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My husband and I spent $200 at a historic Florida restaurant only accessible by boat. The views were great, but the food was even better.

I took a boat to a great restaurant, Cap's Place, in Florida.
  • My husband and I went to Cap's Place, a historic Florida restaurant only accessible by boat.
  • We took a free boat ride to the restaurant, where I enjoyed some of the best seafood I've ever had.
  • I'd recommend Cap's Place to anyone looking for a unique night out in the Fort Lauderdale area.

As a lifelong Florida resident, I love visiting under-the-radar spots throughout the state.

Recently, I decided to visit Cap's Place Island Restaurant, located just north of downtown Fort Lauderdale. The restaurant, which is listed on the US National Register of Historic Places, opened in 1928 as a restaurant and gambling den.

Today, Cap's Place is known for its seafood fare, speakeasy ambiance, and (best of all) sending a boat to pick up and drop off patrons during operating hours.

Recently, my husband and I decided to experience the boat ride and grab some seafood at Cap's Place. I'd been to the restaurant before, though it had been years since my last visit.

Here's what the experience was like.

To get to Cap's Place, we headed to the docks in Lighthouse Point, Florida.
Cap's Place operates a boat that picks passengers up in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

Cap's Place, which is located on a peninsula between Lake Placid and Florida's Intracoastal Waterway, ferries customers to the restaurant in a custom-built water taxi that can hold up to 25 people.

To get to the restaurant in time for our 7 p.m. reservation, we drove through winding neighborhood streets until we reached Cap's Dock, marked with a wooden sign next to a marina.

We parked in the lot and made our way to the dock, where we admired the views of Lake Placid.

We were a little worried at first because the boat wasn't at the dock.
After a short wait, the boat arrived to pick us up.

We didn't see the boat at the dock at first, so we called the restaurant. The staff assured us the captain would be back shortly, and sure enough, the boat was at Cap's Dock within minutes.

When he arrived, the captain told us the boat makes trips back and forth to the dock all evening. If the boat isn't at the port, guests can trust it will return soon.

On the boat, we enjoyed the views of Lake Placid and the homes lining its shore.
The short boat ride offered pretty views.

When we sat down, the boat felt cozy and elegant. The perimeter of the open-air cabin was lined with seating, and the entire area was covered by a small roof.

The ride to the restaurant, which took about 10 minutes, felt like traveling to a tropical island. The restaurant is surrounded by mangroves and just out of sight from Cap's Dock.

Along the way, we passed stately mansions, yachts anchored at private docks, and graceful birds flying above the calm water.

The boat ride was free (though tips are appreciated). We tipped $10 on both our rides to and from the restaurant.

Arriving at the dock at Cap's Place felt like stepping back in time.
After we arrived at the dock, we had a short walk to the restaurant.

Even before walking up the path to Cap's Place, I felt like I'd arrived in old Florida — a time when the state's natural beauty ran wild. The only sound was the lapping of the water against the dock.

We followed a path made of wooden planks that led directly to the restaurant and bar at Cap's Place.

The bar, located in a separate building, was filled with memorabilia, photographs, and newspaper clippings.
I loved soaking in the history of Cap's Place.

The restaurant is owned and managed by the three children of Al Hasis, who helped Captain Eugene Theodore Knight, or "Cap," found the restaurant nearly 100 years ago.

At least one of the siblings — Talle, Ted, and Tom — can usually be found at the restaurant during operating hours.

As I walked into the bar, I noticed newspaper clippings, photos, nautical items, and art prints depicting the restaurant's long history hanging on the walls.

I loved learning about the restaurant's construction (it was originally built on a beached barge) and looking at pictures from the owners' childhood.

We ordered drinks and enjoyed the room's wood furnishings and twinkling lights.
The bar area felt cozy.

At the bar, we ordered two drinks and conversed with one of the owners, Tom.

As we drank, he told us stories about the restaurant's success during Prohibition, when smuggling alcohol from Bimini (a district in the Bahamas) was a known service.

He also told us about some of the celebrities — like Joe DiMaggio —who he said dined at Cap's Place.

We spent $30 on a vodka tonic and a glass of wine, including the tip.

Next, we headed to the restaurant for dinner and ate a delicious seafood feast.
The Maryland-style crab cakes were delicious.

When we moved to the restaurant, which is adjacent to the bar, Talle showed us to our table. The dining area, a spacious wood-frame building filled with large glass windows, offered beautiful water views.

We ordered an Okeechobee hearts of palm salad and another glass of wine. Cap's Place specializes in seafood, so we got the Maryland-style crab cakes and yellowtail snapper as entrées.

It was some of the most delicious fare I've ever eaten. For dessert, we split a piece of key-lime pie, which was sweet and tangy.

We spent $150 on our dinner, including the tip.

After a short walk around the property, we caught the boat back to the dock.
We headed back home at about 10 p.m.

At about 10 p.m., we headed to the dock and caught the boat back to the port.

Along the way, soft glittering lights from houses reflected on the water, and there was a nice breeze. It was a magnificent evening out.

I'd recommend Cap's Place to anyone in the Fort Lauderdale area, and I'm already planning our next visit.
I can't wait to go back to Cap's Place.

Since our dinner at Cap's Place, I've been telling everyone how remarkable this historic restaurant was. The boat ride, the food, and the owners of the restaurant were amazing.

Altogether, we spent about $200 on food, drinks, and tips. It's more than I'd normally pay for a night out, but it feels worth it for a place steeped in Florida history.

I can't wait to take the short boat journey and enjoy the delicious food at Cap's Place again.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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