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The Power of Pivoting: Karyn Twaronite’s Journey as EY’s Global DE&I Leader 

Karyn Twaronite’s career at Ernst & Young (EY) has evolved from tax specialist to global leader in diversity, equity, and inclusiveness (DE&I). A certified public accountant by training, Twaronite’s journey into DE&I has allowed her to drive meaningful change within one of the world’s largest multidisciplinary professional services firms. As she puts it, “Diversity isn’t just about identity—it’s about diversity of thought, experiences, backgrounds, and skills. This is a key business advantage when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent. The best way to cultivate this advantage is through inclusiveness, which encourages us to challenge ourselves and embrace new opportunities.” 

Karyn Twaronite

From Tax to Talent: Becoming a DE&I Leader 

Twaronite began her career at EY as a certified public accountant specializing in tax. Early on, she often felt like an outsider in certain settings. “Early in my career, I found myself often being ‘the only’ in various aspects, in the room,” she says, “which opened my eyes to the realities of diversity, equity, and inclusion, long before these topics were widely embraced.”  

As Twaronite’s career progressed, she found sponsors within the organization that propelled her career forward and had a profound impact on her own development. “Sponsors advocated on my behalf when I wasn’t in the room, believing in my potential and helping me grow,” she says.  

Twaronite’s transition from accounting to a role in EY’s talent division was a pivotal moment. “Mid-career, I was approached with an opportunity to work in a new talent division—something completely different from my path in accounting,” she explains. “I took the leap, and that decision became a pivotal moment in my career and opened doors I hadn’t expected.” This move allowed Twaronite to gain in-depth experience with and knowledge of human resources and organizational development, preparing her for her current global role overseeing DE&I initiatives at EY. 

Embedding DE&I Across EY’s Global Footprint 

Twaronite’s approach to DE&I at EY is comprehensive; she views diversity, equity, and inclusiveness as fundamental to the firm’s operations. “DE&I is embedded in everything we do—from our services to our internal culture—we listen to our people through periodic internal surveys to ensure they feel included and valued,” she explains. 

As co-chair of EY’s Global DE&I Steering Committee (GDEISC) alongside CEO Janet Truncale, Twaronite works closely with senior leaders to drive DE&I progress across the firm. “Our Global Executive has collectively committed to leading inclusively and increasing accountability for progress on diversity, equity, and inclusiveness,” she says. Alongside this committee, the Global Social Equity Task Force (GSET) focuses on fostering social equity, addressing awareness, and supporting inclusive leadership. Both groups help create long-term value for employees, clients, and communities through an organization-wide DE&I framework. 

DE&I Initiatives at EY: Innovation and Storytelling 

One of EY’s most recognized DE&I initiatives is the Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence (NCoEs), which promotes inclusion for neurodiverse employees. “We’re committed to building an inclusive culture where every individual feels seen, valued, and appreciated for their unique differences,” Twaronite says. EY Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence (NCoEs) have been recognized by World Economic Forum’s Global Parity Alliance as a leading DE&I initiative, she shares.  

EY also recently introduced the Uplift Social Equity storytelling campaign with a focus on social mobility, featuring personal stories from EY people and alumni worldwide. The campaign is designed to foster deeper connections by exploring diverse identities and backgrounds. “Storytelling plays a crucial role in revealing unseen barriers and creating strong connections, which drives our efforts to build more inclusive teams,” Twaronite explains. Presented in EY forums, industry conferences, and across social media, these stories have reached more than 3 million people in 100 countries, encouraging reflection and action on the importance of understanding diverse experiences. 

Cultivating Belonging and Engagement 

Twaronite emphasizes the critical role of belonging in fostering a productive workplace. “Research shows that when employees feel a sense of belonging, they are 3.5 times more likely to contribute their fullest potential,” she says. EY’s Belonging Barometer 3.0 revealed that over half of global employees hesitate to share certain aspects of their identity, fearing it might affect their careers. In response, EY offers access to networks, resources, and growth opportunities based on skills and mindset, aiming to broaden access to high-impact assignments and career advancement. 

EY leaders, Twaronite emphasizes, play an essential role in building this culture of belonging by fostering fairness and encouraging authenticity. “Leaders play a key role in advancing social equity by fostering authenticity, ensuring fairness in processes, and challenging outdated practices. We believe success should be determined by where you want to go, not your background,” she explains, underscoring her commitment to breaking down barriers to inclusion and advancement for all employees. 

AI-Driven Talent Acquisition and Equitable Hiring 

To build a more diverse workforce, Twaronite and her team have implemented AI-driven tools that promote inclusiveness in hiring. For example, the EY Candidate Assistant uses AI to recommend roles to candidates based on their skills and career ambitions. “EY Candidate Assistant uses AI to recommend roles to candidates that align with their unique skills and ambitions, including those they may not have considered,” she says. Internally, the EY Opportunity Marketplace helps employees by creating AI-powered skills profiles, which “help them showcase their qualifications, identify competency gaps, and pursue new opportunities within the firm.” 

EY’s Success Factors Job Analyzer is another tool that contributes to equitable hiring by ensuring job descriptions are free from gender bias. “We use our Success Factors Job Analyzer to ensure EY job descriptions are free from gender bias, embedding inclusion into our hiring practices and driving a more equitable recruitment process,” she explains. These AI-powered tools support EY’s commitment to recruiting and developing diverse talent that aligns with the firm’s current and future needs. 

Flexibility, Accountability, and the Power of Self-ID 

Twaronite is a strong advocate for work-life integration as a means of fostering inclusion, with hybrid work models playing a significant role. According to EY’s Belonging Barometer 3.0, “64% of workers reported an increased sense of belonging due to hybrid work.” This flexibility is especially valuable for women, with nearly half of EY employees identifying it as a key motivator for DE&I on their teams. 

To gain deeper insights into the diversity of its workforce, EY introduced expanded global Self-ID capabilities, allowing employees in over 100 countries to voluntarily provide personal information confidentially. “Currently, over 100 countries participate, helping us better understand and support our teams’ unique needs,” Twaronite notes. 

Accountability is another cornerstone of EY’s DE&I approach. “We’re focused on accountability to progress. EY uses the Global DE&I Progress Report (now in its fifth year) as a measurement, covering a range of differences—both visible and not visible, including people’s lived experiences,” she says. This report allows EY to assess progress across the firm, identify areas for improvement, and close gaps. 

A Resilient Commitment to DE&I 

In light of some companies scaling back DE&I efforts, Twaronite reaffirms EY’s steadfast dedication. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness are foundational and are business imperatives at EY. They are part of our values, embedded in our long-term strategy and key to attracting top talent,” she says. Data from EY’s Belonging Barometer shows that DE&I priorities influence job choices for 74% of global workers, particularly among Gen Z and Millennials. “Despite social and political tensions, employees increasingly look to their workplace for belonging—41% identify work as where they feel most connected,” she explains. 

Karyn Twaronite’s leadership at EY is transforming the firm’s approach to DE&I, ensuring it is integrated into every aspect of the organization. Her journey from tax professional to global DE&I leader reflects a deep commitment to fostering a workplace where employees feel empowered to bring their full selves to work. Through groundbreaking initiatives like the Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence, the Uplift Social Equity campaign, and AI-powered hiring tools, Twaronite demonstrates that DE&I is not just a moral imperative but a business one. Her work sets a high standard for inclusiveness, providing a model for organizations around the world. 

Lin Grensing-Pophal is a Contributing Editor at HR Daily Advisor.

The post The Power of Pivoting: Karyn Twaronite’s Journey as EY’s Global DE&I Leader  appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

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