid will find a themed land they enjoy ranging from Cowboy Town and Underwater Kingdom to Fairyland and and Nursery Land.

Last year, they opened their new ride Extinction, with views over the cliff edge, while this year saw its new beach and pirate themed ride.

Vectis Ventures Park Director Dominic Wray previously said: “A lot of parents and grandparents have fond memories of sitting on a giant toadstool, exploring Cowboy Town or going inside the Mouth of Hell – they bring their children or grandchildren because they want to create those intergenerational memories.”

Blackgang Chine, Isle of Wight. Entry is free but tickets start from £22, Ticket prices for 2025 yet to be confirmed.

Photo: Justin Garvanovic
The oldest in the country is Blackgang Chine, opening 181 years ago[/caption]

Milky Way Adventure Park, Devon

Despite being named the five best theme park in the world (according to Tripadvisor) most people may not have heard of Milky Way Adventure Park.

Previously a dairy farm, the park celebrated its 40th anniversary this year.

Its newest is their mini golf which opened this year as a nine-hole attraction.

Or you can hop on one of of tour of their rollercoasters – Cosmic Typhoon, with speeds up to 40mph, or the smaller Cosmic Caterpillar.

Even if it rains, there is everything from ninja courses, indoor adventure parks, dodgems and live show – all out of the bad weather.

Most tourists have sung its praises on TripAdvisor too, calling it a “one of a kind” and having loads to do while there.

Milky Way Adventure Park, Bideford. Tickets start from £13.95.

Milky Way Adventure Park
Milky Way Adventure Park is one of the highest rated theme parks in Europe[/caption]

Playland Fun Park, Worcestershire

You might not have heard of the cheapest theme park in the UK either.

Not only is it free to enter, but rides are as little as 20pp, while larger ones are just £2.

While there are no rollercoasters, there are rides for the big and little kids to choose between such as the Junior Pirate Ship.

Go karts, safari trains, bumper boats and trampolines, along with a paddling pool and skate park are some of the smaller rides on offer.

One parent commented online: “It’s a pure gem which highlights the great range of local places that Stourport has to offer locals and visitors all year round.

Playland Fun Park, Stourport. Entry is free but tickets start from 20p.

The smallest theme park on the list, Playland Fun Park has attractions for as little as 20p[/caption]

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