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EastEnders fans beg bosses to bring back iconic character for 40th anniversary and save Phil Mitchell

EASTENDERS viewers have called on show bosses to bring back a beloved character for the 40th anniversary – for a reunion with old friend Phil Mitchell.

The fan favourite character primarily appeared as a regular on the BBC soap during the 2000s.

EastEnders fans have called for Minty Peterson to return[/caption]
Minty was introduced in the soap as an old friend of Phil Mitchell[/caption]
Cliff Parisi has continued his acting career since leaving EastEnders in 2010[/caption]

Minty Peterson (Cliff Parisi) was first introduced in 2002 as Phil’s old friend.

Ahead of the landmark 40th anniversary, viewers have suggested he should make a return to Walford.

Taking to Reddit, one wrote: “Do you think Phil needs somebody happy like Minty back since Phil is vulnerable?

“We don’t know if Grant is coming back, but why not Minty, he could and a couple of Phil’s mates from the past.”

Another penned: “I wouldn’t mind seeing him back but not sure how he’d fit in.”

While a third chimed in: “I want minty and Gary back.”

A fourth commented: “I wouldn’t mind if minty and grant came back.”

Others, however, pointed out possible obstacles to a Minty comeback.

Referring to Cliff Parisi‘s schedule, a fan said: “I think the actor is on Call The Midwife and so is probably occupied with that.

“A one off episode is probably the most you could get.”

During his time in Walford, Minty became best friends and flatmates with Garry Hobbs (Ricky Groves).

He was also briefly married to Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison) between 2008 and 2009.

By 2010, Minty left Walford after leaving Heather – and being written out of the storyline.

Since leaving the BBC show, Cliff has played Fred Buckle in Call The Midwife since 2012.

In addition, he appeared in episodes of shows such as Outnumbered and Hollyoaks.

Call The Midwife: A breakdown

Call The Midwife first came onto the airwaves in 2012 and has been seen by millions. But what is it about?

Series one: Set in early 1957 and it explored the ‘Baby Boom generation, which included themes of poverty and post-war immigration.

Series two: Set in 1958 and it showed gas and air being introduced for pain relief for the first time. It ended with the Nonnatus House building being condemned.

Series three: Set in 1959 and it depicted gruesome conditions such as cystic fibrosis, polio and it showed the midwives in the context on prisons.

Series four: Set in 1960 under the threat of nuclear warfare and the emergency response guidelines issued by the local Civil Defence Corp. Other themes included LGBT rights, and syphilis.

Series five: Set in 1961 and it shows the care of patients with conditions such as Typhoid and strokes. We also saw the effects of thalidomide, the introduction of the contraceptive pill.

Series six: Set in 1962 and domestic violence was at the centre of the season. Other themes included FGM (female genital mutilation), mental health issues and interracial marriage. It was also notable for the introduction of Reggie, a recurring character with Down Syndrome.

Series seven: Set in 1963 and we see Nurse Lucille Anderson for the first time. We also see the show address conditions such as dementia, huntington’s disease, leprosy and meningitis

Series eight: Set in 1964 and it bravely covered the issue of abortion, which was not legal for another three years in 1967. Sickle cell disease, cleft lip, cleft palate and intersex people also featured.

Series nine: Diptheria was at the centre of the ninth instalment in 1965, and it was notable for featuring a blind expectant mother. But the role of Nonnatus House within the community also came into question.

Series ten: Set in 1966, Nonnatus House has a rival in the form of the private Lady Emily Clinic in Mayfair. PKU, diabetes and the controversy surrounding abortion were central themes.

Series eleven: Set in 1967 amid the housing crisis and a scabies epidemic. The show was rocked by a train crash right next to Nonnatus House.

In 2019, Cliff ventured into the reality world by appearing in I’m A Celebrity.

He entered alongside Corrie legend Andy Whyment, who plays Kirk Sutherland.

Cliff was the third star eliminated, while Jacqueline Jossa went on to win.

EastEnders continues on BBC One and iPlayer.

Rex Features
Cliff starred in I’m A Celebrity back in 2019[/caption]

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