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Red Bull must make better car for 2025 – Verstappen snr

Nov.26 (GMM) Max Verstappen’s father has admitted he was “not always positive” the fourth consecutive drivers’ title would work out for his son in 2024.

Both Jos Verstappen, and Max’s girlfriend Kelly, were not in Las Vegas – which was 27-year-old Verstappen’s first mathematical opportunity to wrap up this year’s title.

“I didn’t feel very well,” Verstappen senior has now explained to Viaplay. “I have a little flu, so I didn’t want to be near Max. There was also the time difference, and next year I have a race myself, so I have to prepare myself a bit,” added Jos, who takes part in rallying events.

52-year-old Verstappen, who failed to win a grand prix in his own Formula 1 career, watched the race on TV instead. “I was nervous,” he admitted. “I was already awake at 4am, because I couldn’t sleep anymore.

“That’s the tension that comes with it, but in the end it worked out. Not in the way Max would have liked, I think, but the most important thing is that it worked out.”

Indeed, Verstappen qualified and finished P5, but critically ahead of his title rival and friend Lando Norris.

Jos stood on the podium twice after racing for Benetton, Simtek, Footwork, Tyrrell, Stewart, Arrows and Minardi – while his son now has four titles, 111 podiums, and 62 grand prix wins.

“I get goosebumps when you say it like that,” the Dutchman admitted. “It’s crazy when you think about it, especially when a small country like the Netherlands achieves such great performances. That’s something to be very proud of.”

Nonetheless, Jos – who has been outspoken about Christian Horner this year and highly critical of Red Bull at times – admitted he was prepared for Max’s 2024 campaign not working out.

“Max had a certain lead of course, but it also depended on what they did with the development of the car. My head was certainly not always positive about it anymore. But what Max ultimately showed, and the races he drove, is unprecedented. What he did in Brazil in particular got him over the line.”

And while Jos got involved in the power struggles and bickering inside Red Bull, Max seemed to stay composed throughout – which Jos admits was genuine.

“He was pretty relaxed about everything,” Verstappen snr said, “and I think he is now reaping the benefits of being treated a bit harder by me. I think Max needed that learning experience.

“When you see how he is dealing with the pressure now, I can only be proud.”

Jos, however, has openly flirted with a move for his son to Mercedes for 2026 – and he remains critical of the direction Red Bull is heading in.

“The team knows what the problems are and what needs to change,” he says. “Now they have to prove that they can cope with it.

“I want to see a fifth title next year,” Jos added. “We started this season very well, but then we went backwards. Now it’s up to the team to see how things go in 2025.

“Red Bull doesn’t have the fastest car at the moment, otherwise Max would be winning races. The fact that he won the title in this car speaks for itself. Look at (Sergio) Perez’s results. Something has to change for them to be competitive again.

“The title this year shows once again how well Max is doing and how strong he is.”

Max can now head to Qatar and Abu Dhabi knowing he is already 2024 world champion. “Max is of course happy that it was decided now,” said Jos. “It has been a difficult year with a less competitive car. He is the best in the world.

“You saw (in Las Vegas) that everyone was struggling with the tyres except Mercedes. But Max had a good opening phase and then consolidated. Then it was important to finish ahead of Norris. He also took no risks by insisting on keeping the Ferraris behind him.

“If Max has a somewhat good car, he is in contention. But it’s up to the team to build a better car for next year, otherwise we’re nowhere. It’s certainly not Max’s fault. Everyone knows that by now.”

The post Red Bull must make better car for 2025 – Verstappen snr appeared first on NewsOnF1.

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