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The Holiday movie ruined as Jude Law reveals truth about the iconic cottage & secrets of filming with Cameron Diaz

TIS the season for putting up your Christmas tree, eating mince pies… and watching Jude Law in The Holiday.

However, if you have ever had a dream of renting the fairytale cottage owned by Iris (played by Kate Winslet), be prepared to have your hopes dashed, by Jude himself.

The beautiful cottage that Kate Winslet’s character called home was actually fake and built by film crew[/caption]
Jude Law spoke about the sad news on BBC Radio Two[/caption]
The actor said the interior shots of the UK cottage were filmed in LA[/caption]

The British actor, 51, appeared on BBC Radio Two to chat about the popular festive flick with host Zoe Ball.

Even though the film is often watched year on year in many households, it hasn’t lost the shine for Jude.

He said: “I find it just honestly glorious.”

Guest star comedian Kerry Godliman asked: “Can you Airbnb that cottage?” hailing it as her “dream home.”

Sadly Jude was quick to ruin her Holiday fantasies. 

He revealed: “That cottage doesn’t exist. Ohh yeah.

“So the director, she’s a bit of a perfectionist, toured that whole area and didn’t quite find the chocolate box cottage she was looking for. 

“So she just hired a field and drew it and had someone build it.

“But here’s the funny thing, if you watch it. So, we were shooting in the winter here. 

“And every time I go in that door, we cut and we shot the interiors in LA about three months later.”

Kerry was horrified and said: “No, please stop!”

Zoe was equally distraught and added: “We don’t want to hear anymore. We can’t bear it.”

Kerry agreed: “That’s very upsetting.”

Jude smiled as he said: “Just burst the bubble, sorry.”

Jude shared how the director was a ‘perfectionist’ so had someone construct the cottage from her drawing[/caption]
Comedian Kerry Godliman was horrified at the news[/caption]
Zoe Ball jokingly begged Jude to stop breaking the illusion of the film[/caption]
The Holiday is still a popular Christmas classic, despite it coming out in 2006[/caption]

While a couple of the filming locations in the English countryside were created for the movie, several really exist in Surrey and Oxfordshire and you can visit in real life.

During one of their dates, Amanda and Graham visit Cornwell Manor, a huge country estate in Chipping Norton.

You can’t visit it as it isn’t open to the public, but you can hire the venue for weddings and parties.

The popular festive flick has a stellar cast, including Cameron Diaz, Jude, Kate and Jack Black, and it is a massive festive favourite at this time of year.

American Amanda is keen to house swap with Iris’s idyllic English cottage in The Holiday
The Holiday 2006 Universal Pictures
But the idea for Rosehill Cottage was based on Honeysuckle Cottage in Surrey[/caption]
In the film, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law’s characters went on a date to Cornwell Manor
Waverly Films, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures, Relativity Media
The property is only open for weddings and parties in real life[/caption]

Plot hole?

It follows the story of a house swap between Brit Iris and LA-based Amanda for Christmas, with both finding love in each other’s world.

But fans of The Holiday have begun speaking out after being left puzzled by one storyline in the movie.

Jude’s character Graham is a widower in the film following the death of his wife.

It later transpires that he has two young daughters, called Sophie and Olivia, who he is single-handedly raising.

But throughout the film, as he begins falling for Cameron Diaz’s character Amanda, Graham’s daughters keep disappearing.

His character Graham is a widower with two daughters[/caption]

Graham first meets American movie director Amanda on a drunken walk home from the pub.

He knocks on the door of his sister Iris’s cottage to find Amanda there following a house swap. Graham then decides to stay the night.

Later in the movie, Graham arranges to meet Amanda at the pub for the evening and later, he even declares that he ‘has the girls on New Year’s Eve’.

Cameron Diaz’s character lived in an LA mansion
Universal Pictures

Is Cameron Diaz's character's home real from The Holiday?

AMANDA Wood's Tuscan-style mansion was actually a real house in San Marino, California.

The house, built in 1928 by architect Wallace Neff and located at 1883 Orlando Road, is a Mediterranean-influenced California mansion.

However, the interior scenes were actually filmed at Sony Pictures Studios.

But one fan asked on X, formerly known as Twitter: “I am watching The Holiday and am I going mad, at the end of the movie Jude Law says ‘I have the girls on New Year’s Eve’ – sorry their mother is dead, who else would have them Jude?”

Perhaps Graham’s parents are extremely helpful when it comes to childcare.

There had been talk of the cast reuniting to film a sequel, however these rumours were quashed two years ago.

Original writer-director Nancy Meyers took to Instagram and said: “So many DM’s about this — sorry but it’s not true.”

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