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I’ve had to ditch my ‘catty’ Strictly judging style or I’d be branded a bully and cancelled, says Craig Revel Horwood

STRICTLY’S Craig Revel Horwood has admitted canning his catty comments towards celebrity dancers over fears he will be cancelled.

The judge of 20 years gave a rare 10 score on Saturday and says he has toned down his Mr Nasty act following the Giovanni Pernice bullying scandal.

Motsi Mabuse and Shirley Ballas cheer a rare 10 from stoic Craig Revel Horwood[/caption]
Craig gave Anton and Susannah Constantine the lowest possible ‘1’ score for a routine in 2018[/caption]
Craig has binned his barbs for kinder words for contestants in this year’s series[/caption]
Tasha Ghouri and Aljaz Skorjanec landed the first ­perfect 40 of this series[/caption]

The Aussie star, 59, has binned his barbs for kinder words for contestants in this year’s series.

Viewers have already noticed his softer side and on Saturday he gave a perfect “10” score — to huge elation.

His new approach comes in the wake of the Giovanni Pernice-Amanda Abbington bullying probe, and Graziano Di Prima’s axe for appearing to kick Zara McDermott.

Craig said: “I have changed my style of judging.

“I was really harsh 20 years ago.

“When I look back, I think, ‘Ooh, that’s ­cutting.’

“I do still say what’s wrong, but you can wrap the truth in a nice way.

“It’s how can I reach out to them and help them to improve, rather than just ­saying, ‘This is wrong, that’s wrong’.

“I’m thinking more like a teacher than a judge.”

On Saturday Craig initially stayed stony-faced when he gave a “10” to Love Islander Tasha Ghouri and pro Aljaz Skorjanec, as they landed the first ­perfect 40 of the series for their American Smooth to Lewis Capaldi’s Someone You Loved.

Craig eventually broke into a smile as he was hugged by judges Motsi Mabuse, Shirley Ballas alongside Anton Du Beke.

Craig, a judge for 20 years, once revelled in his role as the BBC show’s pantomime villain — and would regularly receive death threats.

Among his past catty comments, he told broadcaster Jeremy Vine that he danced “like a stork that had been struck by lightning.”

He gleefully informed former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith that she “limped about like you were lost at a party somewhere, drunk”.

Craig even went for pal and then-dancer Anton for “awful fake teeth he was wearing” — before realising they were Anton’s own.

In 2018 Craig also gave Anton and fashion writer Susannah Constantine the lowest possible “1” score for a routine.

The Aussie has used the “1” paddle more than any other judge, and said he would have scored some contestants “0” had the paddle been available.

But speaking to the Radio Times, he says of the newer celebs: “They’re much more talented now than they used to be.

“Back then it was pretty tough on people who couldn’t dance.

“I was very direct.”

Head judge Shirley, 64, has opened up in the past about hate comments from viewers who disagree with her critique.

She almost quit in 2022 as she struggled with online trolls.

Shirley revealed: “Once it starts steamrolling, it goes even further, and then it gets personal, about your being and how you look.”

But Craig has never cared about any backlash and plans one day to publish some of the worst comments aimed at him.

He added: “I think, ‘Wonderful, that’s a brilliant one for the book.’

“I’ve been keeping all these comments and so-called death threats from people who have five followers and no dance knowledge, and I’m going to shame them.”

Fans should not worry he’s changed too much, as he admits he’ll never play too nice.

Craig said: “I’m not there for their emotions.

“I don’t care how it affects them in that way, because they need to learn and respect my opinion.”

Anton, who switched from dancer to judge in 2021, agrees that he got “the worst” of Craig’s acid tongue.

Asked if his pal had ever upset him, Anton reasoned: “No.

“It was harsher in the old days and Craig couldn’t get away with it now.”

Motsi, 43, and Shirley have also admitted diluting their feedback in recent years.

Motsi said: “I would never want somebody to feel in any way shamed or belittled.”

Shirley added: “I might think I’m going to say one thing, then I see that they have struggled or made mistakes.”

After Giovanni quit the show amid an investigation into his treatment of Amanda, and following Graziano’s axe, the BBC brought in measures including chaperones in the training room to protect all parties.

Craig pulling a face at the judges’ hugs
Craig cracks up laughing after Motsi mobbed him
Craig’s new approach comes in the wake of the Giovanni Pernice-Amanda Abbington bullying probe[/caption]

Craig believes the pros’ desire to win is embedded in their DNA.

He said: “These dancers are world champions.

“They’ve been taught properly to win, and the only way you’re going to achieve that is by someone driving you.

“You can’t just change that overnight.”

Craig added: “Celebrities are sensitive because they’re in the public domain.

“They’ve got reputations to protect and don’t want to be seen looking stupid.

“So it’s about having someone there in the room and guarding both the celebrity and the professional.

“They still need to be pushed, because we can’t get away from the fact that dancing is hard, but it’s a light entertainment programme as well.”

The BBC’s probe into Giovanni cleared him of ten out of 16 allegations.

Six were upheld, including bullying and harassment.

The report concluded that Giovanni was not abusive to Amanda, did not make threats and was not intimidating.

But it did find moments of “inappropriate behaviour of sexual banter in the workplace” plus use of swear words and “belittling, dismissive and insulting” language.

Graziano has vowed to clear his name after training room footage suggested he had kicked Zara during the 2023 series.

Radio Times
Craig told Radio Times of the newer celebs: ‘They’re much more talented now than they used to be’[/caption]

Celebrity put-downs were best bit of show

By Rod McPhee, TV Editor

THERE was once a time when Craig Revel Horwood’s put-downs were the best reason to tune in to Strictly — sometimes they were worth the licence fee alone.

Well, not anymore.

Thanks to wokery, his acid tongue has been neutralised and the dance show has become the place where fun goes to die.

Even a Z-lister who can barely put one foot in front of another can revive/create a career ­without fear of him blowing up their plans with one of his gob grenades.

And that was what was absolutely delicious about his critiques — they were often the one bit of realism in a show which is all about fantasy and sparkles, and all being terribly lovely and nice to one another (at least, in front of the cameras).

Often, he would just say the things that many of us sitting at home were thinking, rather than the sycophancy regurgitated by so many of the other judges.

The saddest thing about Craig losing the ability to be brutally honest is it marks the end of “The Nasty Judge” which has been a characteristic of telly for almost 25 years now.

From Nigel Lythgoe on Pop Stars to Simon Cowell on X Factor and Jason Gardiner on Dancing on Ice, they’d all twizzle their moustaches while devising the most incendiary remarks.

Were we all clutching our pearls at home?

Of course we weren’t.

We were lapping it up, and the poor “victims” of this “abuse” would probably still go on and get about ten lucrative ad deals and a Channel 5 travelogue on the back of being on the show, anyway.

So, with the end of The Nasty Judge, also comes the end of the TV talent shows as we know it.

What sad, sterile times these snowflakes force us to live in.

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