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‘Throw ‘em away’: Woman warns this common product is ‘poison’ to your cats

Considering bowls are one of the products your cat uses every day, it's important to choose the right one. This cat owner shares their cat's experience with stainless steel bowls and how it might have injured their cat.

What happened?

Cat parent and TikToker @maddzz0420 shares with viewers their journey with their sensitive, immune-compromised cat and why stainless steel cat bowls were no good for them. According to @maddzz0420, their cat, Pepper, has a rodent ulcer, which is a type of skin lesion. They show pictures of their cat's nose and mouth irritation after eating from stainless steel cat bowls at the end of the video.

"Go to your bowls right now. If you have any metal bowls like this one, too, throw away. Throw 'em away," @maddzz0420 says.

"They're poison to your cats," @maddzz0420 adds. "You can only have glass or ceramic or porcelain."

As a disclaimer about the video, @maddzz0420 writes in the caption that this is just the experience with their cat and their cat's specific needs and that this may not be the case for everyone's cat.

"She has an auto [immune] disease that triggered her booboo. But the bowls are not safe for her specifically. All my other cats are fine ! and i also have about 20 different bowls, so they’re always eating & drinking out of fresh water and always have fresh wet food !" @maddzz0420 mentions. "Anyways any metal bowls or plastic is bad for your cat with an autoimmune disease. I literally chucked my cats water fountain out yesterday because its plastic. Even if you clean the filters and clean it by hand every week. Its doesnt matter its all toxic !!!! Doctor told me today to get rid of any stainless [steel] and metal bowls to!!!"

What kinds of cat bowls are the safest?

According to the Americat company, stainless steel bowls are actually the safest, and ceramic bowls might come with their own set of challenges. Ceramic bowls can harbor bacteria if not glazed properly and might have toxic paints, Americat states. However, it states stainless steel bowls help you avoid those challenges and are inherently antibacterial.

@maddzz0420 WARNING PHOTOS AT END !!! Pepper has a #rodentulcer we just got back from the vet she had to get a cortizone shot. Im NOT saying these bowls caused this to pepper. But they will not help the healing process either. She has an auto immunue disease that triggered her booboo. But the bowls are not safe for her specifically . All my other cats are fine ! and i also have about 20 different bowls, so they’re always eating & drinking out of fresh water and always have fresh wet food ! Anyways any metal bowls or plastic is bad for your cat with an autoimmune disease. I literally chucked my cats water fountain out yesterday because its plastic. Even if you clean the filters and clean it by hand every week. Its doesnt matter its all toxic !!!! Doctor told me today to get rid of any stainless steal and metal bowls to!!! If your are coming for advice or help i can offer what i know !!! Go fund me for peavhes is in my bio as well. Shes another kitten im helping woth upper respiratory infection. I use shallow wide mouth glass and ceramic now #catbowls #catsafety #catrodentulcer #pepperthecat #pepperthetuxedocat #catsores #cathealth #cattips101 #catknowledge #cathealthtips ♬ original sound - maddzz0420

What are viewers saying?

Viewers share varied methods for keeping their cats safe and their preferred bowls.

"I'm gather all pets react different so if your pet is fine then dont switch lol," mentions a comment.

"See and I was told that ceramic and porcelain absorb bacteria and cause gum disease. I only use glass," says another,

"My cats drink the most water out of a coffee mug, they think it's forbidden water & I think that makes them drink more lol," shares a different comment.

"My pets are 10, 7, 6 & 5 yrs and have ate out of stainless steel most of their lives bc the cats break anything else, they are the healthiest babies," says another comment.

"I’ve been using stainless steel for both pets (cats and dogs) they’re all fine and healthy. Maybe it’s some kind of allergy? Get them tested for allergies (it’s worth it) hope the kitties are doing well!" shares another viewer.

The Daily Dot has reached out to @maddzz0420 for comment via TikTok direct message and comment.

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The post ‘Throw ‘em away’: Woman warns this common product is ‘poison’ to your cats appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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