Madagascar’s authorities have reported that 46 people have survived a perilous journey from Somalia to the French territory of Mayotte
At least 24 people have died after two boats capsized in the Indian ocean off the coast of Madagascar, Somali authorities reported on Sunday.
The boats, carrying migrants from Somalia, were en route to the French territory of Mayotte when the tragedy occurred.
Madagascar’s Port, Maritime, and River Authority stated that the boats set sail on November 2, embarking on a journey of several hundred kilometers. Fishermen discovered the first vessel adrift near Nosy Iranja on Friday and rescued 25 people. However, seven passengers from that boat lost their lives.
A second boat reached Madagascar’s Port du Cratère, where 23 people were rescued, APMF said.
While the death toll for this vessel remains unclear, Somali Information Minister Daud Aweis confirmed the total number of passengers on both boats was 70, 38 on one vessel and 32 on the other.
Somalian Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi stated that 46 survivors had been rescued so far.
“We are working tirelessly to ensure the survivors are brought back home safely and provided with the necessary care,” the minister stated.
Aweis condemned those who organized the illegal journey, adding that “this is also a message of warning to those who want to immigrate illegally before they go and die in such manner. It is unfortunate people still go despite danger,” he said during a televised address.
Authorities in Somalia and Madagascar are continuing rescue efforts and the investigation into the circumstances of the capsizing.
In early November, at least 25 people died when a traffickers’ boat capsized near the Comoros islands. Back in April, 38 migrants perished and 22 were rescued after a shipwreck off the coast of Djibouti on a frequently used route to Yemen. Most of the survivors were Somali and Ethiopian nationals.
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