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Watch the moment proud dad-of-22 Noel Radford gives away daughter Millie at lavish £9k wedding venue

IT’S arguably one of the most emotional points at a wedding – when a bride is walked down the aisle by her father.

And dad-of-22 Noel Radford’s pride was clear to see as he linked arms with daughter Millie to give her away at her wedding over the weekend.

Dad-of-22 Noel Radford walked daughter Millie down the aisle at her wedding over the weekend
He shook Harley’s hand as he gave Millie away in the traditional wedding move
Before pulling his soon-to-be son-in-law in for a fond hug
Millie also shared the moment dad Noel saw her in her dress for the first time[/caption]
As well as the two of them posing up for a cute selfie

Looking smart in his suit and tie, Noel beamed as he and Millie walked to the front, where her husband-to-be Harley Passmore was waiting.

Noel then shook Harley’s hand, before pulling him in for a fond hug as Millie stood beside him.

Harley shared a video of the heartwarming moment on his Instagram page, as he wrote alongside it: “Mr&Mrs Passmore!

“The most amazing day marrying the love of my life.

“Everything about our wedding day was just amazing from start to finish.”

Harley concluded by writing: “Thank you Sue and Noel @theradfordfamily for helping make our day the best.”

Millie’s sister Sophie was among those to comment on Harley’s video, writing: “We all had the best day ever. So bloody proud of you both!

“I wish we could do it again. Absolutely loved it from start to finish.”

“Honestly was one of the best days of my life,” Harley replied.

“It was so beautiful! I was honestly nervous for nothing – was such a blast from start to finish.

“I loved every moment of it.”

Harley, the father of two of Millie’s three children, and his new wife tied the knot at Wennington Hall in Lancashire on Saturday.

They pulled out all the stops for the occasion, with Millie opting to have seven bridesmaids and 10 flower girls.

Perhaps the size of her bridal party isn’t too surprising considering she’s one of Noel and Sue’s 22 children.

Harley also shared a video of himself and Millie on the dance floor, as he wrote over the top: “Would love to do all this night again.

“Was one of the best nights of my life marrying my beautiful wife!”

Millie Radford's relationship timeline

Millie is the seventh child and third daughter of parents-of-22 Sue and Noel Radford.

She shot to fame when the family landed their own Channel 5 show, 22 Kids and Counting, in 2018.

Millie got pregnant for the first time aged 18, and welcomed daughter Ophelia into the world in September 2020.

Millie is no longer with Ophelia’s father, whose identity remains a secret, as they broke up not long after she got pregnant.

The reality star opened up about her relationship with him and said: “He just wasn’t happy to step up and be a dad so he’s never been named.”

On February 20, 2022, she welcomed her second child, a son called Chester.

Millie kept her pregnancy secret until her due date and in March 2022, she opened up about Chester’s birth in a question time “catch up” on her Instagram stories.

She also identified Chester’s dad for the first time, revealing he was her secret boyfriend Harley Passmore.

In May 2023, Millie revealed she was expecting another child with her partner.

Her baby, a daughter named Jade, was born in September 2023.

In April 2024, Millie excitedly told fans Harley had asked her to marry him during a trip to Disneyland in Florida.

In July, mum Sue let slip that Millie and Harley will be tying the knot before the end of the year, and even shared a snap of the bride-to-be looking at potential wedding dresses.

Last week, he’d admitted he was feeling nervous ahead of the wedding day.

Sharing a picture of himself and Millie to his Instagram stories Harley wrote: “Only so many days til I see my beautiful wife-to-be walk down the aisle.”

He then invited followers to ask him any questions they wanted answering, with the Instagram users happily obliging.

Someone told Harley to “enjoy the wedding and embrace it all”, with the 23-year-old responding: “We will do, thank you so much.

“I can’t wait!”

“How are the nerves?” another questioned.

With Harley admitting: “Not great lol, so nervous.

“But thank you so much”.

Sue then shared the heartwarming selfie on Instagram too
And she also shared a snap of the bridesmaids and flower girls together
Harley also posted this snap with new wife Millie on his Instagram

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