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Sir Michael Stoute’s ex-assistant to move into his old boss’ historic stable where the legendary Shergar was trained

SIR MICHAEL STOUTE’S former assistant trainer is moving into his old boss’ historic stable in Newmarket.

James Horton is hoping to begin training from Beech Hurst, the yard from which Stoute prepared the legendary Shergar to win the Derby in 1981, early next month.

James Horton is set to move into the famous Beech Hurst stables[/caption]

Horton, 37, was assistant to the now-retired Stoute for seven years before he began training in his own right in 2022.

He was headhunted by multi-millionaire owner John Dance to become his private trainer in Middleham, but that exciting venture quickly turned into a nightmare.

Dance was arrested in April 2023 over alleged fraud and his horses were prevented from running after the Financial Conduct Authority froze his assets.


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Horton eventually managed to move back down to Newmarket last year and has been training out of Park Lodge Stables, a portion of which he rents from Harry Eustace.

But the move to 68-box Beech Hurst on the Bury Road, which is the millionaire’s row of training yards in Newmarket, is a huge step forward in his career.

Horton hopes to be in a position to move in in the next couple of weeks and said it would be ‘exciting’ for him and his team.

Roger Varian took over the yard two years ago as an overflow, when his numbers were growing and Stoute’s were beginning to dwindle, but he was unable to fill the 126-year-old stable and it became available once again.

Beech Hurst was Stoute’s sole stable in the 1970’s until he expanded into Freemason Lodge, which is directly opposite on the Bury Road.

As well as Shergar, he trained 1986 Derby winner Sharastani and Classic winners Golan and Conduit from the famous stables, which underwent a major refurb three years ago.

Stoute continued to train from Freemason Lodge for three seasons after handing over the keys to Beech Hurst, but since he announced his retirement there has been a bidding war to buy up that historic yard. Kia Joorabchian’s Amo Racing are in pole position to become the new owners.

Horton has trained 36 winners so far in his career, with his biggest win coming in 2022 when Sam Maximus won the Hopeful Stakes at Newmarket.


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  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
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Remember to gamble responsibly

A responsible gambler is someone who:

  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
  • Only gambles with money they can afford to lose
  • Never chases their losses
  • Doesn’t gamble if they’re upset, angry or depressed
  • Gamcare – www.gamcare.org.uk
  • Gamble Aware – www.gambleaware.org

Find our detailed guide on responsible gambling practices here.

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