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How is Davina McCall doing? Latest updates after star underwent brain surgery to remove tumour

DAVINA McCall has undergone surgery after she was diagnosed with a very rare brain tumour in November 2024.

Here we take a look at how Davina is recovering from the procedure, as well as the timeline of her ongoing health battle.

Davina McCall held back tears in her latest health update[/caption]

How is Davina McCall?

The latest reports suggest that Davina McCall is making a good recovery from the surgery to remove her brain tumour.

She was put into the intensive care unit (ICU) following the operation on November 15.

Her boyfriend, hairdresser Michael Douglas, shared the happy news that she was out of the ICU three days later.

The latest news of her recovery comes from Davina herself.

On November 25, 2024, she posted a video where she’s seen fighting back tears while discussing her “slow recovery”.

Timeline of Davina’s brain surgery battle

October 17

Davina hinted at her brain tumour when she broke down in tears on her Begin Again podcast ahead of her operation.

Speaking to Fearne Cotton on the show, she struggled to contain her emotions while heaping praise on the presenter.

She said: “It feels so fruitful to me for you this journey, watching you go on it. And kind of getting to know you a bit at a really difficult time, around quite a difficult time in your life.

“And watching you do this pivot and how, I mean, your interviewing technique is so good.”

Fearne replied: “Coming from you, I could literally die happy now.”

Davina continued: “I mean, listening to you now is a joy. I’m like, ‘Oh wow, this is so good.’

“Because I see it from your side really. I’m not just listening to the person you’re interviewing. I’m listening to your questions. But I’m in awe of you.”

When Fearne returned the acclaim, saying: “Well, it goes two ways,” Davina’s eyes filled with tears and she whispered: “Sorry.”

After they took a moment to hug, she added: “I cry a lot. But I feel, I feel… sorry. I feel like I’m really proud.”

November 15

Davina revealed she had a benign brain tumour in a pre-recorded Instagram video.

She said: “A few months ago, I did a menopause talk for a company and they offered me a health scan in return, which I thought I was gonna ace.

“But it turned out I had a benign brain tumour called a colloid cyst which is very rare.

“Three in a million. So I slightly put my head in the sand.”

Davina added: “I saw quite a few neurosurgeons, I got lots of opinions and I realised that I have to get it taken out.”

“It’s big for the space. It fills the space.

Davina thanked her hairdresser boyfriend Michael Douglas in the video[/caption]

“It’s 14mm wide and it needs to come out, because if it grows, it would be bad.

“So I’m having it removed via a craniotomy.

“They go through the top of my head here and through the two halves of my brain to the middle, and get the cyst, take it out, empty it, take it out and Bob’s your uncle.

“Say a prayer for me. I am in good spirits.”

Davina’s partner Michael appeared in the video alongside her saying she will be taking time away from work and social media.

Michael captioned the post: “Hey everyone. Michael here.

“@davinamccall will be ‘off grid’ for a bit while she recovers from this brain operation. She is in great shape and in very good hands.

“I’ll I do the odd update from her account here for anyone interested. I’m sure she’ll read all the comments when she’s able to so feel free to send love.

“The support of people is amazingly powerful. Have a great day everyone. Michael xxx.”

Davina told fans she will be resting in hospital for nine days after the procedure.

Michael has supported Davina throughout the process, even keeping fans updated about her recovery

Later the same day, Davina had the surgery.

Michael revealed that the six-hour operation to remove the 14mm growth was a complete success, but said she was recovering in the ICU.

On the evening of November 15, he wrote in a statement: “Hey all. Davina is out of surgery and according to the surgeon it was textbook!

“She’s currently recovering in ICU as a precaution, as you can imagine she’s utterly exhausted.

“Thanks so much for all the love from everyone on here… it’s powerful stuff, we are super grateful. Michael xx.”

NHS guidelines suggest it can take six weeks for a full recovery from such an operation.

On the day she went under the knife, an episode of her podcast was released in which Davina opened up about her ongoing health battle.

Before undergoing the procedure to remove the growth, Davina pre-recorded an entire series of hour-long interviews so that the series can continue while she recovers.

Davina said: “I’ve actually been going through this for a while.

“But you’ll be listening to this on the day that I’m having an operation.

Symptoms of a benign brain tumour

A benign brain tumour is a mass of cells that grows relatively slowly in the brain.

Benign means it in not cancerous.

Non-cancerous brain tumours tend to stay in one place and do not spread.

Some slow-growing tumours may not cause any symptoms at first.

When symptoms occur, it’s because the tumour is putting pressure on the brain and preventing a specific area of the brain from working properly.

As the tumour grows and increases pressure in the skull, you might experience:

  1. New, persistent headaches that are sometimes worse in the morning or when bending over or coughing
  2. Feeling sick all the time
  3. Drowsiness
  4. Vision problems, such as blurred or double vision, loss of part of your visual field and temporary vision loss
  5. Epileptic seizures that may affect the whole body, or you may just have a twitch in one area

See a GP if you develop any of these symptoms.

They’ll examine you and ask about your symptoms.

If they suspect you may have a tumour or are not sure what’s causing your symptoms, they may refer you to a brain and nerve specialist for further investigation.

Source: NHS

“They would class a colloid cyst as being big as 10mm and mine is 14 – 20mm is enormous.

“The point with mine being 14mm is that it fills the space and it’s got nowhere to grow.”

She added: “I don’t want you to worry about me, I am good, me and Michael are rock solid.

“My kids are great, they are dealing with it brilliantly. And I’ve got really good friends around me.

“I’ve got lots of people looking out for me. Look, I am a fighter right.

“That is that. I’m going to go into this – all I know is that I’ve chosen an amazing surgeon.

“I have absolute faith in him. I’m going to give him the steering wheel, strap myself into the passenger seat, put my seat belt on and enjoy the ride.

“As they are putting me under with the anaesthetic, I’m going to set an intention and I’m going to say ‘love, love, love, all the way’.”

November 18

An update was released with the good news that Davina was out of the ICU following her surgery.

Posting on Instagram, boyfriend Michael said: “Update – Mega progress these last 24 hours.

The presenter was diagnosed with the benign tumour purely by chance

“Massive relief to see some light breaking through. Thanks for all the good vibes coming in from all angles. Up and Up.”

He added: “Thanks so much to all the well wishers. She really has made an enormous leap forward in the last 24 hours.

“She is out of ICU. She is ‘loving awareness’. Thank you xx – Michael.”

November 23

Davina shocked Ant and Dec when she made a surprise appearance on I’m A Celebrity following her brain surgery.

The much-loved presenter thrilled fans when she popped up in the comment section during the duo’s Instagram Live.

While she didn’t show her face on camera directly, Davina sent the pair a message reading: “Hey everyone! Still here” with a laughing face emoji.

Dec happily replied: “Hey Davina McCall is here everybody.”

Ant added: “Hope you are feeling well… sending you lots of love from the jungle.”

From behind the camera someone bellowed: “We love you Davina.”

Making a swift exit, Davina said: “I’m gonna sign off now.”

Ant and Dec were all smiles when they saw Davina pop up on their Instagram Live chat

Ant joked: “We were too much for her, we were too loud.”

November 25

Davina released her first video following the operation.

Posting on Instagram, a teary-eyed Davina said: “Hey! Thank you for the messages. It’s meant the world.

“Just want to thank Michael, who gets best boyfriend ever award.

“Voted for by me and everyone that knows us. Also, best mum ever award to Gaby McCall.

“Thank you mumma. For being best grandma and mumma ever. I am feeling much better.

“Had a great night’s sleep in my own bed. Have a couple of sleeps during the day which keeps my brain clear. Slowly, slowly…

“Huge gratitude, and love for the world and my life and the beautiful people in it.

She added: “Thank you to all my friends. You are the best. Thank you to Cleveland Clinic and my amazing neurosurgeon. Kevin. I love you.

“Thank you Sydney, Sarah, and all the amazing beautiful souls that cared for me. Get used to this. It’s going to be pouring out of me.”

Symptoms of a benign brain tumour

A benign brain tumour is a mass of cells that grows relatively slowly in the brain.

Benign means it in not cancerous.

Non-cancerous brain tumours tend to stay in one place and do not spread.

Some slow-growing tumours may not cause any symptoms at first.

When symptoms occur, it’s because the tumour is putting pressure on the brain and preventing a specific area of the brain from working properly.

As the tumour grows and increases pressure in the skull, you might experience:

  1. New, persistent headaches that are sometimes worse in the morning or when bending over or coughing
  2. Feeling sick all the time
  3. Drowsiness
  4. Vision problems, such as blurred or double vision, loss of part of your visual field and temporary vision loss
  5. Epileptic seizures that may affect the whole body, or you may just have a twitch in one area

See a GP if you develop any of these symptoms.

They’ll examine you and ask about your symptoms.

If they suspect you may have a tumour or are not sure what’s causing your symptoms, they may refer you to a brain and nerve specialist for further investigation.

Source: NHS

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