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I’ve been to Benidorm 15 times and winter is the best time to visit: there’s no crowds, loads of sun and great deals

BENIDORM is one of the most popular summer holiday destinations either Brits – but an expect has revealed why it’s a great winter hotspot too.

TUI travel agent Jacqueline Anderson explained why people shouldn’t forget about the Spanish town when the weather turns.

Jacqueline has been going to Benidorm for winter holidays for 15 years
Having worked for TUI for nearly 20 years, she said the Spanish town is just as good in winter[/caption]

Most people visit for the beaches and the nightlife, being home to the iconic Morgan’s Tavern.

But not only does it still reach highs of 17C In December, there are more than enough things going on for a winter holiday too.

Jacqueline, who has worked as a travel advisor for TUI in Sunderland for nearly 20 years, said Benidorm still stands out for her.

She said: “As the days get shorter and the UK weather turns icy, there’s no better time to plan a sneaky winter getaway.

“With nearly two decades of experience, one destination stands out year after year: Benidorm.

“Whether you’re chasing sunshine, relaxation, or adventure, this vibrant spot has something for everyone.

“I’ve been 15 times and am preparing to head back there in just a few short weeks.”

Explaining why it is great in winter, she said a holiday during the cold months is a “remedy for the soul”.

Jacqueline added: “Escaping to warmer climates between November and March is a fantastic way to beat the winter blues.

“The sunshine, slower pace, and affordable prices make it the perfect time to recharge.

“Personally, I love booking a cheeky December or March break to enjoy the milder crowds and grab a great deal.”

She also gave her top tips on how to explore the town during winter.

Tapas Alley

Calling the Old Town a “must visit,” she explained how Tapas Alley is great not only for Spanish food but also Christmas experiences.

She said: “You can feel the festive atmosphere during December when the Christmas Market fills the park with unique stalls and gift ideas.”

Don’t forget to visit the Benidorm markets too, on both Wednesdays and Sundays, where you will find everything from handmade sweets and jewellery to clothes and shoes.


While Benidorm is well known, there is one nearby hidden gem Jacqueline said lots of tourists don’t know about.

“For the adventurous, visit Guadalest, a hilltop village offering breathtaking views and a rewarding climb to its historic church,” she explained.

Evening entertainment

With the beach not being as popular when the temperature drops, Benidorm still thrives with its late night shows.

Jacqueline added: “Whether you prefer a laid-back vibe or a lively night out, Benidorm delivers.

“From hotel entertainment to tribute acts, cozy bars serving sangria, and the spectacular Benidorm Palace Show with its dazzling dancers, the evenings offer endless fun for all ages.”

And in case you didn’t believe it was her favourite – she already has her Beni holiday booked, and advises to plan ahead for the cheapest deals, as the “best bargains go fast”.

She said: “I’m heading to Benidorm this December for all these reasons and more – it’s my time to recharge before the holiday rush.

“From leisurely walks along the lit promenade to vibrant nights out, I know this trip will leave me refreshed and ready for the season ahead.”

More top tips from a Brit living in Benidorm

Mum-of-five Michelle Baker has been living in Benidorm for 40 years.

“The food is so amazing – everything is fresh here, with no pre-made meals like UK restaurants.

“A local breakfast is a toasted baguette with grated tomato and olive oil, which with a coffee, will set you back just €3.50.

“The work-life balance is also great, thanks to the midday siestas so expect to see Spanish kids around at midnight while the older generation are out having chats until 4am.

“It’s even like being in Britain in the 1960s – a walk through our hometown village takes ages because everyone wants to stop and chat.

“Make sure to visit Poniente Beach too – it’s like the Miami of Benidorm.”

We’ve found cheap TUI deals for as little as £208pp, which includes four nights’ full board and flights.

Don’t mind finding your own food? Then similar self-catering deals are just £193pp, or stay for a week from £273pp.

You can still get some winter sun with highs of 17C[/caption]

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