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Mitch McConnell Did Not Win a Mandate

Mitch McConnell did not win a mandate, Donald Trump did. Why does this even need to be said? Apparently, for Republicans, it needs to be said directly and without artifice, or else the message will get lost in their delusions of grandeur.

In the first Trump term, Republicans led by Mitch McConnell and John McCain, scuttled Trump’s win by thwarting him at every turn, even working with Hillary Clinton, using the Russia collusion hoax and delivering it to the FBI to hamstring the president. Remember, it was John McCain who delivered the Steele Dossier to the FBI. It was John McCain, who in his last vote to screw Trump and Republicans, voted against the Obamacare overhaul. Finally, it was Mitch McConnell who slow-walked confirmations that left the Trump administration woefully understaffed, with key positions open. The Trump administration never really took off. It couldn’t. Republicans, who had power in the House and Senate, did everything in their power to squander the possibilities for true ideological advancement because they hated and distrusted Donald Trump and knew that he was a political neophyte. Their malice harmed themselves and the country but they didn’t care.

The same people are up to the same nefarious business in the run-up to Trump’s moving in, again, to the White House. If Trump’s second term stumbles at the beginning, cast your eyes toward the Senate, where a decrepit and unpopular Mitch McConnell will wield the power, still, since he is in charge of the Senate Rules Committee. He will do everything in his power to make sure Trump has no power.

Here’s the problem with this equation: Mitch McConnell didn’t win a mandate. Donald Trump did.

It was Donald Trump’s coattails that dragged Senate races over the line and gave Republicans control. It’s Donald Trump the American people voted for. They gave Trump, once again, control of Congress because Americans are hopeful that Trump can actually tackle the maladies facing America. They know he needs all branches of the government to do it because every other institution is under Democrat control. Millions of Americans gave Trump the Electoral College, the popular vote, majorities in both houses, and made conservative choices, even in California, when it comes to crime and social issues. The Democrats were utterly defeated. That means Republicans must govern. They must follow Trump’s lead and do what he wants. It is Donald Trump’s mandate, not Mitch McConnell’s. It’s not Mike Johnson’s. It’s not John Cornyn’s or Jeff Flake’s or Susan Collins’s or the new Majority Leader’s. What’s his name again? It doesn’t matter because as long as Mitch McConnell is alive, like Nancy Pelosi in the House, he’s running the show.

Whether Mitch McConnell ever has been happy in the majority is a question. His forte is thwarting the opposition by throwing sand into the legislative gears. He’s very good at it. A pro. No one is better at understanding Senate procedures and using them for both helpful and nefarious purposes. The problem for Republicans is that Mitch McConnell views Trump as the opposition. Yes, still.

Since the beginning of the Tea Party movement, establishment Republicans have chafed at having to abide by their party’s platform. They, like Democrats, like money. They like reelection. They’re not particularly keen on governing. They certainly don’t consider campaign promises to mean much. Trump, being new to politics, refreshingly, kept promises to his constituents. Or, he tried to. This is something Republicans almost can’t fathom. Their stock in trade is getting elected and then pleasing their media masters, except the media masters are never pleased.

It’s astonishing to Republicans that Trump actually meant what he said and intended to keep his promises. They were surprised that Make America Great Again wasn’t a cynical slogan but a deep desire grounded in philosophy.

MAGA is not the same as the Tea Party. It’s broader and encapsulates a foreign policy vision too. It’s populist, American-centric, patriotic, and optimistic.

There’s a sense that the government is too big, too powerful, and inefficient. Trust in public institutions has evaporated. Who trusts the FBI, Department of Justice, IRS, FDA, Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Veterans Affairs, and on, and on? Is there an institution worthy of its mandate? No. Americans are sick of it and want the trash taken out. This garbage is expensive, too. Thirty-five trillion dollars in debt and for what, exactly?

Americans are sick to death of foreign adventurism. They’re sick of war and sick of weakness. They’re sick of the DEI nonsense. They’re sick of being taken for fools. They’re sick of illegal aliens living off the dole while seeing their fellow Americans suffer. They’re sick of the crime. They’re sick of the emotive, violent movements playing on guilt and fear. They’re sick of drug addicts on the streets. They’re sick of being browbeaten by radicals changing the language. They’re sick of being afraid to speak.

Outraged voters saw how Donald Trump was treated — the lawsuits (oh, after turning Trump’s personal life upside down, Jack Smith decided to drop the cases), the violence, and the purposeful lack of Secret Service protection. They made the connection to their own experience. If a billionaire could be treated this way, what hope does an average American have in the face of a corrupt government? Unequal laws. Unequal justice.



Americans had enough. Even doubting the security of the system, they voted. Overwhelmingly. They gave Donald J. Trump a mandate: Make it stop. Bring back sanity. Save us. Save our country. Bring peace. Bring prosperity.

Already, the agitation has subsided. Countries around the world are checking their behavior. More importantly, the tyrants within the bureaucracy are afraid. Good. They should be. They’re lucky Americans aren’t heating up tar and pulling chickens in preparation for public trials.

Heads should roll. Donald Trump and his team need to be selective about this. Choose a couple of utterly corrupt bureaucrats, prosecute them, and send them to prison. Anthony Fauci is a good start. Maybe Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis. (That Lois Lerner is pulling a plum retirement still galls.) Just a couple. A warning needs to be sent. Otherwise, all energy needs to go to dismantling the levers of power so that it doesn’t matter who is in charge, they cannot do the sort of damage that’s been done again.

This is what Americans want. They don’t want Mitch McConnell and his clever behind-the-scenes manipulation. They don’t want fat, entitled Senators scheming to undercut the man they elected.

Americans want Donald Trump’s agenda. It should be rubber-stamped by both chambers of Congress.

Americans want Donald Trump’s nominees to be confirmed. Every one of them. Senators should give these folks a handshake and confirm them. Done.

Americans want Donald Trump to have everything, everything, he needs to succeed. No meddling. No drama. Just get it done.

Donald Trump has a mandate. Not Mitch McConnell. The time of the Senatorial orcs has passed. The little people are coming to Washington, D.C. to kill the rings of power, and their hero, like Frodo, is a rich, naive guy from a disrespected borough in New York. So Saruman, yes, that’s McConnell, needs to get out of the way. A new day has dawned and the men of the West are rising again. May they respect the mandate and mantle of power given to them by the people. The only way we’ll know if they do is if they’re allowed to carry it. Donald Trump won this mighty responsibility. Let him have it. That’s what it means to have a mandate.

READ MORE from Melissa Mackenzie:

What Trump’s Cabinet Picks All Have in Common: They Don’t Give a ____

The Kids Are Alright, It’s the Boomers Who Are Bananas

About Tolerance

The post Mitch McConnell Did Not Win a Mandate appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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