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The cheapest and most expensive toys per play revealed – see the full list

BOOKS cost parents just 31p a day before kids get bored of them – compared to nearly £5 for devices like tablets, research says.

The cost per use of different children’s toys have been revealed with items such as iPads offering the least value.

A survey of parents has revealed the cost-per-play of toys

A poll of 1,000 children up to the age of 12 revealed bicycles, electric toys such as Scalextric and fantasy playsets, such as castles and dolls houses, also have the highest cost-per-play ratio – before a child gets bored of them.

These toys all average a cost of more than £4 per play, with a novelty racing track working out at almost £4.96 per use.

However, books were the best value, coming in at 31p, while sensory or fidget toys followed at 38p per play.

It also emerged 67% of parents believe their children have an average of six expensive toys they now barely play with.

The research was commissioned by children’s audio platform Yoto, which makes audio players that kids control without using a screen.

Chief executive officer Ben Drury said: “Christmas can be quite a costly time; so naturally parents are going to be weighing up what items are going to offer them true value while keeping the kids entertained.

“One important thing parents have to consider is whether a purchase is a ‘fad’ or a longer term investment.

“So often, a child can obsess over a character or particular toy for a short period before moving onto something else – leaving parents with an expensive product to store away.

“But ultimately, every parent wants a child to be thrilled and repeatedly use a more costly purchase regularly.

“Children can also come and go from presents – but often, you’re not going to get long term return on investment on a one-time novelty toy.

“But you will from something they can use as they grow and can adapt to their varying and changing tastes, so there’s lots to consider when weighing up the next big Christmas gift.”

It also emerged educational toys, such as shape sorters, worked out at only 69p per play, with water toys such as super soakers or pool toys at 72p.

Outdoor toys such as scooters or skateboards came in at £1.25 per use, while sports equipment averaged at £1.37.

According to the averages, novelty toys such as light up yo-yos, slime or a whoopee cushion were engaged with least, followed by science kits.

Losing interest quickly, preferring other toys, or items requiring batteries becoming a hassle were the top reasons pricey purchases don’t get used.

As a result, 43% would be happy to hand them onto friends and family to use, while 32% will hang on to them in the hope younger siblings will have more interest.

While six in 10 have found themselves regretting an expensive purchase, with 22% of these doing so regularly.

Despite this, parents believe pricier items keep their kid’s attention for longer according to the OnePoll data.

What to watch out for when buying toys online

HERE are the British Toy and Hobby Association's top tips for buying toys online:

  1. Shop early. Don’t leave purchases to the last minute rush which might leave you fewer options of where to buy from.
  2. Check out third-party sellers. Look for sellers you recognise and trust. Be cautious of retailers you don’t know and do your research checking reviews and where they’re based.
  3. Go for branded toys. Try and choose a branded toy as then you can compare it to the manufacturer’s own website to check it’s legit.
  4. Be careful of going for the cheapest price. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
  5. Check if there are any age restrictions. Make sure you give suitable toys to children based on their age.
  6. Check reviews carefully. Some reviews are fake so look carefully at the comments.
  7. Stay with children at first. When your child opens a toy for the first time, stay with them and check for faults, detachable small parts, access to stuffing and loose or accessible batteries or magnets.

A child’s specific request for a toy, educational benefits and entertainment value were the top three considerations when looking at what to buy them.

According to data from Yoto, over three quarters of their customers continue to regularly use their audio players three years after purchase, working out at an average cost of 9p per day.

Ben Drury from the brand, added: “There are different ways to balance out the value you feel you can get from a present for a child.

“Items such as books and art supplies are low cost and high engagement, but may not deliver the biggest ‘wow factor’ on Christmas morning.

“While some products cost more, parents need to consider the amount of actual time a child plays with a present.

“If kids are engaged with a gift for a long time and on a regular basis while learning and developing – it can pay itself off tenfold.

“And if it can help a child use their imagination, even better – bringing books and stories to life can really feed a child’s creativity and you can’t put a price on that.”

Cost per play of kids’ toys – according to parents

  • Books – £0.31
  • Sensory toys (e.g. slime, kinetic sand, fidget toys) – £0.38
  • Art supplies (e.g. drawing kits, sketchbooks) – £0.47
  • Educational toys (e.g. shape sorter) – £0.69
  • Water toys (e.g. water guns, pool toys) – £0.72
  • Painting/crafting toys – £0.74
  • Novelty toys (e.g. light up yo-yo, slime, whoopee cushion) – £0.76
  • Robotics and coding kits – £0.79
  • Role-play and dress-up sets (e.g. costumes, cooking sets) – £0.82
  • Board games and puzzles – £1.00
  • Building toys (e.g. LEGO or Duplo) – £1.08
  • Science kits – £1.12
  • Outdoor toys (e.g. scooters, skateboards, trampolines) – £1.25
  • Action figures and playsets (e.g. superhero, movie-themed) – £1.35
  • Sports equipment (e.g. mini basketball hoops, football goals) – £1.37
  • Dolls or figures of popular characters – £1.62
  • Creative building toys (e.g. Play Doh) – £1.66
  • Vehicles – £1.85
  • Musical instruments – £1.93
  • Plush/stuffed toys – £2.03
  • Remote control toys (e.g. cars, drones, boats) – £2.17
  • Collectibles like trading cards – £2.93
  • MP3 players – £3.02
  • Ride-on toys (e.g. bicycles, electric ride-ons) – £4.14
  • Electric toys like Scalextric or model trains – £4.53
  • Fantasy playsets (e.g. castles, dollhouses, pirate ships) – £4.91
  • Tablet (e.g. an iPad) – £4.96

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