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Regulation could put working families’ jobs on the line and imperil our supply chain

Over 20,000 jobs for working families are at risk in California’s Inland Empire. The reason? Fallout from a regulation raising concerns amongst businesses, labor groups, government officials, and even environmental advocates

Let’s take a step back. Founded over 50 years ago, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has been a world leader in air pollution control, smog reduction, and climate science. And the air across Southern California is better for it. 

However, CARB’s new “In-Use Locomotive Regulation,” mandating railroads like Union Pacific and BNSF set aside hundreds of millions of dollars today for the technology of the future, risks undermining this precarious balance. While the goal of reducing emissions is commendable, the technology required to meet this mandate is not yet commercially viable to move freight across the country. 

BNSF has said that its planned $1.5 billion investment in the Barstow International Gateway (BIG) is in jeopardy if the regulation moves forward. As a result, this regulation could jeopardize over 20,000 direct and indirect jobs in the high desert. 

BNSF plans to develop the 4,500-acre Barstow rail yard, intermodal facility and warehouses for transloading freight project in the next few years, creating thousands of jobs and reducing truck miles traveled from the 130-mile trip from the ports to the Inland Empire along the Interstate 15 corridor. The project would also reduce vehicle miles traveled up and down the Cajon Pass from high desert residents who would have job opportunities closer to home. 

However, the costs of complying with the regulation and transitioning to non-existent technology would divert capital and resources from railroads, threatening the viability of significant investments like BIG. The potential loss of the BIG project would deal a significant blow to the local economy, particularly to the working families in the region.

Moreover, over 86,000 businesses and one in nine jobs in Southern California connected to the San Pedro Bay Port Complex depend on efficient rail connections. Maintaining these connections is essential for the region’s growth and stability and we cannot afford increased traffic congestion and carbon emissions from continuing to force freight onto highways. 

Freight rail, which is responsible for 40 percent of U.S. long-distance freight but only 1.7% of transportation emissions, is one of our most efficient means of moving goods. BIG is also touted to be a state-of-the-art answer to many of the regional and national supply chain issues we’ve all felt over the last several years as our ports have been winning back trade from importers because they are rail connected. 

While the goals of CARB’s locomotive rule are aligned with our shared commitment to addressing climate change, the regulation’s timing and feasibility are out of step with current technological realities. Our organizations agree with CARB on this: we see a path forward for zero emissions locomotives; we need to convene to align timing, technology, and transition. 

As Californians, we understand the urgency of transitioning to a zero-emission future, but we must also ensure that our policies support both environmental and economic sustainability. By aligning climate goals with technological capabilities, we can protect jobs, support economic growth, and continue to lead in the fight against climate change while maintaining good jobs for working families in our region.

Jon Switalski is the executive director of the Rebuild SoCal Partnership. Sarah Wiltfong is the chief public policy and advocacy officer at the Supply Chain Council

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