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Harshita Brella’s husband was arrested and bailed over domestic abuse before murder

Harshita Brella, 24, was discovered in a silver Vauxhall Corsa in Ilford, South London, almost 100 miles away from her home in Corby (Picture: Northamptonshire Police/SWNS)

Harshita Brella’s fugitive husband was arrested after she accused him of domestic abuse just weeks before he is believed to have murdered her and dumped her body in the boot of a car.

The 24-year-old is thought to have been strangled to death in Corby, Northamptonshire, late on November 10 before her body was driven 100 miles down to Ilford in east London where it was abandoned.

An international manhunt is now underway for her husband Pankaj Lamba, 23, who has been named by detectives as the prime suspect in her murder.

In an update today, the police watchdog revealed Lamba was arrested in September after Harshita made a report of domestic abuse.

Harshita’s family said in a statement she had ‘left this world but you are still with us in our hearts and will always be there’ (Picture: Northamptonshire Police)

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) is investigating Northamptonshire Police over the force’s contact with Harshita.

Lamba was arrested on September 3 and released with bail conditions and a domestic violence protection notice, they added.

In a statement, IOPC regional director, Derrick Campbell said: ‘After assessment of a referral from Northamptonshire Police we have decided to investigate police contact with Harshita Brella, and her husband Pankaj Lamba, prior to her body being found on November 14.

Northamptonshire Police launched a murder investigation after her body was found inside the boot of a vehicle in Ilford, east London (Picture: Northamptonshire Police)
An international manhunt is now underway for her husband Pankaj Lamba, 23 (Picture: Northamptonshire Police/SWNS)

‘We will be examining the police response to Ms Brella’s report of domestic abuse made at the end of August this year. We understand Mr Lamba was arrested by Northamptonshire Police on September 3 and was released with bail conditions and a domestic violence protection notice imposed on him. We will look into further contact Northamptonshire Police had with Ms Brella concerning the case.

‘Our investigation will consider the actions and decisions taken by Northamptonshire Police in relation to the report made by Ms Brella and their subsequent investigation.

‘Our thoughts are with Ms Brella’s family and all those affected by her death. We will be contacting Ms Brella’s family to explain our role and express our sincere condolences.’

In a tribute released last week, Harshita’s family said: ‘Harshita, you left this world but you are still with us in our hearts and will always be there.

‘We will never forget you till our last breath. Always stay with us. We miss you in every very moment of our life.’

CCTV photo of a Silver Vauxhall Corsa on Brisbane Road, Ilford, which police believe was driven by Pankaj Lamba (Picture: Northamptonshire Police/PA)

Detectives want to hear from people who were in the area around Corby Boating Lake, Cottingham Road and Westcott Way on the evening of November 10, and who may have dashcam footage or other information that could assist the investigation.

Detective Chief Inspector Johnny Campbell, from the East Midlands Special Operations major crime unit, said: ‘Our inquiries have established that Pankaj and Harshita were in the area of the boating lake on Sunday evening, and as part of our ongoing investigation we have carried out searches in the surrounding area.

‘We know that it’s a busy part of the town and there will have been a lot of passing traffic.

‘As such, we’re appealing to anyone who was in Corby between 6pm and 9pm on Sunday, November 10, specifically in the area around the Corby Boating Lake, Cottingham Road and Westcott Way.

‘If you have any dashcam footage, or other information that may be relevant to the investigation, however small, please contact us as soon as possible.

‘Any information you have may help us piece together exactly what happened to Harshita and help bring her killer to justice.’

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