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Новости сегодня

Новости от TheMoneytizer

European airline cancels hundreds of flights to top winter destination next month – affecting thousands of Brits

MORE than 300 flights have been cancelled next month due to a pilot strike – with a number from the UK affected.

Finnair has confirmed that they have cancelled hundreds of flights during the busy Christmas season.

Finnair has cancelled hundreds of flights next month[/caption]

The strike is being conducted by the Finnair Air Line Pilots Association, taking place on December 9 and 13 next month, who are walking out to “secure a fair contract” with the airline.

Around 300 flights have been affected, with more than 30 flights to and from the UK being cancelled – meaning thousands are facing disruption.

The following UK flights have been cancelled:

Cancelled flights on December 9 

  • AY 1331 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1332  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1335 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1336  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1337 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1338  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1339 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1341 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1343 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1344  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1361 Helsinki to Manchester
  • AY 1362 Manchester to Helsinki
  • AY 1365  Helsinki to Manchester
  • AY 1366 Manchester to Helsinki

Cancelled flights on December 10

  • AY 1340 London to Helsinki
  • AY 1342 London to Helsinki

Cancelled flights on December 13

  • AY 1331 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1332 London to Helsinki
  • AY 1335 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1336  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1337 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1338  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1339 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1341 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1343 Helsinki to London
  • AY 1344  London to Helsinki
  • AY 1361  Helsinki to Manchester
  • AY 1362  Manchester to Helsinki
  • AY 1371 Helsinki to Edinburgh
  • AY 1372 Edinburgh to Helsinki

Cancelled flights on December 14

  • AY 1340 London to Helsinki
  • AY 1342 London to Helsinki

The majority of flights will affect Brits heading to the Finnish capital, a popular destination for the Christmas season.

Some tourists may also be visiting Helsinki before going onto Lapland, which is an overnight train away – dubbed the Santa Express during the festive season.

Finnair’s Chief Operating Officer Jaakko Schildt said they were “disappointed” that the strike was going ahead.

They said: “This unfortunately disrupts the travel plans of thousands of our customers during the pre-Christmas season.

“We are doing everything we can to serve our customers well even in this difficult situation and will offer alternative flights to as many customers as possible.”

However, they warned that a number of passengers may rerouted on dates “not close to the original” flight plan due to the volume of cancelations.

Schildt apologised and added: “Finding suitable new flights for thousands of customers takes time, and our customer service will be congested during the weekend, so we ask our customers to be patient.

“We are all doing our utmost to make it possible for our customers to carry out their travel plans despite this unfortunate situation.” 

Flight compensation rules

A look at your rights if a flight is delayed or cancelled, when your entitled to compensation and if your travel insurance can cover the costs.

What are my rights if my flight is cancelled or delayed?

Under UK law, airlines have to provide compensation if your flight arrives at its destination more than three hours late.

If you’re flying to or from the UK, your airline must let you choose a refund or an alternative flight.

You will be able to get your money back for the part of your ticket that you haven’t used yet.

So if you booked a return flight and the outbound leg is cancelled, you can get the full cost of the return ticket refunded.

But if travelling is essential, then your airline has to find you an alternative flight. This could even be with another airline.

When am I not entitled to compensation?

The airline doesn’t have to give you a refund if the flight was cancelled due to reasons beyond their control, such as extreme weather.

Disruptions caused by things like extreme weather, airport or air traffic control employee strikes or other ‘extraordinary circumstances’ are not eligible for compensation.

Some airlines may stretch the definition of “extraordinary circumstances” but you can challenge them through the aviation regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Will my insurance cover me if my flight is cancelled?

If you can’t claim compensation directly through the airline, your travel insurance may refund you.

Policies vary so you should check the small print, but a delay of eight to 12 hours will normally mean you qualify for some money from your insurer.

Remember to get written confirmation of your delay from the airport as your insurer will need proof.

If your flight is cancelled entirely, you’re unlikely to be covered by your insurance.

Hundreds of flights have been cancelled across the UK in recent days after Storm Bert brought high winds and even snow to the country.

More than 300 flights departing from UK airports were cancelled during Storm Bert, according to aviation analytics firm Cirium.

Flights from London, Manchester and Edinburgh to Helsinki have been affected[/caption]

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