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Eight popular beers set to be AXED from pubs over Christmas

ALMOST half a dozen popular beers are set to be axed from pubs over Christmas.

Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company (CMBC) is ditching eight classic British cask beers from its offerings in a matter of weeks.

PA:Press Association
Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company is to discontinue beers[/caption]

Punters will still be able to buy some of the beers in bottled form, but they will no longer be available in cask or keg format.

The decision has gone down badly with real ale enthusiasts and fans loyal to the brand.

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) were the first to spot the delisting, slamming the decision as “another example of a globally owned business wiping out UK brewing heritage”.

CAMRA’s real ale, cider and perry campaigns director and vice chair, Gillian Hough said: “I hope that this change will mean space on the bar for licensees to stock guest beers from local independent breweries, but realistically, I suspect this isn’t what CMBC plans.

“This loss of consumer choice is the inevitable outcome of a brewing conglomerate run by accountants and the bottom line.

“This is a sad and disappointing decision that puts both the history and the future of British brewing in jeopardy.”

A spokesperson for CMBC said the brewer is always reviewing its lines to best appeal to customers.

They added: “Understandably, where demand has sadly declined we do have to make the difficult choice to delist beers.

“We continue to invest in and launch new cask ales as well as support popular traditional cask ales ranging from Banks’s Amber Bitter to Marston’s Pedigree.”

Punters have taken to social media to share their sadness to axe the popular beers.

One Facebook user said: “I am boycotting all of these mega corporations like Marstons.

“Support your locally-owned, locally-brewed beers. Most of us still have one”

Another wrote: “Sad for the brewers and staff plus the old buildings.”

A third added: “Shame. A lot of history going.”

Full list of eight beers being axed by Carlsberg Marston's

THE confirmed list of beers that are being axed by CMBC is as follows:

  • Banks’s Mild
  • Banks’s Sunbeam
  • Bombardier (keg)
  • Eagle IPA
  • Jennings Cumberland Ale
  • Mansfield Dark Smooth (keg)
  • Mansfield Original Bitter (keg)
  • Marston’s Old Empire
  • Marston’s 61 Deep
  • Ringwood Boondoggle
  • Ringwood Old Thumper

While a fourth cried: “Bit of a bizarre move.”

The manufacturer has confirmed that the beers will be discontinued at the end of December, so you may see them disappear over the Christmas period.

In July, Carlsberg announced plans to buy out UK pub-group Marston’s from their CMBC venture in a deal worth £206million.

It was later revealed that Wolverhampton’s Banks’s Brewery, which opened in 1875, could shut for the final time in the autumn of next year.

CMBC blames a decline in cask ale volumes and Mahou San Miguel’s decision not to renew its licence partnership from 2025.

However, it remains unclear if production will continue at another facility after the Bank’s brewery shuts down.

CMBC did retain the Hobgoblin brand by moving production to a new facility following the closure of its Wychwood Brewery last November.

The Sun has asked CMBC which beers will be available in bottles and we will update this story once we hear back.

However the brewery did confirm that Jennings Cumberland ale will continue to be sold as bottled beer.

More beer changes

These eight beers are not the only ones to be discontinued, or changed in recent months.

Drinkers have been campaigning to get Carling Premier back in to supermarkets after its manufacturer Molson Coors said it was no longer viable to produce in cans.

Meanwhile, Fullers has axed Bengal Lancer – a 5% Indian pale ale (IPA).

Grolsch has become the latest lager to slash its booze content.

The Dutch Pilsner has gone from 4% alcohol by volume (ABV) to 3.4%, according to The Grocer.

It comes after the beer was relaunched in the UK by brewer Asahi in 2020 after being discontinued the previous year due to a decline in popularity.

Heineken reduced the alcohol content of John Smiths Extra Smooth from 3.6% to 3.4% ABV at the start of the year.

The drinks company said the decision to make the bitter weaker was to promote healthy drinking.

Last year, Carlsberg lowered its pilsner to 3.4% from 3.8% ABV.

Meanwhile an investigation by The Sun found alcohol levels in popular supermarket wines have been cut — but the prices have not followed suit.

They say they are doing it to keep prices low after UK Government alcohol duty reforms, which mean stronger booze incurs higher taxes.

Heineken also reduced Fosters ABV from 4% to 3.7% at the start of 2023.

How to save money buying alcohol

Alcohol can be pricey if you’re planning a party or hosting an event but there are ways to cut costs.

It’s always important to drink responsibly, here, Sun Savers Editor Lana Clements share some tips on getting booze for the best price.

Stocking up can mean big savings on drinks, especially if you want to buy wine or fizz.

The big supermarkets regularly offer discounts of 25% when you buy six or more bottles of wine. The promotions typically run in the lead up to occasions such as Bank Holidays, Christmas and Easter.  

If you know you are going to need booze later in the year, it can be worth acting when you see offers.

Before buying your preferred drink make sure you shop around to find the best price – you can use a comparison site such as pricerunner.com or trolley.co.uk.  

Don’t forget that loyalty cards can unlock better savings so make sure you factor that in too.

If you like your plonk, wine clubs can also be a good way to save money and try new varieties. You’ll usually have to pay a membership fee in return for cheaper price so work out if you will be buying enough to make the one off cost worthwhile.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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