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Awkward moment Coleen Rooney ‘exposes’ I’m A Celeb star Dean for ‘faking his fear’

COLEEN Rooney “exposed” I’m A Celeb star Dean McCullough for “faking his fear”, fans claimed.

Viewers noticed the moment as Ant and Dec went into camp on Sunday night to reveal that the Radio 1 DJ had been picked to do yet another trial.

Coleen Rooney ‘exposed’ Dean McCullough for ‘faking his fear’
Dean was consoled by his co-stars after being voted to do another trial
Fans think Coleen has Dean figured out

He was told he would take on “Jack and the Screamstalk” – a challenge that will see him climb 50ft in the air to retrieve stars while dealing with creepy crawlies.

It came after he took part in Absolute Carnage with Coleen Rooney, and four other trials since the show started last Sunday.

And when he found out about his most recent trial, Tulisa was quick to comfort the star.

She said: “It’s not necessarily critter-related,” to which Jane added: “It’ll be height.”

Both of them consoled Dean and gave him a hug after the trial verdict was revealed.

Jane continued to add that she thinks the Jack and the Screamstalk challenge would be a tower.

Tulisa asked Dean how he deals with height, if that were the case, saying: “How are you with that?”

But before he could answer, Coleen was quick to chime in: “Dean, you said yesterday crossing that bridge that heights don’t bother you.”

Dean didn’t respond, but instead questioned what the challenge was called.

Now, fans have taken to social media to say Coleen has Dean “figured out”.

One person wrote: “Dean would have definitely faked being scared of heights if Coleen didn’t shout, ‘Yesterday on the bridge you said heights don’t bother you Dean’. She knows his damsel in distress bit is fake.”

A second added: “Coleen just served Dean with a reality check and I am HERE for it!”

And a third person said: “Anyone notice Dean’s face when given the trial, then when Coleen revealed he said he wasn’t scared of heights he had to stop pretending to be scared.”

With so much time dedicated to the trials and Dean increasingly stressed out by the challenges, viewers are saying the others aren’t getting a chance to do anything.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), fans are now asking for a new twist to put a stop to the repetition.

I'm A Celeb 2024 - late entries

MAURA Higgins is a late entry to I'm A Celeb 2024. Yet who is joining her?

2019 Love Island star Maura, 33, will be a late entry to the jungle line-up.

She will head into the I’m A Celeb camp, along with the Reverend Richard Coles, 62.

The duo will join the likes of Coleen RooneyBarry McGuigan and Danny Jones in Ant and Dec’s jungle camp a week into this year’s star-spangled series. 

Yet initially the duo will have their own private base – and a secret mission – before heading into the main compound Down Under.

Maura has already described the jungle as “hell.”

Meanwhile Richard, who has starred on Strictly, has confessed his biggest “fear.”

One wrote: “Dear #ImACeleb producers – please change the rules about who gets voted for trials. I’m SO bored of watching Dean scream his way though these things.”

Another added: “I wish ITV would change it so that if a celeb has done the previous trial they’re not able to be nominated, we need to see them all do a trial and not the same dramatic Dean mmmkay.”

A third said: “They need to change the rules and have a limit on how many trials a celeb can do.

“Seems like Dean is being maliciously targeted because of a delight in his obvious trauma. This is getting ridiculous and boring now.”

A fourth noted: “This has been one of the most enjoyable seasons so far, so ITV don’t spoil it.

“If Dean keeps having to do trials, they’re all going to get cranky and that will ruin it, change the rules.”

Another wrote: “They need to change the rules where the person who does the trial is exempt the next day.”

While a sixth said: “Wishes #ImACeleb would change rules so that whoever did a trial cannot be voted to do the next one – it gets boring with the same person doing them.”

Dean is now in the running to become the star who’s done the most Bushtucker trials in the show’s history.

Katie Price and Gillian McKeith currently share the title, each taking on seven during their time in the jungle.

Jack and the Screamstalk puts him at six – and there’s only been eight so far.

GK Barry, Danny Jones and Coleen have all done one with him, while Maura Higgins and Reverend Richard Coles did one together as part of their initiation onto the show.

Dean is now in the running to become the star who’s done the most trials in the show’s history

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