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I made a gorgeous garland for my home using B&M bows – it took seconds and everyone says it looks incredible

THIS season bows are everywhere – in our hair, on our gifts, on our clothes, and in our homes.

The festive trend has indeed taken over, with numerous home interior retailers offering stunning bow garlands to their customers.

In total, the epic garland cost her just £6 and people online are obsessed with the results[/caption]
Not only was the project purse-friendly but also super simple, only calling for bows and a hot glue gun[/caption]

But what if you could make your very own Christmas garland for a faction of the price – whilst also getting into the festive spirit?

This is exactly what one savvy DIY fan, only known as @at_the_mcgillens on TikTok, decided to do, sharing the tutorial and epic results on social media.

In the video, the thrifty woman explained that she had snapped up two sets of cute bows for a mere £3 each from B&M, boasting an adorable baby pink and forest green colour.

The rest was pretty straight-forward – once she had removed all the backs off, the DIY lover grabbed the hot glue gun and proceeded to glue the bows together on the side.

”Two packs made one long garland across my fireplace – and I absolutely love it.”

The gorgeous transformation cost her just £6 – or a staggering £120 less than if you were to buy a similar ready-made one from the posh Anthropologie brand.

All chuffed with the stunning makeover, which fit the living room aesthetic perfectly, the woman went on in the comments: ”So, so easy.

”You can’t beat pink and green.”

If your local B&M has run out of the festive decor must-have, she also advised to check out The Range, which has a huge variety of colourful bows and ribbons.

The video has clearly impressed many, as it’s racked up more than 70k views, with over dozen people flooding to comments.

One cried: ”I can’t seem to get bows anywhere this Christmas!”

Another DIY fan wrote: ”I just bought these today, plan to do the same.”

”I need to do this!!” someone else was inspired after watching the simple tutorial.

10 DIY hacks for under £1 each

These simple and affordable DIY hacks can help you get creative while saving money

Homemade Air Freshener:

Mix baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place it in a small jar with a perforated lid to keep your home smelling fresh.

Upcycled Tin Can Planters:

Clean and paint empty tin cans to use as stylish planters for herbs or small plants.

Custom Phone Stand:

Use a sturdy piece of cardboard or an old plastic credit card to create a custom phone stand. Decorate it with washi tape or paint.

DIY Lip Scrub:

Combine sugar and a bit of honey or coconut oil to make a natural lip scrub. Store in a small container.

Personalised Bookmarks:

Use old greeting cards or decorative paper to create unique bookmarks. Punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon for a finishing touch.

Decorative Mason Jars:

Paint or decoupage old mason jars to use as decorative vases, storage containers, or candle holders.

Easy Cable Organiser:

Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize cables and cords. Decorate the rolls with colorful paper or tape.

Magnetic Spice Jars:

Attach small magnets to the lids of small jars and stick them to a metal board or fridge for easy-access spice storage.

Handmade Coasters:

Cut out squares from old corkboard or felt and decorate them with paint or fabric to create custom coasters.

Natural All-Purpose Cleaner:

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent. Use it to clean surfaces around your home.

A fourth reckoned the colour scheme was ”giving Wicked vibes”.

If you don’t have a hot glue gun at hand, you can order the DIY essential from a variety of stores, including Amazon where it sells for as little as £6 or Hobbycraft.

The popular store offers a handy mini version that will set you back just £2.50, as it’s currently on sale.

Glue guns can also be used to adhere to small joints in furniture assembly and woodworking projects.

The hot glue bonds very well with materials like MDF, laminate, foam, wood, fabrics, and particle boards. 

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