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Новости сегодня

Новости от TheMoneytizer

Mum gets blasted for the amount of toys she’s already got her 9-year-old which covers her ENTIRE lounge floor

A MUM has been blasted for the amount of toys she has already bought her nine-year-old which covers the entire lounge floor. 

Lauren recently shared a video on TikTok of her huge Christmas present haul for her son and revealed that it didn’t include the main present. 

Lauren has bought her son a whole range of toys and revealed she still hasn’t finished[/caption]
She has even already wrapped them all up[/caption]

The mum, who goes by the name of ‘laurenrollsxx’ on her social media page, explained that despite having already bought presents from B&M, Tesco, Asda, Smyths and The Works, she still needs to get a “few other bits.” 

In the caption of the video Lauren also explained how all the presents were all “ready wrapped.” 

Speaking to the camera whilst filming the presents, Lauren says: “This is what I got my nine-year-old son for Christmas.

“I got him a pink Krispy Kreme Snackles plushie from Smyth’s, which was £20, and then I got him a tie-dye puppy from The Works in a two for £12 deal. 

“Then I got him three Nintendo Switch games. They say £12 on them, but they are actually two for £20 in B&M. The Crash Bandicoot one I had from Smith’s Toys.

“I had the Guinness World Book of Records from The Works, reduced to £10. I thought, bargain! 

“I got the Robo Alive Dino Fossil Find from Tesco’s. In the Tesco’s toy event, I got him these two Nintendo games.

“They’re box sets and they come with accessories as well, and they were both reduced to £15 for the game and the accessory. I thought that’s mega good.

“I got him the Oh No game from Smith’s. I’ve never played this but I’m looking forward to it.

And then I got him the gaming neon speakers. I thought he loves listening to music; they’d be brilliant for his bedroom. 

“Wheels mini skateboards and then the Snackles Surprise Plushie. They are from Tesco’s.”

Lauren explained that her son sits for hours playing with Play-Doh as she he loves sensory things.

She says: “I also bought him the Kinetic Sand Ice Cream Station from Smith’s. It works brilliantly for him.

“I got some shower gels and some lip balms from Home Bargains and B&M, and then I picked up this Kebab game from Tesco. I thought, “brilliant family fun game for Christmas.”

This is what it looks like all wrapped on my sofa


And the list didn’t stop there. 

The mum’s present pile also included Play-Doh Ice Cream Station, a gaming headset, mini skateboards and Scuba Splash game. 

She continues: “Then I got him the skateboard ramp to use all his mini skateboards on. Some more Play-Doh. 

“He plays for hours and hours with this. The Battleships game. Oh my god, guys, I loved this game as a child. 

She got him a pink Krispy Kreme Snackles plushie from Smyth’s, which was £20[/caption]
The mum was blasted for the amount of toys she bought[/caption]
It sparked a big conversation in her comments section[/caption]

“I got a Lego set and a Dirt Arena set. They’re from Smith’s and Tesco. One of his main presents is the scooter.”

Lauren revealed that the shop came to £130 from Smyths. 

She says: “Then he’s got some more mini skateboards and a huge jewellery set. He loves making bracelets and things. Some pyjamas and the Bubble Tea set. 

“I’m just going to get him his main prize, which is a Steam Deck for gaming, and some PS5 games are on their way. Some pyjamas and clothes. 

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.

“This is what it looks like all wrapped on my sofa.”

Her video gained lots of attention with many rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts.

One wrote: “I grew up like this. It’s so overwhelming and overstimulating. I refuse to do this to my kiddos lol. 

“I know parents do this out of pure love though and that’s all that matters.”

Her video gained lots of attention with many rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts[/caption]

But Lauren replied: “But I can see how for other children with additional needs it can be too much & that’s ok! 

“I would probably give gifts over two days but regardless I love spoiling my boys.”

A second said: “Kids don’t need all that, just a loving home with a mum and dad that loves them.”

Lauren defended herself by commenting back: “Well I guess it’s a bonus then they have lots of lush presents & a loving mother win win.”

A third added: “Not against what you do for your kid. Amazing you can do that. 

“Was just saying maybe even mums who have nothing watching this feeling awful as a parent cause they can’t do the same.”

An additional person wrote: “Fair enough, but I wouldn’t get mine that much stuff each, that’s a bit much.”

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