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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I was so fat I had to rock just to get up – after years of bingeing 15,000 kcals every day I’ve shed 14st

AT the age of 18, Max Radovanic could barely get out of bed due to his size.

But having undergone an incredible weight loss transformation, he’s now revealed the simple hack that helped him shed more than a half his body weight.

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Max Radovanic was a fast food fanatic, consuming 15,000 calories a day[/caption]
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At his heaviest, Max weighed 30st 7lbs and found it difficult to move around[/caption]
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It took Max four years to lose over 14st – he stresses it wasn’t a quick fix[/caption]

At his heaviest, Max, now 22, weighed 30st 7lbs – which he attributes to a 15,000 calorie a day diet.

He said: “I get asked a lot about what I ate to get to that weight.

“The answer? A lot. And not the good kind.”

Max, from Grand Junction, Colorado in the US, would start the day at Maverik gas station with two M.O.A.B. breakfast burritos stuffed with Black Forest ham, sausage, bacon, potatoes, eggs, and a three-cheese blend – and wash it all down with two Irish Cream Java Monsters, followed by two Pink Sugar Cookie bars.

And that was just for breakfast, For lunch, he would head to McDonald’s for a calorie-fuelled feast. 

He said: “Four McDoubles, four Hot ‘n Spicy McChickens, and as many sauces as they’d give me – that was my lunch.

“Then for diner, I’d grab two bags of frozen El Monterey Beef and Bean Green Chili Burritos and drench them in full-fat ranch. I’d usually add a Reese’s or strawberry milkshake.

“That’s what I’d eat, day after day.”

At his peak weight, Max was brought to breaking point. Barely able to get out of bed, he’d have to rock back and forth to build momentum just to stand up.

He said: “At that weight, I was barely mobile. It got to the point where walking a single mile felt like an impossible challenge.

“Once I’d decided I needed to lose weight, or I’d be stuck in a body I hated for the rest of my life, I started thinking of ways I could begin moving again- even just a little.”

There was a small walking path near his house, and he made it his goal to reach the end and back without having to call his mum to pick him up.

Recalling his first walk, he said: “I remember that mile felt brutal; my legs hurt, my joints hurt, I could barely catch my breath. But I kept going.

“The next day I was sore, but I got up and did it again.

“After three months, that walk started to get easier, so I doubled the distance.”

Max then started looking at his diet and worked on changing that too.

It sound ridiculous, but I’m glad I was once morbidly obese. Being overweight was tough, no question about it, but I don’t think I’d have the habits and discipline I have now if I hadn’t gone through that journey.

Max Radovanic

He explained: “In the beginning, I was obsessed with tracking calories and macros. I didn’t miss a day of calorie counting for four years. I thought everyone should track every calorie, every protein gram.

“But eventually, I realised that calorie tracking was doing more harm than good. I was obsessing over every bite, binging if I went over, and feeling anxiety around food.

“So I quit tracking cold turkey. I stopped worrying about how much I was eating and focused on whole foods.”

It took Max four years to lose over 14st. People who see his transformation photos think it happened overnight, but it didn’t, he insisted.

He said: “It was a slow process, building habits one at a time. I didn’t even hit the gym until I had those first walking and dietary habits down.

“It sound ridiculous, but I’m glad I was once morbidly obese. Being overweight was tough, no question about it, but I don’t think I’d have the habits and discipline I have now if I hadn’t gone through that journey.

“Losing the weight taught me consistency and grit, skills I’ve applied to every area of my life – whether it’s my career, my relationships or just getting up every morning to stay active.”

Max’s advice for others is: “If you’re on a weight loss journey, try applying the habits you’re building to other parts of your life. I can almost guarantee you’ll see a big improvement, just like I did.”

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Max’s first step on his weight loss journey was to start walking more[/caption]
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Max didn’t hit the gym until he had those first walking and dietary habits down[/caption]

Max’s simple weight loss hack

Max’s simple weight loss hack? Allow a cheat meal every week.

He said: “I went two years with zero cheat meals, and it wrecked my metabolism. I ended up on 1,600 calories a day, and I was still feeling terrible.

“Now, every Friday, I let myself go all out – a cheeseburger, fries and a box of Little Debbies.

“It keeps me motivated throughout the week. Knowing I have that one meal to look forward to makes it easier to stay on track the other six days.”

He also urges others looking to lose weight o ditch the scales. He advised: “Throw away your scales. After losing over 200lbs, I realised it’s the worst way to measure progress.

“Body weight can fluctuate 10 to 15 pounds in a single day, especially if you’re a big guy like me.

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect – sometimes you need that cheat meal to keep going

Max Radovanic

“Instead, use photos and measurements to track changes. Week to week, I could see the difference in the mirror, even if the scale wasn’t budging.”

Today, Max’s mission is to help others through their own weight loss journeys by sharing insights he learned the hard way, working as an online transformation coach and content creator.

He said: “A lot of people are looking for a quick fix, like a magic weight loss peptide.

“But the truth is, it’s about discipline and consistency. You can’t rush a transformation.

“If you’re just starting don’t get overwhelmed. Start small, build those habits, and apply what you’re learning to other parts of your life.

“Losing weight helped me become a better person physically and mentally. It’s worth every sore muscle and every tough day.

“And remember, you don’t have to be perfect – sometimes you need that cheat meal to keep going.”

How to lose weight without surgery

There are various other ways to lose weight without going under the knife.

According to the NHS, to get the best possible start on its weight loss plan, there are the seven steps you should follow.

  1. Get active for 150 minutes a week – you can break this up into shorter sessions
  2. Aim to get your 5 A Day – 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables count as 1 portion
  3. Aim to lose 1 to 2lbs, or 0.5 to 1kg, a week
  4. Read food labels – products with more green colour coding than amber and red are often a healthier option
  5. Swap sugary drinks for water – if you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavour
  6. Cut down on food that’s high in sugar and fat – start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives
  7. Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust – they can help motivate you when you have a bad day

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