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American mayor warned: ‘What he is offering is a form of insurrection!’

Denver, Colorado

The mayor of Denver, given the Republican sweep of the House, the Senate and the White House, almost certainly will be losing the federal support he’s enjoyed for his pro-illegal alien agenda.

And if he continues, under a White House run by pro-border security President Donald Trump, he “will lose,” according to a member of the U.S. Senate.

“What he is offering is a form of insurrection,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., explained during a television interview.

Paul said, “The mayor of Denver, if he’s going to resist federal law, which is a long-standing history of the supremacy of federal law, if he’s going to resist that, it will go all the way to the Supreme Court.

“I would suspect that he would be removed from office. I don’t know whether or not there’d be a criminal prosecution for someone resisting federal law, but he will lose. People need to realize that what he is offering is a form of insurrection where the states resist the federal government.”

Paul continued, “Most people objected to that and rejected that long ago. So (I) think the mayor of Denver is on the wrong side of history, and really, I think, will face legal ramifications if he doesn’t obey the federal law.”

WND previously reported when Denver Mayor Mike Johnston was asked about helping enforce federal immigration law.

“Absolutely not. We won’t do it,” Johnston said. And he elaborated, that he doubted federal forces would raid Colorado seeking illegal aliens.

“I do not believe that our governor is going to let them use our [Colorado] National Guard at the state level. Unless they were planning on bringing national guards mobilized from Texas or Alabama to come invade Colorado, I don’t know where they would find the forces to begin to do that.”

Johnston continued, “And that seems to me like a very, very bad idea from start to finish that no reasonable American would support.”

He said not only would his administration, but the people of Denver, would resist deportation procedures by federal forces.

“More than us having (Denver police) stationed at the county line to keep them out, you would have 50,000 Denverites there. It’s like the Tiananmen Square moment with the rose and the gun, right? You’d have every one of those Highland moms who came out for the migrants. And you do not want to mess with them,” he said.

The Gateway Pundit wrote about Paul’s comments on Face the Nation, calling it a “stern warning” to Johnston.

The senator said, “You know, I’m 100% supportive of going after the 15,000 murderers, the 13,000 sexual assault perpetrators, rapists—let’s send them on their way to prison or back home to another prison.”

He did say that the better way to handle the problem created by the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris agenda of open borders is to use judges, warrants, and such.

“So, I’m for removing these people, but through the normal process of domestic policing.”

The publication earlier had described how Johnston wanted Denver to be a “fortress of resistance,” with moves such as running Denver as a “sanctuary” city. He even suggested civil disobedience to block border security plans and deportation efforts.

Johnston later claimed he choice of words was poor.

Asked about civil disobedience, he said, “If I believe that our residents are having their rights violated, if I think things are happening that are illegal or immoral or un-American in our city, I would certainly protest it, and I would expect other residents would do the same.”

Denver Channel 9’s Marc Sallinger asked, “Trump’s new border czar, Tom Homan, has said that he is willing to arrest leaders like yourself for standing in the way of these policies they want to enact. Would you be willing to go to jail for these things?”

Johnston said, “Yeah, I’m not afraid of that. I’m also not seeking that. I think the goal is we want to be able to negotiate with reasonable people on how to solve hard problems.”

Earlier, it was lawyer Mike Davis, who formerly worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who pointed out Johnston’s plans could make him liable for allegations of conspiracy, obstruction and even assault on federal officers.

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